it wasn't the little girl or the weapon that killed the instructor. it was bad judgment that killed the instructor. the only thing that will keep guns out of the wrong hands is the exercise of good judgment.
to have to remember shooting a man, in the head, for the rest of her life, will be a living hell.
the right to keep and bear arms has become wrapped in the right of self-defense which extends to children. those in the womb are protected by the right to defend third parties.
a right meant to defend the states became personal right.
when I look at an ivy covered building, I see a building being damaged. the ivy has become part of the structure. because people expect ivy-covered walls, they have ivy-covered walls. once it starts, it is expected to continue.
now that it has become this far reaching personal right, there may be no way of dealing with gun issues. little girls with guns, mad men with guns, angry men with guns.
jon, a president is only as powerful as congress will allow. within those limits he can act until congress votes to stop him.
I believe as a people, we have a right to know whether there is any reason you should not have a gun. age, mental health, criminal violence, and history of violence would encompass wrong hands to me. my opinion and the proper fare will get you a train ride.