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What are you thankful for?


BSB Model
BSB Model
Jun 11, 2019
Reaction score
Hey everyone!
Its been some time since i have posted on the forum and i wanted to take a minute to update everyone on my life and also take a minute to ask what all my fans have been up to.
First and foremost I want to thank you all for the input you take the time to type out. It is greatly appreciated and i try to apply all of it. I also very much enjoy hearing the things you like, it brightens my day to know I am on the right track with giving my fans what they desire. I am currently wrapping up my third shoot week here at Broke Straight Boys and i must say I brought the heat!!! I came to ready to give you guys the hottest scenes I have ever done, applying knowledge and skills i have gained from day one at Broke Straight Boys I absolutely cannot wait for more of my content to be released as I am confident you guys will love it.
On a more personal note, I am now in a relationship with the kindest most understanding woman(sorry guys ;)) I have ever met. I am really growing my brand and am truly able to embrace who i am on every level and i owe much of that to the support system I now have.
I now reside in inner city Chicago and absolutely love it (minus the bitter cold). I have really met some of the best people since moving to the city and feel blessed every day. I had the best friendsgiving here at Broke Straight Boys and at this point it feels a lot like dinner with family, similar to how i view those of YOU that I talk to on a fairly regular basis.
So... How is everyone? What are you thankful for this holiday season? I look forward to hearing from y'all
till next time,
Hey everyone!
Its been some time since i have posted on the forum and i wanted to take a minute to update everyone on my life and also take a minute to ask what all my fans have been up to.
First and foremost I want to thank you all for the input you take the time to type out. It is greatly appreciated and i try to apply all of it. I also very much enjoy hearing the things you like, it brightens my day to know I am on the right track with giving my fans what they desire. I am currently wrapping up my third shoot week here at Broke Straight Boys and i must say I brought the heat!!! I came to ready to give you guys the hottest scenes I have ever done, applying knowledge and skills i have gained from day one at Broke Straight Boys I absolutely cannot wait for more of my content to be released as I am confident you guys will love it.
On a more personal note, I am now in a relationship with the kindest most understanding woman(sorry guys ;)) I have ever met. I am really growing my brand and am truly able to embrace who i am on every level and i owe much of that to the support system I now have.
I now reside in inner city Chicago and absolutely love it (minus the bitter cold). I have really met some of the best people since moving to the city and feel blessed every day. I had the best friendsgiving here at Broke Straight Boys and at this point it feels a lot like dinner with family, similar to how i view those of YOU that I talk to on a fairly regular basis.
So... How is everyone? What are you thankful for this holiday season? I look forward to hearing from y'all
till next time,
What a sweet and thoughtful post.
Yes, I have been begging for more Cody Smith, and so I’m THANKFUL that Broke Straight Boys is starting to roll out your scenes. So glad you got settled in to Chicago and things are going well for you and your new gf.
Well I’m thankful for a lot of things. I’m always thankful for another day of life, but I am also thankful for family and good friends like yourself and all the great people that I’ve met in this forum.
I know you’ll be traveling back soon. So I pray you and all the models have safe travels and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
xo Jay
What a sweet and thoughtful post.
Yes, I have been begging for more Cody Smith, and so I’m THANKFUL that Broke Straight Boys is starting to roll out your scenes. So glad you got settled in to Chicago and things are going well for you and your new gf.
Well I’m thankful for a lot of things. I’m always thankful for another day of life, but I am also thankful for family and good friends like yourself and all the great people that I’ve met in this forum.
I know you’ll be traveling back soon. So I pray you and all the models have safe travels and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
xo Jay
You always have the most positive outlook on things, it is very refreshing! This year has been absolutely fantastic as far as new friends goes and i am very grateful for that. I hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving and i appreciate the prayers! Im excited for thanksgiving for the first time in a few years and it feels oh so good :)
Hi Cody!

Thank you so much for joining us on the forum. As far as things to be grateful for, I'm grateful for so much. I'm grateful for loving family, good friends, and good health. I'm grateful to have a roof over my head, a pantry and fridge with food so that hunger is not a concern, along with a warm and comfortable bed to sleep in at night. On the face of it some of those amenities of life might seem very basic or something to just be taken for granted. But that's also much more than many people on our planet have. So it's only right to have gratitude and thankfulness for all those blessings.

I must confess to being a new wannabe fan of yours. For those of your fans who already love tattoos, then you're a shoo in to get their attention. I'm not really into tattoos myself. So it can take me a little while (or a long time) to warm up to models who have them. After viewing your introductory BTS interview (which I loved!) I kind of feel like I owe you an apology for not giving you a chance sooner.

By way of explanation, at the time you joined the site I was in the thick of continual health concerns. It felt like I would no sooner start recovering and feeling better...and then something else came up. I began the year recovering from a bad fall with broken ribs from the previous year. Then I got the flu. Then I started having heart trouble. Then I needed a minor heart surgery. The surgery (even though it was not open heart or anything crazy) really kicked my butt for a while. I'm very happy and grateful that I'm doing so well now. Sorry if all that is TMI. haha All this to say that you arrived at the site when I was feeling poorly. Like most people who are sick, their sex drive plummets until they start feeling better. So at that point, with what little sex drive and sexual interest I did have at the time, if I had a choice of following a new model with lots of tattoos, or a new model with very few or none at all...I was gonna go with the latter. So I regret that I haven't followed you up until now.

After seeing your BTS interview video I see you as a much more three dimensional person and human being. And I see many glimpses of your inner beauty as well. That, combined with the fact that you are showing us so much respect by agreeing to interact with us in here in the forum...is allowing me to see you in a very positive light and much more than just a photograph. Now I'm looking forward to catching up on your previous work as I become a new fan. I wish you every happiness Cody. Today, this Thanksgiving, and onward. :)


We can forgive you for dating a woman in your personal life. haha I'm very glad she makes your world at home a better place. :biggrin:
Nice to see you posting Cody. I think it's great when the models join us here in forumland!

And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. :6thxg:
I am thankful for my family (except Mike, the dog), caring supportive friends and some of the greatest sex I've ever had. May you all have somethings to be thankful for.
What a sweet and thoughtful post.
Yes, I have been begging for more Cody Smith, and so I’m THANKFUL that Broke Straight Boys is starting to roll out your scenes. So glad you got settled in to Chicago and things are going well for you and your new gf.
Well I’m thankful for a lot of things. I’m always thankful for another day of life, but I am also thankful for family and good friends like yourself and all the great people that I’ve met in this forum.
I know you’ll be traveling back soon. So I pray you and all the models have safe travels and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
xo Jay

Jay, quit kissing up to my boy! You know that furry ass is mine! lol, just kidding bro. I’ll share as long as I get some!

Cody I’m so glad you are back and I sure hope you and Calhoun did a scene. I really want to see him hit your hole but a flip would a
Also be hot.
Cody - thanks for dropping a line and I hope you enjoy Chicago. Way back when I was a youngster, my dad's family were from Chicago and when he was stationed somewhere we could not be with him [he was in the Navy] we would stay with my grandmother in Roger's Park. I do remember the bone-chilling cold of winter there. I am glad that your life is working out for you and may that continue far, far into the future in all your endeavors.

I, currently, am about a 1 1/2 hour train ride south of you in Bloomington finishing up some repairs on my father's house before returning to my own winter home in Puerto Vallarta Mexico where it is much sunnier and warmer than Illinois in the winter. I have no big family plans for the holidays, although we all were together most of last week. Be well and keep up your career here on Broke Straight Boys's keeping dirty old men like me entertained with your handsome looks and other attributes.
Cody wanted me to tell you guys he’s at his parents house and there is no internet. He wanted to wish you guys a Happy Thanksgiving and will respond when he gets back.

That's fucking hot.

There Cody is back at his parents house, jerking off in the shower and sitting on the commode jerking that dick off like he did back when he was a kid. I guarantee you. There is not that much entertainment going on around there without the internet, and this kid's doing a lot of jerking off, wishing he was back in town with his girlfriend.

I believe this guy is totally straight. Just my opinion. And the horny fucker is used to an active sex life with the girlfriend, whom I think he did not take back home to his parents house, or if he did, he doesn't have a chance to pound her ass. He's spending lots of hot times just jerking that dick off, one way or another.

There is not ANYTHING quit so spiritually fulfilling as the opportunity to go back to your childhood and just sit in the bathroom jerking off, with no pressure to perform for the girl or for the scene. Just good porn on the iPhone and your imagination. PTL!

I wonder if he goes to Porn Hub and looks at his scenes and jerks off to them, or just goes to Porn Hub and looks up all the pussy he's love to be doing! The world is such a beautiful place! Straight-boy minds! Oh Jesus!

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Cody wanted me to tell you guys he’s at his parents house and there is no internet. He wanted to wish you guys a Happy Thanksgiving and will respond when he gets back.

Thanks Mark. I appreciate the message and I am glad you guys hired Cody. He is my type of guy. Love the fur and those blue eyes.
Cody wanted me to tell you guys he’s at his parents house and there is no internet. He wanted to wish you guys a Happy Thanksgiving and will respond when he gets back.

Yes. Thank you for the update Mark. It's nice to know that he's with family for the holiday and that he'll get back to chatting with us soon. :)
Hey everyone!
Its been some time since i have posted on the forum and i wanted to take a minute to update everyone on my life and also take a minute to ask what all my fans have been up to.
First and foremost I want to thank you all for the input you take the time to type out. It is greatly appreciated and i try to apply all of it. I also very much enjoy hearing the things you like, it brightens my day to know I am on the right track with giving my fans what they desire. I am currently wrapping up my third shoot week here at Broke Straight Boys and i must say I brought the heat!!! I came to ready to give you guys the hottest scenes I have ever done, applying knowledge and skills i have gained from day one at Broke Straight Boys I absolutely cannot wait for more of my content to be released as I am confident you guys will love it.
On a more personal note, I am now in a relationship with the kindest most understanding woman(sorry guys ;)) I have ever met. I am really growing my brand and am truly able to embrace who i am on every level and i owe much of that to the support system I now have.
I now reside in inner city Chicago and absolutely love it (minus the bitter cold). I have really met some of the best people since moving to the city and feel blessed every day. I had the best friendsgiving here at Broke Straight Boys and at this point it feels a lot like dinner with family, similar to how i view those of YOU that I talk to on a fairly regular basis.
So... How is everyone? What are you thankful for this holiday season? I look forward to hearing from y'all
till next time,

Hi Cody
Thanks for posting and I am so pleased that you have taken the time to post on the forum. I am a big fan of yours here in the UK and love your scenes. Love to know if you have had any more tattoos done (love tattoos and think yours make you look really sexy). So glad to hear that you are in a relationship that allows you to do the things you want to do. So looking forward to seeing your new scenes soon. Foxy xx
Hi Cody!

Thank you so much for joining us on the forum. As far as things to be grateful for, I'm grateful for so much. I'm grateful for loving family, good friends, and good health. I'm grateful to have a roof over my head, a pantry and fridge with food so that hunger is not a concern, along with a warm and comfortable bed to sleep in at night. On the face of it some of those amenities of life might seem very basic or something to just be taken for granted. But that's also much more than many people on our planet have. So it's only right to have gratitude and thankfulness for all those blessings.

I must confess to being a new wannabe fan of yours. For those of your fans who already love tattoos, then you're a shoo in to get their attention. I'm not really into tattoos myself. So it can take me a little while (or a long time) to warm up to models who have them. After viewing your introductory BTS interview (which I loved!) I kind of feel like I owe you an apology for not giving you a chance sooner.

By way of explanation, at the time you joined the site I was in the thick of continual health concerns. It felt like I would no sooner start recovering and feeling better...and then something else came up. I began the year recovering from a bad fall with broken ribs from the previous year. Then I got the flu. Then I started having heart trouble. Then I needed a minor heart surgery. The surgery (even though it was not open heart or anything crazy) really kicked my butt for a while. I'm very happy and grateful that I'm doing so well now. Sorry if all that is TMI. haha All this to say that you arrived at the site when I was feeling poorly. Like most people who are sick, their sex drive plummets until they start feeling better. So at that point, with what little sex drive and sexual interest I did have at the time, if I had a choice of following a new model with lots of tattoos, or a new model with very few or none at all...I was gonna go with the latter. So I regret that I haven't followed you up until now.

After seeing your BTS interview video I see you as a much more three dimensional person and human being. And I see many glimpses of your inner beauty as well. That, combined with the fact that you are showing us so much respect by agreeing to interact with us in here in the forum...is allowing me to see you in a very positive light and much more than just a photograph. Now I'm looking forward to catching up on your previous work as I become a new fan. I wish you every happiness Cody. Today, this Thanksgiving, and onward. :)


We can forgive you for dating a woman in your personal life. haha I'm very glad she makes your world at home a better place. :biggrin:

Hey Tampa!
First i must say that there is no such thing as TMI in my life as you can imagine haha! I am really glad that youve decided to give me a chance and i very much value having you on board TeamCodySmith! There is definitely no love lost as far as your previous opinion is concerned, tattoos are just one of those things that upon first glance can be off putting and no one can fault you for that! I am very glad to hear that you are doing better health wise and i hope you had an amazing holiday!
Nice to see you posting Cody. I think it's great when the models join us here in forumland!

And Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. :6thxg:

Well Mike i fully plan on posting and replying on a regular basis! I made it a point to get the internet back up and running here at my parents so I am now getting caught up on everyones posts!
I am thankful for my family (except Mike, the dog), caring supportive friends and some of the greatest sex I've ever had. May you all have somethings to be thankful for.

Great sex is for damn sure something to be thankful for, especially if youve ever experienced bad sex!! haha. Having a good support system is kin to gold in my opinion.
Jay, quit kissing up to my boy! You know that furry ass is mine! lol, just kidding bro. I’ll share as long as I get some!

Cody I’m so glad you are back and I sure hope you and Calhoun did a scene. I really want to see him hit your hole but a flip would a
Also be hot.

Easy boys theres enough of me to go around! Rep you will not be disappointed! I hope you had an awesome holiday!
Cody - thanks for dropping a line and I hope you enjoy Chicago. Way back when I was a youngster, my dad's family were from Chicago and when he was stationed somewhere we could not be with him [he was in the Navy] we would stay with my grandmother in Roger's Park. I do remember the bone-chilling cold of winter there. I am glad that your life is working out for you and may that continue far, far into the future in all your endeavors.

I, currently, am about a 1 1/2 hour train ride south of you in Bloomington finishing up some repairs on my father's house before returning to my own winter home in Puerto Vallarta Mexico where it is much sunnier and warmer than Illinois in the winter. I have no big family plans for the holidays, although we all were together most of last week. Be well and keep up your career here on Broke Straight Boys's keeping dirty old men like me entertained with your handsome looks and other attributes.

Thank you for the thoughtful post juanjo. I am jealous! I hope to someday have a winter home somewhere nice and cozy! I am very familiar with bloomington, i lived in quincy for a bit last year. Enjoy the warm weather for me!
That's fucking hot.

There Cody is back at his parents house, jerking off in the shower and sitting on the commode jerking that dick off like he did back when he was a kid. I guarantee you. There is not that much entertainment going on around there without the internet, and this kid's doing a lot of jerking off, wishing he was back in town with his girlfriend.

I believe this guy is totally straight. Just my opinion. And the horny fucker is used to an active sex life with the girlfriend, whom I think he did not take back home to his parents house, or if he did, he doesn't have a chance to pound her ass. He's spending lots of hot times just jerking that dick off, one way or another.

There is not ANYTHING quit so spiritually fulfilling as the opportunity to go back to your childhood and just sit in the bathroom jerking off, with no pressure to perform for the girl or for the scene. Just good porn on the iPhone and your imagination. PTL!

I wonder if he goes to Porn Hub and looks at his scenes and jerks off to them, or just goes to Porn Hub and looks up all the pussy he's love to be doing! The world is such a beautiful place! Straight-boy minds! Oh Jesus!


Hey Andy! I did bring the gal pal along and i must say the hottest part is fucking her and trying to keep quite whilst doing so. Its like back in highschool trying to fuck all sneaky like and it kinda turns me on tbh!
Hi Cody
Thanks for posting and I am so pleased that you have taken the time to post on the forum. I am a big fan of yours here in the UK and love your scenes. Love to know if you have had any more tattoos done (love tattoos and think yours make you look really sexy). So glad to hear that you are in a relationship that allows you to do the things you want to do. So looking forward to seeing your new scenes soon. Foxy xx

Hey Foxy! I have not had any new ink done but i must say im craving some needletime. I have a few ideas for new tattoos but finding the extra cash/time to get them done is somewhat of a challenge these days. I am hoping to get some ink done in the near future! I am glad to have you on board TeamCody and fully plan on continuing to get your dick hard ;)