No. No. No. You did not fail me or "us" Blake. And neither did Ayden. Perish the thought!

The detracting points of the scene (for me personally) were Clay's decisions in the pairing for your first bottoming partner, as well as the choreography. The one-sidedness of it reminded me of a
Jimmy Johnson vid. You had to carry about 75% of the scene. Which you did. And did well. Add to that the fact that it is still not possible to download the entire scene...and may not ever be possible. The downloaded scene cuts out right after your cumshot. Ayden did a very good job here for his level of experience. I think he has a bright future here and I am a fan of his. He just shouldn't have been the one in this first scene with you. (imho)
For those members of the site who aren't in the forum, you are just a beautiful guy with a hot body. Only the most perceptive of them can sense the beauty of your soul. For those of us who are blessed to know you more as a beautiful fellow human being and not just a pretty face...our expectations are different. For non forum members they are just content enough that they saw this hot guy bottom and that he had a great cumshot. We in the forum know that bottoming was something you really had to do some soul searching on first. And that it was a gift from you to your many fans. I had just expected that your much anticipated first bottoming scene would have been treated by those planning it as a bigger deal than it was. It was a very good scene. With a very good effort on the part of both of you. But for all the reasons I've stated above, it just wasn't a great scene. I think it all goes back to different levels of hope, expectation and anticipation between forum members and non forum members of the site.
I thank you very much Blake for bottoming for us and doing such a good job here. I know it was a difficult decision for you to make and follow through with. Mwah! I look forward to future bottoming vids of your that will be even more to my liking.
Rather than shooting you Blake...I'd much rather blow you kisses! XXOXXO