David and Mark, I really think you should pay attention to what ansleyn said in his post. While many of the "core" members of the forum have their favorite models, and enjoy watching these regulars, be they gay, bi or straight, I still believe that the "silent majority" of the actual viewers of this site came here for the same reason that I did, and that was to view young good looking guys who are ostensibly straight get naked and do sexual things with another dude. That is the "hook" and the turn on that brought me here, and I feel most certain that many other guys have the same fetish for straight guys that I do.
It has been pointed out scores and scores of times, that the Internet is loaded with sites that show good looking gay guys kissing, and sucking and fucking with passion and intensity. And that BluMedia now owns and operates, BrokeColleguys and
Boy Gusher I have not joined either of those sites as what I'm looking for, for my masturbatory online pleasure are the kind of straight guys that I've been around all of my life, from my own youth, through high school and college and later as an adult, working with young straight adult males, and seeing them on the beach or at the park, engaging in sports or drinking beer and flirting with the young ladies.
My turn-on is watching straight guys like that and fantasizing about seeing them naked and hard, and potentially having another guy, (me in my fantasies) stroking their young erections and potentially giving them head.
Broke Straight Boys is a place to see these fantasies turn into realities, (at least on screen).
I don't question the effective use of gay guys in the
Broke Straight Boys scenes to bring out the best in the straight guys, but when the scenes bring back the same recycled models over and over again, it gets boring and is no longer "boner inducing" for me, and apparently for members of the site like ansleyn, who is not renewing his membership.
I have no intention of leaving this site, and I am an avid reader and participant in the forum, and I trust Mark that better days are coming in late March, or certainly by early April. And while I used to detest the term, "silent majority" from the days of Spiro Agnew, and his boss, Tricky Dicky, I can see the validity of the term used here.
I joined this site looking for cocky confident, handsome young straight guys, doing what DOESN'T COME NATURALLY to them, ostensibly for money, (without examining the psychological needs of a guy who would take a job working for
Broke Straight Boys) getting nervous, but still going through with gay sex acts to be filmed and shown to horny gay guys around the world.
I love this site, and what David and Mark do, and I want it to remain successful and very popular, and I hope that you do read the words of what
ansleyn and others have said. Stay true to what made you so popular, improve your technological aspects, (HD, etc), get hotter straight guys to perform, and keep the site fresh with new tentative, somewhat nervous, but hot straight guys. Sprinkle in our favorites like Tyler,
Mike Robbins, etc. but with three times a week updates, we should be sampling a large variety of hot young straighties. I trust that David and Mark all ready know this, and that the site will keep getting better and better as we move forward in 2010.