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Upcoming Scene of Rob Topping Kodi

I believe Rob will be as gentle and kind as needed to make the a good experience for Kodi and the viewers. Best wishes Rob.

I'm sure Rob will be gentle and kind C2M. Because that's the kind of man Rob is. I also think the scene will turn out very well. How could it not? I won't rate it poorly just because I disagree with the match-up. I fully expect to be able to give the scene a 5 rating just based upon who will be in it.

It's just that there are so many other models here who could use the expertise and experience that Rob could give them. Watching newbies like Kodi develop slowly at their own pace is part of the fun though. Few of us want to see Kodi accelerated into acting like a professional porn model so quickly right out of the gate. Some of the established models who have plateaued or who are otherwise just stuck in a holding pattern are the ones who could most use some of Rob's advice and tutoring. Then they could offer us something fresh going forward.
They might as well just make College Dudes a free bonus site if they're going to cross over well established porn stars onto Broke Straight Boys Personally I do not support that decision, as I much prefer Broke Straight Boys content to consist of amateur, unknown, Broke Straight Boys..not aging professional gay porn stars who have been in the industry for years and have been fucked many more times than my slutty ex boyfriend.

Ooo, Abe, I didn't think you were so vindictive, but I agree with you 100%! I left College Dudes and switched to Kristen Bjorn because I get more variety there! However, I like the amateur spontaneity of Broke Straight Boys very much, too! I guess I'm the typical Gemini!:blush:
I agree with what both Tampa and Another 1 are saying. To quote from Tamps,

"While I don't feel as passionately as Abe does about this I tend to agree with both the points being made above. Broke Straight Boys is supposed to be unknown newbie first time amateur straight models. At least in theory and fantasy. I don't support dropping that basic premise."

Any major alteration to that premise takes away that mystic of first timers doing it. Granted, there have been and will continue to be those broke non-straight guys trying to break in to make money by pretending to be straight, clearly they are not. These models just happen to sneak in and in many cases the premise is still there. Even the best screening process can be fooled. When David and now Clay asked the basic question are you straight, Gay, Bi we take that answer as being truthful and let the scene "talk" to us. This is way I like the site as do many others.

As to Another1 and his question as to when does a model become a professional, that's the million dollar question. If we consider Rob a "professional porn actor" (and I am not going to disagree with that) he would not be the first one on Broke Straight Boys We all remember (perhaps not all, if you're new) Porn Shane. He was introduced as a professional up front in his first video. And he did impart his skills on helping straight guys do better. Just go back and watch Shane and Logan. If we go back to another model, Tyler who appeared in more episodes that any other model, would he not be considered a professional?

Live, Long and Prosper,


Hey Vicekid!

It's great to see you back with us. I guess for me the distinction between professional porn models from College Dudes lies in the distinction that the one is much more commercial and mainstream gay porn. Commercial and mainstream gay (even if some models are straight and gay for pay) means that they are expected to throw their legs in the air, be very vocal and act like they love every second of what's going on in the scene.

College Dudes models are professional (commercial) models because they are expected to have gay sex and like it. Or at least pretend to like it. They are paid to be actors. Good ones! Professional models are the ones who will show emotion and yell out things like: "You like that big dick in your ass?" "You want more of this dick?" "Oh please. Fuck me harder!" "Suck that f-ing dick!" A professional model will not let on if he is in pain because he's being paid to make all of it look pleasurable. If he can't or won't do any of those things then he is out of a job. Period.

A professional porn model by my definition is one who does that kind of commercial gay porn. And of course there's nothing wrong with that kind of porn. I like also once in a while. It's just that Broke Straight Boys is supposed to be a reality gay for pay site. So it's not a perfect glossy Hollywood production.

So trying to make a comparison between a professional, commercial gay (or gay for pay) model who could work interchangeably on College Dudes, Colt, Catalina, Corbin Fisher, Falcon and so on...with a "professional" Broke Straight Boys model who would only be considered a professional by virtue of his longevity or seniority of employment here on this site...is comparing apples to oranges.

It's easy enough for instance for a commercial gay (or gay for pay) model/actor like Rocco to come over to a reality site and play it very straight. But could Jimmy (or any other Broke Straight Boys models) go over to College Dudes tomorrow and do a scene with Rocco where he is squirming and hollering and carrying on like he just can't get enough of his topping/bottoming partner? Doubtful.
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not to be argumentative, but i see both College Dudes and Broke Straight Boys as amateur sites lacking the polish of a commericial studio. the models are paid. being unknown in the industry and to the public is their amateur (non-professional) status.
i want to see rob, but that does not mean i want to knock down the wall that separates College Dudes from Broke Straight Boys i do not want to see a lot of outsiders from College Dudes appearing with Broke Straight Boys
cdudes may play the palace, bsboys perform in the coliseum.
i stand for separation of sites!
vicekid, thanks for your input!
good to see your comments.
not to be argumentative, but i see both College Dudes and Broke Straight Boys as amateur sites lacking the polish of a commericial studio. the models are paid. being unknown in the industry and to the public is their amateur (non-professional) status.
Well, amateur in the sense that not every College Dudes model is a budding gay porn star ready for the big leagues...yes. That College Dudes itself is not in a position to directly challenge the major commercial gay production studios...i.e., Colt, Falcon, etc... Again, yes. But Rob, just as a for instance, is one who could thrive in just about any of those places if he had to. IMHO

But Broke Straight Boys is much more the amateur site than College Dudes is.
we differ only on the subject of rob!
tampa, i appreciate being able to disagree, without appearing disagreeable.
we differ only on the subject of rob!
tampa, i appreciate being able to disagree, without appearing disagreeable.

Exactly Another1. Good men (and women) can differ, on matters large and small, without being disagreeable. :wink:
Why tell us this is his first time topping a guy given that we know his first time was filmed and released on College Dudes several months ago? How could Broke Straight Boys possibly be his first topping scene? Unless College Dudes was his second time, which I highly doubt.

Regardless though many of us really like Rob and many of us really like Kodi. So we'll have to see where this goes. Once the scene is posted we will eagerly await the results and hope for the best.

i hope you will join with me in rejoicing that tonight's scene is Kodi's first time topping.
as i said in another post, when the notes on any scene are first posted they differ from the notes posted closer to going live.
boy, i am glad to notes had the name incorrect.

chad should be the first to top Kodi!
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i hope you will join with me in rejoicing that tonight's scene is Kodi's first time topping.
as i said in another post, when the notes on any scene are first posted they differ from the notes posted closer to going live.
boy, i am glad to notes had the name incorrect.
chad should be the first to top Kodi!



Thank you so much Another1 for your eagle-eyed observation. Upon further review by the judges, (and some erroneous typos being worked out...), the match-up tonight is now being called Kodi's first topping scene. Rob will be showing us his awesome bottoming skills here on Broke Straight Boys for the first time.
I don't know who writes the thumbnail descriptions of upcoming scenes for the homepage, but how can it be so wrong. Has the person not seen the episode? I have always presumed that Clay writes the scene description, but maybe not the thumbnails. In any event, I realize people can err, God only knows I do so regularly, but something this obvious (who is fucking and who is getting fucked) should be easy. But not knowing the system, it is easy for me to criticize, so I'm just suggesting that such postings be proofread to avoid these types of errors.

In any event, I'm glad that Kodi is topping. Rob is a great bottom and this will be an interesting scene. And it still gives us the hope for Chad to be the first to top Kodi.

Chad & Kodi! Chad & Kodi! Chad & Kodi! Chad & Kodi!​

i think remembering which screen name goes with which real name would be hard.
i like to see the thumbnail pictures of upcoming scene and i like to read the thumbnail description. i find they such a tease. misstatements are, in most cases, harmless and pass noticed only people like me. this one fed into a few discussions.
to err is human!
looking for the scene with chad topping Kodi. this one is Kodi topping rob.
i think i like some scenes where the thumbnail picture does not tell the whole story. a scene where anything is possible. a scene that cries out for a teaser description.


Thank you so much Another1 for your eagle-eyed observation. Upon further review by the judges, (and some erroneous typos being worked out...), the match-up tonight is now being called Kodi's first topping scene. Rob will be showing us his awesome bottoming skills here on Broke Straight Boys for the first time.
Yes Tampa, the thought of beautiful young Kodi fucking Rob is a lot more exciting to me than the reverse. Let's see how the scene turns out in a few hours.
I don't know who writes the thumbnail descriptions of upcoming scenes for the homepage, but how can it be so wrong. Has the person not seen the episode? I have always presumed that Clay writes the scene description, but maybe not the thumbnails. In any event, I realize people can err, God only knows I do so regularly, but something this obvious (who is fucking and who is getting fucked) should be easy. But not knowing the system, it is easy for me to criticize, so I'm just suggesting that such postings be proofread to avoid these types of errors.

In any event, I'm glad that Kodi is topping. Rob is a great bottom and this will be an interesting scene. And it still gives us the hope for Chad to be the first to top Kodi.

Chad & Kodi! Chad & Kodi! Chad & Kodi! Chad & Kodi!​


I agree with EVERYTHING you said Stowe. It was a stupid mistake:useyourhead:, and it should be CHAD:001_wub: with Kodi..........
PATIENCE my friends.If not already canned, I have no doubt we will be getting the pairing with Kodi and CHAD.The numerous requests were loud and clear enough.

The announcement that ROB was going to top Kodi was possibly no mistake at all but done on purpose perhaps knowing the dog would come out.SURPRISE it is the other way around and everybody happy again.I like these sorts of games.Did not see the shoot yet but based on the rating it can not be else then awesome.After CHAD, Kodi and BOBBY PLEASE and I really dont care who will be topping or bottoming in this case.
At least we know too that Kodi has no problem with KISSING. Carry-on golden boy!
Personally, I have nothing against Rob Ryder. I think he is a really sweet guy, and I love him on the BTS episodes and on the forum. I don't really care for him as someone I would want to watch to get me aroused. I hAve only seen the one College Dudes episode that Mark gave us, and that was enough for me. I thought Rob's solo scene here was enough, I don't need to see him paired here with the Broke Straight Boys models, and especially not with a sweet young newbie.

For me, if I wanted to watch College Dudes models, I would subscribe to that site, but, I do not! I am really disappointed that this is happening, and I am going to have to seriously consider if this move by Broke Straight Boys is worth my money. For years I was strictly a Bel Ami fan, till I discovered Broke Straight Boys, but around 2010, Broke Straight Boys started moving away from its original format and while I still preferred this website, I saw the writing on the wall. It seems that Broke Straight Boys is completely moving away from its original inception, and perhaps it is time to move on. All good things do come to an end, sad, but oh so true.

I am quite sure that these 2 models, Kodi and Rob, will put on a blow out episode, but they are not the source of my distress. Pity

Dang Jlipps, I'm sorry you feel so strongly over one scene. Instead of thinking of how bad management messed up or why it is their fault and now you are going to leave.

If you would take a step back, you would recognize management only did it for you guys. If you read through the forums over the past 7 months that I have been on, people have been asking for Rob Ryder to make guest appearances on Broke Straight Boys

So what does management do? They listen. They put me on a solo and a fuck scene with Kodi in order to "please" the members. But then what happens? Everyone doesn't like what they asked for and now want to play the blame game. It is ONE SCENE. No more. there have already been many scenes to go up since. Out of sight out of mind. There is no reason to get bent out of shape, not only from this situation but of all of the things that management does that makes you angry. They can't please everyone. All they can do is try.

Once again, I am sorry you feel that way and I would hope you reconsider before leaving because of this. If you do, then I think it may be time to reflect. Just because they brought me over one time, DOES NOT mean that they are going to start flooding the Broke Straight Boys scenes with College Dudes As you can see, I am the ONLY College Dudes on here, thus it is only natural for them to attempt it with me since many people had taken a liking to me.
Yes Tampa, the thought of beautiful young Kodi fucking Rob is a lot more exciting to me than the reverse. Let's see how the scene turns out in a few hours.

Well we know now how this turned out haha
Rob, if nothing else, and I think there is a lot more, you have a great sense of humour.