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Update on Bobby Owens?

I can tell from scrolling through the forums that so many people are tired of hearing about Bobby. However, I bought a membership specifically for him so I’m gonna ask regardless LOL.

I know he came back a few years ago, but do any producers keep in touch with him? It’d be nice if he kept a twitter or something just to periodically check in on us. I’d even pay for the handle if I had to. Just wondering how my favorite boy is doing
Agree, but with most everything there are exceptions.
I totally agree! Gay porn is for the young and is not a lifetime profession. The models I admire the most are the ones who use their gay porn income to get through college or to start up a business. The biggest mistake a model can doing is to quit his day job or drop out of school, as gay porn income is supplemental and not a full time day job unless he is a gay porn super star. A lot have effectively used their college Summer, and breaks between semesters and of course the annual Spring break to supplement their income by doing some filming for our viewing and their financial satisfaction.

Yes. I feel the same way. And I admire the models who don't get caught up in the idea of quitting school or mainstream jobs and relying on gay porn, or gay-for-pay porn, as a "career" or as their primary source of income. (Even IF it does pay better than their real at-home jobs.) It should only be considered as a supplemental income. We've heard so many stories of bitter ex-models who lament that their shelf life expired and they can't get any more bookings. Or they're literally going hungry or can't pay rent because they're waiting for the phone to ring with more work.

I'm reminded of a poster on the now defunct forum of the BSB TV promotional website back in the day.

He gave us a very eloquent and detailed story about how gay porn had been practically a godsend for a friend of his who got into the business. I can't recall all of the details from nearly 10 years ago, but I'll give a condensed version. He said the guy came from a dirt poor family. I mean a really, really broke struggling family. He wanted to go to college and get a good degree so that he could make something of himself as an adult. (And hopefully leave his previous life experience of poverty in the rearview mirror.)

At 18 years old or so when he was struggling to figure out a way into college, he couldn't figure out how to pay for it. He knew of financial aid and student loans. But he couldn't see how he could quickly get into a more prosperous life after graduation if he was already saddled with a bunch of student debt. Life had not dealt him a fair hand as far as being born into a stable family who could afford the basics. He realized that the only chip of value that he had to play in the game of life at 18, was that he was exceptionally good looking. But how to take advantage of that one and only good thing he had going for him? Or how to monetize it?

So he made the cold calculation (even though he was straight) that maybe he could do gay-for-pay porn. So long story short, while he was in college he did do gay porn to finance his studies and expenses. He made good money doing it (as a part-time supplemental income) while not losing sight of studying hard and graduating college. He told his friend he was very happy that he took advantage of his youthful good lucks while he still had them. He was thrilled that his plan had worked out perfectly. He graduated college completely debt free and moved fairly seamlessly into a good paying mainstream job. He was so grateful that he could begin his young adult life after college in such a financially sound and advantageous way. The way he told the story it was almost like gay porn was a part-time summer job that pretty much saved his life. And no. After graduation he never went back to doing porn.
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I totally agree! Gay porn is for the young and is not a lifetime profession. The models I admire the most are the ones who use their gay porn income to get through college or to start up a business. The biggest mistake a model can doing is to quit his day job or drop out of school, as gay porn income is supplemental and not a full time day job unless he is a gay porn super star. A lot have effectively used their college Summer, and breaks between semesters and of course the annual Spring break to supplement their income by doing some filming for our viewing and their financial satisfaction.
It's upsetting sometimes to follow pornstars after they disappear - prolly shouldn't.

I've totally fell for Jesse Montgomory, and follow his accounts on social media. It's clear he has not adapted well at times to life and has attempted suicide at least once. I've watched hours of his livestream with him just doing his hair (he does a drag act) and it feels like you get to know them, but it's not such a good idea i think.
Yes. I feel the same way. And I admire the models who don't get caught up in the idea of quitting school or mainstream jobs and relying on gay porn, or gay-for-pay porn, as a "career" or as their primary source of income. (Even IF it does pay better than their real at-home jobs.) It should only be considered as a supplemental income. We've heard so many stories of bitter ex-models who lament that their shelf life expired and they can't get any more bookings. Or they're literally going hungry or can'y pay rent because they're waiting for the phone to ring with more work.

I'm reminded of a poster on the now defunct forum of the BSB TV promotional website back in the day.

He gave us a very eloquent and detailed story about how gay porn had been practically a godsend for a friend of his who got into the business. I can't recall all of the details from nearly 10 years ago, but I'll give a condensed version. He said the guy came from a dirt poor family. I mean a really, really broke struggling family. He wanted to go to college and get a good degree so that he could make something of himself as an adult. (And hopefully leave his previous life experience of poverty in the rearview mirror.)

At 18 years old or so when he was struggling to figure out a way into college, he couldn't figure out how to pay for it. He knew of financial aid and student loans. But he couldn't see how he could quickly get into a more prosperous life after graduation if he was already saddled with a bunch of student debt. Life had not dealt him a fair hand as far as being born into a stable family who could afford the basics. He realized that the only chip of value that he had to play in the game of life at 18, was that he was exceptionally good looking. But how to take advantage of that one and only good thing he had going for him? Or how to monetize it?

So he made the cold calculation (even though he was straight) that maybe he could do gay-for-pay porn. So long story short, while he was in college he did do gay porn to finance his studies and expenses. He made good money doing it (as a part-time supplemental income) while not losing sight of studying hard and graduating college. He told his friend he was very happy that he took advantage of his youthful good lucks while he still had them. He was thrilled that his plan had worked out perfectly. He graduated college completely debt free and moved fairly seamlessly into a good paying mainstream job. He was so grateful that he could begin his young adult life after college in such a financially sound and advantageous way. The way he told the story it was almost like gay porn was a part-time summer job that pretty much saved his life. And no. After graduation he never went back to doing porn.
Very interesting thx x
Very interesting thx x
As I said before, each case is somewhat different, just as no two guys are identical, So some do make a long successful career. I recall when I did Vintage porn & looked at certain Bios, the salary given for some of the stars was in the million of dollars. Of course those were the exceptions. But my point is, you have to be careful when making generalization.
Yes. I feel the same way. And I admire the models who don't get caught up in the idea of quitting school or mainstream jobs and relying on gay porn, or gay-for-pay porn, as a "career" or as their primary source of income. (Even IF it does pay better than their real at-home jobs.) It should only be considered as a supplemental income. We've heard so many stories of bitter ex-models who lament that their shelf life expired and they can't get any more bookings. Or they're literally going hungry or can'y pay rent because they're waiting for the phone to ring with more work.

I'm reminded of a poster on the now defunct forum of the BSB TV promotional website back in the day.

He gave us a very eloquent and detailed story about how gay porn had been practically a godsend for a friend of his who got into the business. I can't recall all of the details from nearly 10 years ago, but I'll give a condensed version. He said the guy came from a dirt poor family. I mean a really, really broke struggling family. He wanted to go to college and get a good degree so that he could make something of himself as an adult. (And hopefully leave his previous life experience of poverty in the rearview mirror.)

At 18 years old or so when he was struggling to figure out a way into college, he couldn't figure out how to pay for it. He knew of financial aid and student loans. But he couldn't see how he could quickly get into a more prosperous life after graduation if he was already saddled with a bunch of student debt. Life had not dealt him a fair hand as far as being born into a stable family who could afford the basics. He realized that the only chip of value that he had to play in the game of life at 18, was that he was exceptionally good looking. But how to take advantage of that one and only good thing he had going for him? Or how to monetize it?

So he made the cold calculation (even though he was straight) that maybe he could do gay-for-pay porn. So long story short, while he was in college he did do gay porn to finance his studies and expenses. He made good money doing it (as a part-time supplemental income) while not losing sight of studying hard and graduating college. He told his friend he was very happy that he took advantage of his youthful good lucks while he still had them. He was thrilled that his plan had worked out perfectly. He graduated college completely debt free and moved fairly seamlessly into a good paying mainstream job. He was so grateful that he could begin his young adult life after college in such a financially sound and advantageous way. The way he told the story it was almost like gay porn was a part-time summer job that pretty much saved his life. And no. After graduation he never went back to doing porn.

That is a great story Tampa. To me that is an ideal, “fairy tale story and ending”. (No pun intended, lol). But for a straight college kid, who obviously had a tad of curiosity for gay sex, or he never would have applied for that job, but for a guy who identifies as straight and who has the looks to do the task, it is an ideal way to supplement your income or to make the money for college. But he was intelligent enough to realize that it was just a means to an end, and not a career. Those are my favorite kinds of Broke Straight Boys, who do it for a while and then move on to a “grown up job”.

Back to the point of this thread, Bobby did come back as he was one of the original Broke Straight Boys-2 boys who worked for Clay starting in May 2011, with his last scene in his first stint in January of 2012, in a three-way with Conner and Anthony. He returned in April 2018 with a more mature look appearing with Landon after Sha became the primary director. I sure hope that today he has found a “real” job and is successful and happy in life. He sure made me and many of his fans happy over the years filming for the various incarnations of Broke Straight Boys

Here are shots of young Bobby from his first time doing porn and his latter appearances, looking different but hot in both sets of scenes. :001_tt1:


2018 was the last year listed

Thank you. So his last stint at Broke Straight Boys was apparently the last time he shot porn. I really hope that he has found a profession and is doing well. Through “porn detectives” I’ve met through this site, I know that Jason Matthews and Jimmy Johnson had non-porn careers going and hopefully are still successful. I wish the same to Bobby and to all of our past Broke Straight Boys

You’ve posted Bobby’s filmography previously on this thread, so I’m not sure why you are repeating it. As you told us last time, Bobby has not appeared in any porn since his last stint here with Sha in 2018.
You’ve posted Bobby’s filmography previously on this thread, so I’m not sure why you are repeating it. As you told us last time, Bobby has not appeared in any porn since his last stint here with Sha in 2018.
I forgot. Bobby is one of my all time Broke Straight Boys favorites. In my book, you can never get enough of a good thing.