I think it is a huge stretch to imply that Chad retired from filming porn because of his scene with Jimmy. He remained with the company in the production end, and as I recall Chad had some "performance issues" which may have been one of the reasons he retired from the filming aspect, but I hardly think that Jimmy was in any way responsible for his retirement. I do believe it was his own decision.
It's true Mikey that we'll never know Chad's exact motivations for choosing that point to retire from filming. You may be absolutely right that Jimmy and the scene itself played no part in his decision whatsoever. Obviously we know he was offered the job helping out in the studio. We don't know when the offer was made or how long it took him to consider and accept it.
Chad was one of the very few models who posted in the forum way back then. So that extra effort on his part really endeared many of us to him. The scene got such poor reviews and ratings that many of us wondered in hindsight if our being harsh on the scene in the forum actually ended up hurting Chad's feelings, (by way of collateral damage) or otherwise caused him to throw in the towel. The timing being what it was, for many of Chad's biggest fans here in the forum, we had to at least wonder if Jimmy caused us to lose a popular model. So whether it was justified or not, the timing of everything that went down, with Chad announcing his retirement from modeling very shortly after the scene aired, and not even waiting for his final scene with Cliff to be shown, left a bad taste in many of our mouths.