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Vote For Jason

Not really folowing the post but wonder why no Jason recently or more than recently. The scene with Jason and Denver was one on the best
!!!!! That boy fucked Jason and fucked him good -- listen even Jason said that was the best gay sex he'd ever had. Lately the shoots have been, well, not too good. The regulars have been left behind, Jason, Blake, Denver. We want them back with some of your new talent. Use your experienced men to train the newbies. OH and COLIN too love that dude!!!!!
While I too would love to see Jason on the TV show if it ever comes to fruition, of more immediate concern is when are we going to see handsome, sexy, sweet Jason in another Broke Straight Boys scene?????
Not really folowing the post but wonder why no Jason recently or more than recently. The scene with Jason and Denver was one on the best
!!!!! That boy fucked Jason and fucked him good -- listen even Jason said that was the best gay sex he'd ever had. Lately the shoots have been, well, not too good. The regulars have been left behind, Jason, Blake, Denver. We want them back with some of your new talent. Use your experienced men to train the newbies. OH and COLIN too love that dude!!!!!

Thanks Frontier for showing our boy Colin some love too. :thumbup:

Did I mention that I love Jason as well? :)
Lol kinda, but I did it in person. I just don't know if i'll be able to do it because of school, but trust me we have talked about it. I still say vote for jason though he's my boy!

Does that mean they haven't chosen the house mates yet?
Hey, guys -

You BET I voted for Jason!!! And if I could be re-born as a bad old Tammany Hall, or a bad old, old-time Chicagoan Daley-style ward-heeler - you BET I'd stuff the ballot-boxes, for Jason!!! ;-))) (I am sure J. doesn't need my help in any case, but, any producer who failed to see his potential as the FULCRUM and the CATALYST for the whole damned thing. . . has gotta give his head, a shake.

All that being said, I do have to say to the bosses here: I have not read the complete prospectus, but I am not quite sure exactly why you are doing this, or what audience you are trying to reach. . . I am guessing this program will run on one of the gay-select networks on U.S. and Canadian TV, and maybe will attract an audience, that way - - - and in the process, attract a BIGGER audience for Broke Straight Boys?!??!

But I think projects like this (which are neither fish-nor-fowl, i.e., neither full erotica nor blissful, romantic, sitcom) are a VERY TOUGH sell for a whole range of audiences. (And that astringent assessment, is given out of love for project-leader MARK, who has always been very kind to me, personally.) But of course, it depends where all this is being BROADCAST.

Gay erotica - even housebound erotica (I have seen some of that, and it was sometimes pretty exciting, and even PROFITABLE, back in the early '90's, its heyday) will always attract a devoted gay audience, intrigued by the possibility, or the REALITY, of romance and SEX, into which the audience can introject itself, and ultimately GET OFF.

Gay soap operas, I think: not so much - if they are only "PG" rated. Gay men are famed for loving drama, but - - - when push comes to shove - - - without a little, come-drenched cavatina, to TOP the preceding arias: I don't think they will really PAY for it. (Women, on the other hand, purchase obliquely and DIFFUSELY erotic stories ~ even in PRINT ~ like GANGBUSTERS: witness, 50 Shades of Grey.)

So. . . I don't really know on what channels Broke Straight Boys-TV will air, Mark. Or what your plans are, for it. I know you have invested a whole lot of money and planning in this enterprise. But, honestly, it seems to me that you are setting yourself up to spend a lot of good money on what is (at best) a niche of what is at most a niche-audience, to begin with. And, if I were on your staff, I would advise you to limit your liability, accordingly.

Now, if anyone can make the most of this concept ~ even for a season ~ I bet it is JASON. But even with HIS charisma, I wouldn't bank on the whole thing making you any money: if it is only rated "PG". Because, if it is, it won't hold the gay guys, and won't interest the straight girls, either: and they are your target demographics.

Further to what MikeYank said, I will go even a little bit further: I think you would be far better served (on the profit-curve) to hire Jason for some Broke Straight Boys shoots, and get him back for some CollegeBoy shoots, and energize your existing fan-base, that way: rather than proffering a new confection which neither gay men nor straight women are likely to find especially compelling.

But those are just my thoughts - which I well know, will make me popular with NOBODY - least of all JASON, who I know would be so gratified to be part of the new TV project; and, win the Grand Prize. But, Mark, that is just the way I see it; and, since you have been so kind to me, personally, I would like to see you and your staff succeed, in ALL that you do.

I was looking at some of the videos on youtube for guys that want to get into the Broke Straight Boys house. I was not impressed with a lot of them. Most of them are gay boys and several of them are very feminine gay boys. There is nothing wrong with that as far as I'm concerned but it doesn't really fit the Broke Straight Boys mold, in my humble opinion.

I did see that Jason submitted a video and it was great. I was really disappointed that there was only 1 Like and only 1 little message. I thought I'd mention it here and maybe all of his fans could stop by there and at least give him a Like and leave a message if you're so inclined. It does seem like there are a lot of Jason fans on this site it would be great of us to show our support. Just a thought, if you agree and want to Like Jason here is the link. Good Luck Jason!


Hey BenBen, Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it!!
Looking for democracy

So how do I vote for Jason?

Where can I vote for Jason and Blake?

If any two models deserve to be on Broke Straight Boys TV it's Jason and Blake. These boys are special in every which way... to me!
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