BSB Addict
I would not say idle minds. I just don't want to offend any one saying what I really feel. I have learned by being on the forum for the past three years.
You can't really tell the truth because you will offend someone.
Most of the time when I don't like a scene or a model I just don't post.That is what I should have done last night.Said Nothing..
You may have noticed that I've said nothing about this scene. You are not alone Johnny. I'm trying to learn that sometimes silence is golden.
Thomas Carlyle said: "Silence is more eloquent than words"
Brutally Honest
Honest without regard to hurting the person's feelings.
person #1 Doesn't this skirt look good on me?
person #2 Yea, if you like that "big butt look".
"Why is it said that discretion is the better part of Valor"?
It is better to be prudent than merely courageous.
When one says "discretion is the better part of valor", you mean that avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation is sometimes the most sensible thing to do!