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What is your family heritage?


Active Member
Sep 29, 2013
Reaction score
Texas and Hawaii
Hello all...

My mind wandered this morning about the holidays as Rick and I are spending our first Christmas together in 7 years by ourselves here in Hawaii. I know, VERY rough but someone has to.

We both feel bad about being away from family but we needed this and our families fully support our decision.

Ricky's dad passed a couple of years ago, my dad is alive but we no longer talk. Our Moms are both great and doing fine. I got thinking about Christmas's as a kid and talking with grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc and have great memories.

All of that got me thinking about where our family came from.

My Mom's side of the family is English. My Mom's Grandfather was born and grew up in England. My Mom's maiden name is Norbury and her grandfather was born in Norbury, England which a village in Derbyshire. He was John Norbury. Obviously her family had something to do with that village settlement. I know it dates back to like 1080.

My fathers side of the family (Reed) is German. From the Hesse province of Germany near Darmstadt. The Reed's came to the USA about 1790. They settled in Utah and Ohio. My dads direct family were the Utah settlers and thus where the Mormon side came from as time went on. I put a quick stop to that part of the family tree!! LOL Well my uncle did first actually!

Ricky as you may or may not know was adopted when he was only days old. His biological parents had roots from Spain.
His adopted parents (real parents), His Fathers side surname Bell is from the UK as well. His great, great, great grandfather came to the USA from Edinburgh, Scotland.

So that is where Ricky gets his stubborn streak from!! LOL

His Moms family originates from France and she is just now doing research to find out more family info.

I know this is kind of boring but it's also pretty cool to think about family members dating back hundreds of years. What they were like, what they did, etc etc. who was gay LOL

Rick and I will someday travel to the UK & Germany to try and track family roots. Both of our parents already have a pretty detailed family tree to work from.

Hell I thought my family tree all these years was a stump!!!

Anyway I would like to hear about your family roots.

I am off to flight school! Have a great day everyone!

My Dad's side is Mexican, both my Grandparents were born in Mexico. My Mother's side is Native Indian. Her Father is Shoshone from Wyoming and her Mother is Klamath from Oregon. Both come from huge Family's 24 kids on my Dads and 12 from my Moms. My Mom is the oldest sibling and living person at 76 from her Mothers side. My Dad is # 19 or so lol so his Family as you can imagine is quite huge.

Recently there was a forum discussion on immigration. I chose to refrain from participating on that discussion. With no disrespect to anyone, I will also chose to refrain from this one. However, I will state that in my life, heart and soul I am an American Indian.

Have a great day at flight school. Maybe after you graduate you can fly all the forumites to some place exotic. Heck, we'll even go to Hawaii and learn how to surf as well as drink, eat and be merry!
My parents were both born here in Brooklyn, but all of my grandparents come from either Russia or Poland, where Jewish people were not too comfortable living in those countries back then.
Nice post Brad!!

I guess even though we are 3800 miles apart, we both were thinking of our family today! I just booked a flight and will be heading to Michigan to be with your Mom for Christmas. It will be a great visit with her and the cousins.

Hey, don't pile on Rick about being stubborn buddy! Our German blood lends to being pretty bull headed too! Especially you my nephew!
We have had some pretty good battles over things in the past! And your father and I are still in a battle he will never win!

I am so proud of both you and Rick and I miss you very much. I should be able to make the trip to see you in February!

I have enjoyed reading the responses so far and hope more will write too!

Love you Bradley!

Uncle Ned

Recently there was a forum discussion on immigration. I chose to refrain from participating on that discussion. With no disrespect to anyone, I will also chose to refrain from this one. However, I will state that in my life, heart and soul I am an American Indian.

Have a great day at flight school. Maybe after you graduate you can fly all the forumites to some place exotic. Heck, we'll even go to Hawaii and learn how to surf as well as drink, eat and be merry!

Hi Louis,

I am Brad's uncle! I read your post and it brought back a great memory of a good buddy of mine in college. We were roommates our first year in the dorm and beyond. His family is 100% Hopi from a tribe in Arizona.

He was/is hands down, the most attractive male I have ever met in my life. My heart sank to the floor when we first met. He had a great personality, really sweet guy and we lived together in the dorms and off campus as roommates for 4 years. We became and still are tremendous friends. His sister even more astounding if that is possible!

He is 6'2", had a naturally toned body with perfect abs, and what amazed me was his skin. It was so perfect and he had very little body or face hair. His face, eyes and smile would melt my soul every day! He could be on every magazine and catalog in the country if he had opted to be a model.

The guy had the girls lined up every day! We did a lot together, played sports and had a great time. I came out to him about 3 weeks into our first semester and he didn't flinch and in fact, was deeply honored I chose him as the only person I told at the time.

Brad is finishing up his multi engine certification right now. Lets make sure he picks us all up and fly's us back for a celebration of friends and his hard efforts!

Thanks for sharing in your post!

Albeit that this forum is private - to an extent, I do feel that Bradley has imparted with a lot of personal information. We really have to be careful what we right in these forums. I love Bradley and Ricky to bits, but just be careful dudes..
I understand what you mean Jon, but I personally have nothing to hide so I'm not paranoid with what I write.
Three grandparents immigrated from Sweden. They were born there. Making me the 2nd generation. I imagine I have a lot of relatives there. One grandparent's ancestors took a sail on the Mayflower (6 of them), making me the 10th generation descended from that group. I identify more with the Swedes than the Pilgrims. lol Having arrived in Mass. these guys settled in an around the Cape, present day P-town. All were farmers in Chatham, Barnstable, Yarmouth, Martha's Vineyard. Only one of these descendants left Mass and took 8 kids on his buckboard and 2 older boys riding horseback and headed to the Western Reserve (NE Ohio), land taken from Conn. was reimbursed with this plot in another state. Very good dirt in this part of country. That was Mayhew Luce. He started the Ohio clan. Henry and Clara Booth descend from Mass. The dirt was the reason my entire family was into agriculture. Excellent soil, from carving out the Great Lakes in last Ice Age., Greenhouses. Truck farms. At one time I had seven greenhouses I regularly visited on my bike. Just visitin.
An aside: The family became quite large. Over 200 would attend reunions,funerals, weddings, etc. We all knew each other. Here's the surprise, I am the sole survivor! When do I get the immunity idol, Jeff?
I understand what you mean Jon, but I personally have nothing to hide so I'm not paranoid with what I write.

It's not a case of being paranoid, which i am not - it's just a case that there are some people and businesses that thrive on obtaining information on people. It's surprising what a few snippets about yourself can reveal to these experts. Many people use birthdates, parents and grandparents names and or places of birth for passwords - the list goes on.

My mother gets on average 5 or 6 cold calls her day on her phone and this is after she subscribed to a service that is supposed to deny these callers. I have just got a new mobile phone number - it was a brand new number never used by anyone else and within one day I started getting cold calls. My grandmother got her credit card cloned twice a few years ago too. So you can see why I am pretty careful what I tell people. Sexual exploits are okay, but personal information - for me - is a no no.

I wouldn't be saying this either if I didn't love Bradley and Ricky xx
Both parents were born here in NYC one grandmother was born here too in NYC 2 grand fathers were born in Poland. One grandmother was born in Austria. All the grandparents that weren't born here migrated to NYC and shortly became citizens after being here a few years.
It's not a case of being paranoid, which i am not - it's just a case that there are some people and businesses that thrive on obtaining information on people. It's surprising what a few snippets about yourself can reveal to these experts. Many people use birthdates, parents and grandparents names and or places of birth for passwords - the list goes on.

My mother gets on average 5 or 6 cold calls her day on her phone and this is after she subscribed to a service that is supposed to deny these callers. I have just got a new mobile phone number - it was a brand new number never used by anyone else and within one day I started getting cold calls. My grandmother got her credit card cloned twice a few years ago too. So you can see why I am pretty careful what I tell people. Sexual exploits are okay, but personal information - for me - is a no no.

I wouldn't be saying this either if I didn't love Bradley and Ricky xx

I understand Mate, your just looking out!! xoxoxo

I will state that in my life, heart and soul I am an American Indian.

Was curious Louis if your registered in any Native Nation?

As history has been recorded, no, I am not registered. The reason is, for one to be registered one has to be on the rolls on a reservation. My grandmother was from a reservation that was destroyed along with all the records as well as my father's. Anything else I write about this subject will be with words of anger, and Peter, you know what I mean.
It's not a case of being paranoid, which i am not - it's just a case that there are some people and businesses that thrive on obtaining information on people. It's surprising what a few snippets about yourself can reveal to these experts. Many people use birthdates, parents and grandparents names and or places of birth for passwords - the list goes on.

My mother gets on average 5 or 6 cold calls her day on her phone and this is after she subscribed to a service that is supposed to deny these callers. I have just got a new mobile phone number - it was a brand new number never used by anyone else and within one day I started getting cold calls. My grandmother got her credit card cloned twice a few years ago too. So you can see why I am pretty careful what I tell people. Sexual exploits are okay, but personal information - for me - is a no no.

I wouldn't be saying this either if I didn't love Bradley and Ricky xx

I don't want to change the topic of this original post. However, Jon, you made a valid point. Last month, Linda got a text message from one of her Facebook friends inviting her to look into a good purchase deal. Without thinking or checking with me, she checked into it. Within an hour her entire checking account was drained out of all her money. She confronted her Facebook friend and the friend said she had never sent the text, that she didn't even know Linda's phone number.

Point well taken.
As history has been recorded, no, I am not registered. The reason is, for one to be registered one has to be on the rolls on a reservation. My grandmother was from a reservation that was destroyed along with all the records as well as my father's. Anything else I write about this subject will be with words of anger, and Peter, you know what I mean.

I understand brother!!! xoxoxo
It's not a case of being paranoid, which i am not - it's just a case that there are some people and businesses that thrive on obtaining information on people. It's surprising what a few snippets about yourself can reveal to these experts. Many people use birthdates, parents and grandparents names and or places of birth for passwords - the list goes on.

My mother gets on average 5 or 6 cold calls her day on her phone and this is after she subscribed to a service that is supposed to deny these callers. I have just got a new mobile phone number - it was a brand new number never used by anyone else and within one day I started getting cold calls. My grandmother got her credit card cloned twice a few years ago too. So you can see why I am pretty careful what I tell people. Sexual exploits are okay, but personal information - for me - is a no no.

I wouldn't be saying this either if I didn't love Bradley and Ricky xx


This is good and caring advice, Jon. It is possible to share the things you want and need to, without putting any of the crucial data (or yourself) at risk. You are wise to point this out.

Hello all...

My mind wandered this morning about the holidays as Rick and I are spending our first Christmas together in 7 years by ourselves here in Hawaii. I know, VERY rough but someone has to.

We both feel bad about being away from family but we needed this and our families fully support our decision.

Ricky's dad passed a couple of years ago, my dad is alive but we no longer talk. Our Moms are both great and doing fine. I got thinking about Christmas's as a kid and talking with grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc and have great memories.

All of that got me thinking about where our family came from.

My Mom's side of the family is English. My Mom's Grandfather was born and grew up in England. My Mom's maiden name is Norbury and her grandfather was born in Norbury, England which a village in Derbyshire. He was John Norbury. Obviously her family had something to do with that village settlement. I know it dates back to like 1080.

My fathers side of the family (Reed) is German. From the Hesse province of Germany near Darmstadt. The Reed's came to the USA about 1790. They settled in Utah and Ohio. My dads direct family were the Utah settlers and thus where the Mormon side came from as time went on. I put a quick stop to that part of the family tree!! LOL Well my uncle did first actually!

Ricky as you may or may not know was adopted when he was only days old. His biological parents had roots from Spain.
His adopted parents (real parents), His Fathers side surname Bell is from the UK as well. His great, great, great grandfather came to the USA from Edinburgh, Scotland.

So that is where Ricky gets his stubborn streak from!! LOL

His Moms family originates from France and she is just now doing research to find out more family info.

I know this is kind of boring but it's also pretty cool to think about family members dating back hundreds of years. What they were like, what they did, etc etc. who was gay LOL

Rick and I will someday travel to the UK & Germany to try and track family roots. Both of our parents already have a pretty detailed family tree to work from.

Hell I thought my family tree all these years was a stump!!!

Anyway I would like to hear about your family roots.

I am off to flight school! Have a great day everyone!



Dear Bradley ~

Super interesting story! In response, I will tell you that my Dad's family were all English, and super-Puritans (Queen Mary burned one of my ancestors to a CRISP, for thinking as he did): and they came to North America a very long time ago. Subsequently to be booted from the (new) U.S.A., as they remained loyal to King George.

My Mother's family came to Canada from the Lowlands of Scotland only in 1904. So they were new immigrants, here. But they had a long, well-documented, and interesting history, dating back to their arrival in Scotland with the Normans. (They were French, originally, I suppose - before there was such a thing as being TRULY French.) They lived in the Lowlands of Scotland, and were bred (as pit-bulls are now, for their malign offices) specifically to murder Englishmen.

And you are right about Scotsmen having a stubborn streak. . . you may tell Ricky I said so ;-)


P.S. Brad - If these sorts of questions interest you, I'd commend to you a lovely series on PBS called, "Finding your roots". In this series, a variety of famous Americans (from Ben Affleck to Derek Jeter): have had their (hitherto unknown) family trees traced, and even genetic testing done, to determine ancestry even further back. You might enjoy it. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/finding-your-roots/
It's not a case of being paranoid, which i am not - it's just a case that there are some people and businesses that thrive on obtaining information on people. It's surprising what a few snippets about yourself can reveal to these experts. Many people use birthdates, parents and grandparents names and or places of birth for passwords - the list goes on.

My mother gets on average 5 or 6 cold calls her day on her phone and this is after she subscribed to a service that is supposed to deny these callers. I have just got a new mobile phone number - it was a brand new number never used by anyone else and within one day I started getting cold calls. My grandmother got her credit card cloned twice a few years ago too. So you can see why I am pretty careful what I tell people. Sexual exploits are okay, but personal information - for me - is a no no.

I wouldn't be saying this either if I didn't love Bradley and Ricky xx

Hi Jon

Thanks for the concern and looking out for us. It is appreciated and while I don't think Brad offered any real info to track any of us, I agree you just never know....... and you KNOW we are both very careful about such things.

I just woke up and decided to check email for the first time all week. I have had my hands full with a 10 person group diving 4 dives a day. It has been fun with the exception a third of them are Brits!!! ( Just kidding you bro)!

This is Bradley's "Weekend at Bernie's". His reserve weekend for the Corps. He affectionately calls it Weekend at Bernie's as the base commander's first name is Bernard. So I wont see him until late Sunday night.

The whole reason Brad brought this family tree stuff up was because of me really. We have had several long talks about my biological family background and if I ever wanted to try and find them. Part of me does in a way but my parents are the best parents and people on earth. As are all of my relatives. But I guess in a very small way, I would like to find out. Brad and I are serious about someday heading to Europe to go look up his side there and a trip to Spain if I had my family history there would be cool.

With my dad passing away and all, I had not given it much thought but it's been a couple of years and the next time I go back home I will talk with Mom about it. I want that to be a face to face conversation. She knows it would be just general interest and I would never consider anyone else to be my parents other then her and my dad.

I have to get a quick run in, a little breakfast and off to work I go! I hope your weekend will be fun! Remember Santa's watching who is naughty and nice. Poor Santa probably had to add an extra data base for you!!!

Thanks again!

Love ya buddy!

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Dear Bradley ~

Super interesting story! In response, I will tell you that my Dad's family were all English, and super-Puritans (Queen Mary burned one of my ancestors to a CRISP, for thinking as he did): and they came to North America a very long time ago. Subsequently to be booted from the (new) U.S.A., as they remained loyal to King George.

My Mother's family came to Canada from the Lowlands of Scotland only in 1904. So they were new immigrants, here. But they had a long, well-documented, and interesting history, dating back to their arrival in Scotland with the Normans. (They were French, originally, I suppose - before there was such a thing as being TRULY French.) They lived in the Lowlands of Scotland, and were bred (as pit-bulls are now, for their malign offices) specifically to murder Englishmen.

And you are right about Scotsmen having a stubborn streak. . . you may tell Ricky I said so ;-)


P.S. Brad - If these sorts of questions interest you, I'd commend to you a lovely series on PBS called, "Finding your roots". In this series, a variety of famous Americans (from Ben Affleck to Derek Jeter): have had their (hitherto unknown) family trees traced, and even genetic testing done, to determine ancestry even further back. You might enjoy it. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/finding-your-roots/

Hey Ambi,

Thanks for the great story about your family! It seems our ancestors may have passed a time or two on the way for the Friday night "burning at the stake"!! LOL

Fun bunch they were back then!

And humbly I will admit I do have a stubborn streak! As much I hate to admit it and only doing so now because Brad isn't here!

Thanks for the link on the PBS program "Finding your roots". For sure we will find that and watch it. Brad will be very happy you sent that to him!

I am glad you pointed out this show is about ancestry! At first glance I thought it was "Finding your Root" and hell I have no trouble doing that now!!! LOL

Have a super day and hope to chat more on this!

Big hugs,