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When do you know you're 'fucked'???

underwear fun

Well-known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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Well the definition says:

v. fucked (fk) Vulgar Slang
1. To have sexual intercourse with.
2. To take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. Used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal.

So these boys surely know they're fucked. Right???

So when do you know you're fucked? or if you're a top How do you let the other guy/girl know they're fucked?

For me, I know I'm fucked when I see my bf rolling a condom on....then there is no going back! And when its my turn I have this look and my bf knows what's going to happen to him. lol



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Damn. That's my kind of good time right there!

I always know I'm fucked when I see, a) gun oil b) a hog tie kit c) an extention cord or d) duct tape, laying on the bed.

When you know you are really fucked...

I guess this has only happened twice to me with two different friendships, emotionally speaking and not sexually. It has happened when I have cried "wolf" one time too many and all future dialogue is off the table and no resolution is in sight!

Take heed, sometimes you get exactly what you actions ask for, if not specifically your intention. Sometimes insecurities run amuck!


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Damn. That's my kind of good time right there!

I always know I'm fucked when I see, a) gun oil b) a hog tie kit c) an extention cord or d) duct tape, laying on the bed.


Hmmm... you are the first person I thought of when I saw those pictures;) DAMN! I'd like to play like that... once....
Well the definition says:

v. fucked (fk) Vulgar Slang
1. To have sexual intercourse with.
2. To take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. Used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal.

So these boys surely know they're fucked. Right???

So when do you know you're fucked? or if you're a top How do you let the other guy/girl know they're fucked?

For me, I know I'm fucked when I see my bf rolling a condom on....then there is no going back! And when its my turn I have this look and my bf knows what's going to happen to him. lol


I know I'm fucked when I see the fruits of my oral labor have paid off and I've been pinned to the bed and my favorite penis is heading straight for my....
Well the definition says:

v. fucked (fk) Vulgar Slang
1. To have sexual intercourse with.
2. To take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. Used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal.

So these boys surely know they're fucked. Right???

We were amused to find you have managed to break into our private play room and photograph some of our "slaves in training" You will of course now have to be hunted down and added to our "growing" collection! Perhaps you would prefer to name the accomplice who aided you in committing your crime? We might make it easier on you by using lubricants currently "Floating" around the moat! What say you, Sir Stimpy!?
I rest my case

Well the definition says:

v. fucked (fk) Vulgar Slang
1. To have sexual intercourse with.
2. To take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. Used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal.

So these boys surely know they're fucked. Right???

We were amused to find you have managed to break into our private play room and photograph some of our "slaves in training" You will of course now have to be hunted down and added to our "growing" collection! Perhaps you would prefer to name the accomplice who aided you in committing your crime? We might make it easier on you by using lubricants currently "Floating" around the moat! What say you, Sir Stimpy!?

Her Majesty,

As owner/operator of the battleship SS Stimpy, being in port after loading tax-free barrel upon barrel of almond-scented Aura Glow, let me tell you these lucky boys are in for the royal awakening of a lifetime only after being allowed to first see the commercials for the Super Bowl as reluctantly agreed upon centuries ago in the Magna Carta.

Let me inform Her Majesty, after spending a day floating in your almond-scented royal moat of Aura Glow and without benefit of so much as an olive or a rainbow colored umbrella in sight, I'm feeling sublimely slippery, pretty polished off, and intrepidly invulnerable. Let me remind Her Majesty, my being so very humbled momentarily as a fishy "Sardine In Training": SIT. Even so, it is several levels above being a Royal "Slave Hostage In Training": SHIT as pictured in the drafty wire cages previously depicted.

For it is not the likes of me, but rather these little SHITS that truly warrant a thorough royal fucking. When considering your royal moat, Your Majesty needs only to determine exactly what, in all royal creation, floats better in the royal moat than a Royal SHIT? I rest my case and sentences will be slavishly performed henceforth.

So it goes without saying, these boys surely know they're fucked. Right!

Captain Ophelia Stimpy
SS Stimpy
To be fucked in the uk is to either have had taken some dick or in slang we often say "I'm fucked" if you're tired or knackered - same thing. Guess you can be fucked after being fucked lol.
HMMMM......maybe when there's a dick in your a$$?? tee hee!!
This guys are definitely fucked. LMAO :lol:

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Well Jayman, I see we do view some of the same sites! LOL! The machine being used in the top pic has seen many years of fine service, that based on the dates some of the vids in my collection have printed on them!

This guys are definitely fucked. LMAO :lol:


Dear Jayman,

Well, we now know where the "auto" part of the term cums from. I guess these willing "eroticees" tell us where the rest of this term cums from. I just wonder if these devices have multiple speeds like blend, grind, frappe, whip, cream, and liquify.

The inventiveness of others simply amazes me however, in comparison to the real thing, I wonder exactly what Consumer Autoerotic Reports has to say in their "anal analysis", as if we didn't already know their researchers are a bit on the "anal retentive" side anyways!

Always openned to new and broadening experiences,

Perhaps it is the plough position because "plow" was just a little too obvious?
Clearly position 6 is meant to be held until the instructor is through with you?:wink:

I was thinking that this was the case. I was just wanted to be sure that my students were gettingthe most out of the Plough position in their Yoga sessions. BTW, I think I am going to find an all night Yoga studio after work today... See you all reall soon.:001_tt2::biggrin:
Dear Jayman,

Well, we now know where the "auto" part of the term cums from. I guess these willing "eroticees" tell us where the rest of this term cums from. I just wonder if these devices have multiple speeds like blend, grind, frappe, whip, cream, and liquify.

The inventiveness of others simply amazes me however, in comparison to the real thing, I wonder exactly what Consumer Autoerotic Reports has to say in their "anal analysis", as if we didn't already know their researchers are a bit on the "anal retentive" side anyways!

Always openned to new and broadening experiences,


Funny you should mention that. I have seen a model that was built on a Kitchen aide blender platform originally. I guess where there is a will there is a way.:biggrin:
Attachments, anybody?

Funny you should mention that. I have seen a model that was built on a Kitchen aide blender platform originally. I guess where there is a will there is a way.:biggrin:

Dearest Jayman,

I have already spend a couple of hours looking for a Commercial Grade Kitchen Aide blender for my platform. But, my one hesitation is that I don't have 220v power in my kitchen (in that my stove uses natural gas). With my 110v, everything works at only half speed and I can achieve only a "semi" from me. I can do better on my own without the appliances.

I've even contacted "Kitchen Aid" customer service, for assistance, but their response was to say that "I had the wrong number" and would not extend me enough courtesy to hear me out.:banghead:

However, I am not discouraged and it reminds me of your earlier suggestion..."I guess where there is a will there is a way". Now I am looking for "solar powered attachments". I feel this will addresss two big, no three big issues. One is simply orgasmic in nature and not too hard to figure out on its own and the other two could possibly turn my two ass cheeks into two bronze beauties almost as good as Undie's iconic golden cheeks!:biggrin::wink: Things are looking up to the sky for illuminating solutions that warms my heart and surrounding regions!


Always the playful one, that Undie!

Well the definition says:

v. fucked (fk) Vulgar Slang
1. To have sexual intercourse with.
2. To take advantage of, betray, or cheat; victimize.
3. Used in the imperative as a signal of angry dismissal.

So these boys surely know they're fucked. Right???

So when do you know you're fucked? or if you're a top How do you let the other guy/girl know they're fucked?

For me, I know I'm fucked when I see my bf rolling a condom on....then there is no going back! And when its my turn I have this look and my bf knows what's going to happen to him. lol


Dearest Undie where ever you are,

Always the playful one, that Undie, yet his playfulness has been its own reward as indicated in Undie's telling concluding line:

"For me, I know I'm fucked when I see my bf rolling a condom on....then there is no going back! And when its my turn I have this look and my bf knows what's going to happen to him. lol"

Fortunately for Undie's sake, one wants to believe that, in this particular instance, only the 1st definition applies especially when it comes to his beloved bf. God Bless them both with a happy life together in their mutually loving relationship!

What a Legacy your membership has created for us all!

Blessings and Best Wishes to you both!

Dearest Jayman,

I have already spend a couple of hours looking for a Commercial Grade Kitchen Aide blender for my platform. But, my one hesitation is that I don't have 220v power in my kitchen (in that my stove uses natural gas). With my 110v, everything works at only half speed and I can achieve only a "semi" from me. I can do better on my own without the appliances.

I've even contacted "Kitchen Aid" customer service, for assistance, but their response was to say that "I had the wrong number" and would not extend me enough courtesy to hear me out.:banghead:

However, I am not discouraged and it reminds me of your earlier suggestion..."I guess where there is a will there is a way". Now I am looking for "solar powered attachments". I feel this will addresss two big, no three big issues. One is simply orgasmic in nature and not too hard to figure out on its own and the other two could possibly turn my two ass cheeks into two bronze beauties almost as good as Undie's iconic golden cheeks!:biggrin::wink: Things are looking up to the sky for illuminating solutions that warms my heart and surrounding regions!



Get your aura glo and and try one of these state of the art models. LOL :w00t:
No Fucking Machines in my future...

Get your aura glo and and try one of these state of the art models. LOL :w00t:

Jayman, My dear,

You are too funny and you guessed it, I LMAO! (Also, I refused to rearrange the furniture.) Therefore, I no longer have any need for these scientific marvels. Thanks for saving me the bucks! I was driving myself crazy looking on site all over for an AARP discount and I couldn't find one.:cursing: Now, it is a moot point.

Oh well, my supply of Aura Glow definitely won't go to waste.:blushing: If my memory serves me correctly, didn't John Deere years ago have an ad slogan they ran on TV, "Once you get your hands on one, you won't let go"! Regardless of my memory issues, this is precisely how I feel about my relationship with my bottle of "Aura Glow" and it doesn't require reading instructions; a driver's license; sobriety; dressing up; or insurance to operate to one's satisfaction. It does pose a little problem when I take it to church to sing in the choir.

Now, I am free to concentrate on my oldest and most faithful one-eyed friend I ever have had and ever hope to have. Alas, I wont be self-sucking today,:mad: as I still have a some pain and tenderness from when I lost my ass in my mishap earlier today, no thanks to you!

Sincerely sore,

Stimpy, one horny dude