Hey, guys -
BET I voted for Jason!!! And if I could be re-born as a bad old Tammany Hall, or a bad old, old-time Chicagoan Daley-style ward-heeler - you BET I'd stuff the ballot-boxes, for Jason!!! ;-))) (I am sure J. doesn't need my help in any case, but, any producer who failed to see his potential as the FULCRUM and the CATALYST for the
whole damned thing. . . has gotta give his head, a shake.
All that being said, I do have to say to the bosses here: I have not read the complete prospectus, but I am not quite sure exactly why you are doing this, or what audience you are trying to reach. . . I am guessing this program will run on one of the gay-select networks on U.S. and Canadian TV, and maybe will attract an audience, that way - - - and in the process, attract a BIGGER audience for
Broke Straight Boys?!??!
But I think projects like this (which are neither fish-nor-fowl, i.e., neither full erotica nor blissful, romantic, sitcom) are a VERY TOUGH sell for a whole range of audiences. (And that astringent assessment, is given out of love for project-leader MARK, who has always been very kind to me, personally.) But of course, it depends where all this is being BROADCAST.
Gay erotica - even housebound erotica (I have seen some of that, and it was sometimes pretty exciting, and even PROFITABLE, back in the early '90's, its heyday) will always attract a devoted gay audience, intrigued by the possibility, or the REALITY, of romance and SEX, into which the audience can introject itself, and ultimately GET OFF.
Gay soap operas, I think: not so much - if they are only "PG" rated. Gay men are famed for loving drama, but - - - when push comes to shove - - - without a little, come-drenched cavatina, to TOP the preceding arias: I don't think they will really PAY for it. (Women, on the other hand, purchase obliquely and DIFFUSELY erotic stories ~ even in PRINT ~ like GANGBUSTERS: witness,
50 Shades of Grey.)
So. . . I don't really know on what channels
Broke Straight Boys-TV will air, Mark. Or what your plans are, for it. I know you have invested a whole lot of money and planning in this enterprise. But, honestly, it seems to me that you are setting yourself up to spend a lot of good money on what is (at best) a niche of what is at most a niche-audience, to begin with. And, if I were on your staff, I would advise you to limit your liability, accordingly.
Now, if anyone can make the most of this concept ~ even for a season ~ I bet it is JASON. But even with HIS charisma, I wouldn't bank on the whole thing making you any money: if it is only rated "PG". Because, if it is, it won't hold the gay guys, and won't interest the straight girls, either: and they are your target demographics.
Further to what MikeYank said, I will go even a little bit further: I think you would be far better served (on the profit-curve) to hire Jason for some
Broke Straight Boys shoots, and get him back for some CollegeBoy shoots, and energize your existing fan-base, that way: rather than proffering a new confection which neither gay men nor straight women are likely to find especially compelling.
But those are just my thoughts - which I well know, will make me popular with NOBODY - least of all JASON, who I know would be so gratified to be part of the new TV project; and, win the Grand Prize. But, Mark, that is just the way I see it; and, since you have been so kind to me, personally, I would like to see you and your staff succeed, in ALL that you do.