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USA presidential election 2020


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england
So guys, is the presidential election still going ahead this november ? I read somewhere that Trump wanted to delay it because of covid19 but I'm not sure if this is possible. Answers on a post card lol
Looks like it will go on as planned, the liar-in chief is doing what he does, disrupt until something else comes to disrupt him some more. Pretty soon you just expect him to say anything to take the focus on how terrible the pandemic is going. I am in a hotspot in Miami, my zip code is approaching 2000 positive cases,(about 3 square miles near South Miami and Coral Gables) our hospitals are maxing out yet bars and restaurants are still open. I am hunkering down and only go out once a week to go food shopping with a mask and now I heard face shields should be worn and I usually wear gloves. Testing sucks and we don't get the short run test like the liar does, so we they are useless.We are truly fucked. I see pictures of South Beach and partying and I remember how people looked after the Winter party and how that was a spreader situation.
Its the same in most countries Miami - as soon as the govts said yes to opening bars and restaurants, it seemed as a catalyst for people to be ok to going back to old ways. Thank god clubs are still closed over here but the amount of people in parks and beaches is very worrying. Personally I wish the world would focus more in condemning the Chinese, because it's them started all this but people just want to blame their individual leaders.

Anyway, the thread is about the election so maybe come Jan 21 you may have a new one. But many Brit business people actually like Trump
Hi Jon,

I'm actually glad you started a separate thread to discuss the next election. I was thinking of doing it myself. But as I mentioned on another thread, whenever some of us have tried to talk about politics in here (and start new threads dedicated to a particular political topic) we usually end up with inactive dead threads where the only sound heard is that of crickets and practically the sight of tumbleweeds rolling over the dust. We have been discussing politics and some of the election in the "Corner Pub" thread. But it wasn't ever my intention for it to become a strictly political thread over there. I want to keep it free to discuss anything from current events to popular culture or even sharing personal insights or memories.

So here is a crossover post from the other thread where Trump tried to put a finger in the wind and gauge whether he could get away with cancelling the election (and staying in power indefinitely) until such time as either the virus was over or whenever he felt he had a better chance of winning an election. Presumably he and the Republicans would be the ones to decide when it was "safe" for the country to have an election again. (If ever.) His concern for the health and physical safety of us voters at the polls just brings a tear to my eye. Where would we be without the Dear Leader's paternalistic protection and wisdom?

If we needed any more proof that Trump wants to abolish inconvenient democratic elections and become dictator-for-life like his fuck-buddy Vladimir Putin... There's this golden nugget of a trial balloon that he floated yesterday:

“With Universal Mail-In Voting (not Absentee Voting, which is good), 2020 will be the most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history. It will be a great embarrassment to the USA. Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???"
We are going to have an election it seems and Trump is laying the groundwork as he did in 2016 to call any result negative to him a fraud. He filed suit against the State of Nevada for switching to vote by mail while at the same time urging people in Florida to vote by mail. He claims the post office in Nevada cannot handle the crush of 2+ million people mailing in ballots while the 10 million Floridians won't cause any issue at all for the same postal service. His basic theme is anywhere that Democrats might be a majority of the voters there will be fraud but not so anywhere that the majority are Republicans.

Oh, btw, today he announced that the government would seek to recoup 25% of the cost of federal government expenses in assisting individual states with medial supplies including PPE, as well as, medical services and personnel EXCEPT Texas and Florida. Which two states are crucial to him winning in November? Which two have seen his popularity fall significantly in the past year? Yup, you guessed it.
By law, on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November is when electors for president and vice president shall be selected.
At noon on the 20th of January the 4 year term of office of the president ends.
So says the Law and the Constitution!
By law, on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November is when electors for president and vice president shall be selected.
At noon on the 20th of January the 4 year term of office of the president ends.
So says the Law and the Constitution!

Exactly. The very same days the orange rule will end.
By law, on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November is when electors for president and vice president shall be selected.
At noon on the 20th of January the 4 year term of office of the president ends.
So says the Law and the Constitution!

I agree but as I have often pointed out to people, the only power the Constitution is the power we, as the people of this country, agree that it has. For over 200 years we have agreed to enforce the Constitutional change of power with the side that lost shrugging and saying, "next time". IF Trump does not do that, if he screams fraud and calls his followers out into the streets, and the US military has to be used to pull him out of the White House and to suppress his followers in the street, this will forever change the nature of this country. How exactly I cannot say but it will change. This man is a moral and existential evil and a direct threat to the wellbeing of this country. And the disgusting thing about it is that he does not give a damn about any political agenda, it is simply his ego.
I agree but as I have often pointed out to people, the only power the Constitution is the power we, as the people of this country, agree that it has. For over 200 years we have agreed to enforce the Constitutional change of power with the side that lost shrugging and saying, "next time". IF Trump does not do that, if he screams fraud and calls his followers out into the streets, and the US military has to be used to pull him out of the White House and to suppress his followers in the street, this will forever change the nature of this country. How exactly I cannot say but it will change. This man is a moral and existential evil and a direct threat to the wellbeing of this country. And the disgusting thing about it is that he does not give a damn about any political agenda, it is simply his ego.

So true.