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what's straight?


New Member
Nov 3, 2008
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we are living in a wonderful time , where all the straight guys are so perfect in sucking dicks - all naturals? Anyway - hope it will spread all over the world :-)
I don't think I ever went to bed with a straight man that couldn't suck cock. It is kind of amazing now that I think about it. Two of my worst blow jobs came from guys that claimed to be gay. :wink: I may need to ponder this some more. I just wonder....

Kinsey, discovered that about 70% of the population fell into the category of Bi-sexual. I wonder why we need those stupid labels...

Can't people just be sexual...:001_wub: Oh, well... I guess this what happens when the moral (yeah, right) majority are sexually repressed... OMG, those people need to get over it and go have wild crazy mind blowing sex with someone just for fun. You would be surprised at just how wild some people can get. One straight guy sucked my dick so hard I had to pull the sheets out my ass.
Very good point, Jayman01, Come to think of it, all my best partners used to be straight, if you know what I mean! Personally, I am all for "wild crazy mind blowing sex with someone", problem is, I went and got married to beat Prop 8, so now all those potential partners are 'verboten'. , Seriously though, I think a large part of your "Moral Majority" is operating on a puritanical level that keeps them fearful of any 'experimental sex' It's too bad really. it wasn't til I decided to experiment that I really found freedom, of self and of expression.

On another note, good luck trying to outbid me on those sheets! LOL!!

Happy Holidays!
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Very good point, Jayman01, Come to think of it, all my best partners used to be straight, if you know what I mean! Personally, I am all for "wild crazy mind blowing sex with someone", problem is, I went and got married to beat Prop 8, so now all those potential partners are 'verboten'. , Seriously though, I think a large part of your "Moral Majority" is operating on a puritanical level that keeps them fearful of any 'experimental sex' It's too bad really. it wasn't til I decided to experiment that I really found freedom, of self and of expression.

On another note, good luck trying to outbid me on those sheets! LOL!!

Happy Holidays!

I just filled out Am. Ex. Platinum app. We will see...
we are living in a wonderful time , where all the straight guys are so perfect in sucking dicks - all naturals? Anyway - hope it will spread all over the world :-)
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could live in a world without Titles and Labels.:thumbup1:
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could live in a world without Titles and Labels.:thumbup1:

Yeah, tell me a bout it...:thumbup: Oh, my wouldn't that make us all equal !!!:cool:

I want to leave these words to inspire all who read them...

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." The above speech by Nelson Mandela was originally written by Marianne Williamson

Life is what you make it. You are who you are, and no matter where you go there you are. I encourage everyone to just let your light shine and stop worrying about petty labels. We are all spiritual beings experiencing a human condition. Whether male of female in physical form we carry the divine masculine and divine feminine energies inside each of us. This means that we all have the capacity to love people of both sexes whether passionately or in a more compassionate way. Have fun, live well, and be healthy. Embrace these energies and grow... “I am that, I am”
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alright jayman I love and live by that and encourage all to do the same
Okay, I'm bagged. I have had sex with women purely for my own pleasure. Gee, that's new! LOL! My man sex is very limited, but very missed. My first experience was at 13. In the school library. Sshhhssshhh. LOL!! Most people will NEVER understand. I can live with that, although I wish I didn't have to. I don't hate ANYONE that doesn't understand. They simply don't get it. If you don't feel the desire, how would you understand it? If you don't have the desire how would you know what they feel. I do think young men are so horny, they will hump anyone. Sadly, I'm not young anymore. If I were, I'd be a lot more proactive! LOL!!
Okay, I'm bagged. I have had sex with women purely for my own pleasure. Gee, that's new! LOL! My man sex is very limited, but very missed. My first experience was at 13. In the school library. Sshhhssshhh. LOL!! Most people will NEVER understand. I can live with that, although I wish I didn't have to. I don't hate ANYONE that doesn't understand. They simply don't get it. If you don't feel the desire, how would you understand it? If you don't have the desire how would you know what they feel. I do think young men are so horny, they will hump anyone. Sadly, I'm not young anymore. If I were, I'd be a lot more proactive! LOL!!

I could'n agree more. My only premise was to say. Live each day as if it were your last and without any regrets. If it feels right and it doesn't harm anyone else in the process do it...BTW you sounded prttty proactive to me anyway. Take care I think you are pretty awesome...:001_rolleyes::wink:
Thankyou, Jayman! I really appreciate that! I wish you were my neighbor! LOL!!
Well I may relocate after I graduate my Masters Program. No promises though. So, got any hot properties near by?