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Upcoming Ayden Bottoming Scene With Paul :)


Oct 30, 2008
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Hey Everyone,

There seems to be an interest in discussing the upcoming scene where Ayden bottoms for the first time. So I thought I'd start a thread. :)
Yippeee!!!! Back on June 24, I predicted that Ayden's fingering of his hot hole was maybe just a preview of what was cumming next - Ayden's deflowering!!! I was hoping that Adam would do the honours - but it is proving even better - my dear PAUL is going to be the lucky guy!!! One coud not ask for anything better - imagine that beautful man-rod of Paul's going deeply into Ayden's treasure hole. Ooooooh! Alleluiua!!! ... what would make thgis even better would be for Paul and Ayden in a lusty loving lip-lock!!! Yum! Two things Ayden has not done yet!!!!

After watching Paul's deflowering of Damien, my heart broke when I saw that he was the one with Ayden. I think your original idea of Adam would have been much better.:crying2:

My preference is that a hot straight stud like AYDEN not be "deflowered" at all, but the masses want it and he wants the money, so that is how it will be.:crying2:

But if it must happen, I'm glad it's with our Paul. Excited to see if it's aggressive fuck like with Damien or passionate like with Jason. I'm good either way:thumbup1:

I feel that having conversed on here with hot Paul, he is going to love every moment nwith (and every inch, too) with Ayden. I have seen Paul's passionate loving scene with Jason, and I think Paul will be just as pasionate with Ayden as he was with Jason - I look forward to it!!!! Promises to be a GREAT 4th of July week!

For some reason I feel that Damien's look and attitude screamed at Paul beinbg aggressive and Ayden's easy goiig and sensitive manner are just thge opposite. Just my thought, as I go out to buy more lube!

I don't think youy need worry - Ayden will be in good company with Paul - and the scene will be great - Paul is very sensitive to others, nd will treat Ayden lovingly!! I'd love to be a fly in the room, but alas, it may be too hot to stay in there with them!

Okay. Go! haha
I'm very much in agreement with Peter and Rick. Adam would have been a good choice also. There's no deny that.

But I want to thank Clay and the powers that be for choosing a very competent and experienced model like Paul to be Ayden's first top. :thumbup1:

This is a highly anticipated one-time event for most of us when a model as popular as Ayden bottoms for the first time. So I'm already pleased by the casting before the video even airs. Paul knows how to put on a good show and he will no doubt be very attentive to Ayden's nerves and comfort level. I think Paul is a great choice. There certainly could have been worse choices out there. lol
I may be reaching with this but...if a model like Ayden has held off doing a bottom scene as long as this, wouldn't it be fair that HE get to choose who to do such a scene with? And if the person of his choosing is Paul, then I too would anticipate a really good show!
We're a strange lot are we not. Such a big issue with Ayden bottoming for the first time and now we are complaining that it should have been Adam instead of Paul. You can't have your cake and eat it dudes. ha ha x
I agree Mike, why do people insist on seeing a guy bottom. If it's such a big issue for Ayden and only big bucks are making him do it then the chances are that he will not enjoy it and that will be reflected in the film. Sometimes it's better to stick to things that you're good at doing then at least the end product will be hot. I may be proved wrong of course, we will have to see.

Jon, I am pleasantly surprised to see you agree with me on this issue. I keep equating this upcoming "deflowering" with two of my least favorite scenes ever on BSB1, where two of my favorite models ever, Mike Robbins and Tank Shane submit to the fucking that both the forum and David insisted on, and I cringed watching the pain and discomfort that they were put through.

I sure hope that Ayden either enjoys it, or at least tolerates it without a lot of pain, as he like the other two are both so good looking and they top so well, and I don't understand why Broke Straight Boys can't let a great top remain what he is and not force him way out of his comfort zone to appease those "blood thirsty" fans who want to see a hot straight guy be fucked against his preference.

I've brought this convo over to this thread. :)
I sure hope that Ayden either enjoys it, or at least tolerates it without a lot of pain, as he like the other two are both so good looking and they top so well, and I don't understand why Broke Straight Boys can't let a great top remain what he is and not force him way out of his comfort zone to appease those "blood thirsty" fans who want to see a hot straight guy be fucked against his preference.

Hey Mikey,

I totally get why you feel the way you do because of your preference to see some of the straightest models remain as straight as possible. Many of us at times have overreached or exaggerated in our discourse to make a point on something we feel strongly about. You must admit that "blood thirsty" is a little OTT. haha I haven't seen an unusually high number of fans in the forum insisting on seeing Ayden bottom. I also doubt that Mark and Clay had a mob of torch wielding villagers outside the Broke Straight Boys mansion, ready to torch the place unless they saw Ayden's booty served on a platter. lol

Ayden has been led to do this because it's a natural progression for just about any model who wants to be around for more than just his first 3-6 scenes. You are welcome of course to continue to feel strongly about not pushing models to bottom if they'd rather not. But a model who doesn't want to ever bottom always has the option of quitting first. If they want to be signed to a contract though where they are guaranteed future work, and whole lot more money, then they know they will be asked to do things sexually that will push their boundaries.

Ayden is a good guy and very sexy too. Hopefully this bottoming scene will not be too painful for him and certainly not emotionally traumatic. I think the scene has the potential to be quite good. But I do understand why you're upset Mikey. I'm sorry that seeing Ayden bottom will burst your bubble of the uber straight fantasy.
I understand Mikeys concern over Ayden bottoming, but it's Ms"K" who I'm worried about!!lol Unlike David's wonderful personnality but aggressive push to have some of our favs from BSB1 to bottom, I don't think this new crop of boys are being pushed to do what they don't want to do. I love this site and miss the old way of working a amateur boy up to doing anal eventually, where as the new (well 2 yrs old now) BSB2 has for the last year or so brought on more obvious Bi/gay boys pretending to be straight but sucking and fucking like gay boys do. I'm not complaining about our new models it's just they are way more willing to do everything without hesitation to film a good "gay porn video". But David had to wine and dine a little to push the boys beyond their comfort zone. And those boys were probably bi/gay already but the premise was more realistic.
I suppose the saying "no pain no gain" is quite apt when a model is so broke that he will do almost anything for more money. Time will tell whether or not bro Ayden will actually enjoy the experience.
Hey Mikey,

I totally get why you feel the way you do because of your preference to see some of the straightest models remain as straight as possible. Many of us at times have overreached or exaggerated in our discourse to make a point on something we feel strongly about. You must admit that "blood thirsty" is a little OTT. haha I haven't seen an unusually high number of fans in the forum insisting on seeing Ayden bottom. I also doubt that Mark and Clay had a mob of torch wielding villagers outside the Broke Straight Boys mansion, ready to torch the place unless they saw Ayden's booty served on a platter. lol

Ayden has been led to do this because it's a natural progression for just about any model who wants to be around for more than just his first 3-6 scenes. You are welcome of course to continue to feel strongly about not pushing models to bottom if they'd rather not. But a model who doesn't want to ever bottom always has the option of quitting first. If they want to be signed to a contract though where they are guaranteed future work, and whole lot more money, then they know they will be asked to do things sexually that will push their boundaries.

Ayden is a good guy and very sexy too. Hopefully this bottoming scene will not be too painful for him and certainly not emotionally traumatic. I think the scene has the potential to be quite good. But I do understand why you're upset Mikey. I'm sorry that seeing Ayden bottom will burst your bubble of the uber straight fantasy.
Tampa, I did put "blood thirsty" in quotes, but that is often the prevailing attitude among many who will not be satisfied until they see even the straightest of models get fucked.

I also disagree that it is a "natural progression" for a model who does more than 3-6 scenes. Look at one of your favorite models Tampa, Diesal who made over 20 scenes here. Didn't he only get fucked once or twice? (I am not a big Diesal fan, so I don't know the exact number). So he made the "natural progression" and then a "regression" back into being a total top, and doing oral in the remaining time he was here, and the same goes for my beautiful "hero's" of BSB1, Tank Shane and Mike R who each did it once and continued on doing what came natural to them.

So apparently it is not required for the guys to necessarily "progress" into getting fucked, but more to "take one for the team" to satisfy the lust of the masses, who can say, Ah ha. He has now gone "all the way", and then they can revert into doing what they do well, and what they enjoy doing.

All of this makes me even prouder than I've been of Jimmy Johnson, who did a slew of scenes in his years contract, and never succumbed to the pressure of Clay, possibly Mark, and certainly the scores of forumites who so desperately wanted to see him "spit roast" by a huge cock in a sort of "revenge" fuck.

Tampa, I love you dearly, but I totally disagree with your premise.
I understand Mikeys concern over Ayden bottoming, but it's Ms"K" who I'm worried about!!lol Unlike David's wonderful personnality but aggressive push to have some of our favs from BSB1 to bottom, I don't think this new crop of boys are being pushed to do what they don't want to do. I love this site and miss the old way of working a amateur boy up to doing anal eventually, where as the new (well 2 yrs old now) BSB2 has for the last year or so brought on more obvious Bi/gay boys pretending to be straight but sucking and fucking like gay boys do. I'm not complaining about our new models it's just they are way more willing to do everything without hesitation to film a good "gay porn video". But David had to wine and dine a little to push the boys beyond their comfort zone. And those boys were probably bi/gay already but the premise was more realistic.
Exactly Peter! I've been trying to make the same point myself. The new models are often as "believably straight" as any on BSB1 in their demeanor, and possibly their personal lifestyle off set, but the willingness and the expertise of their gay sex skills belies all of that to me. I've always considered this a fantasy site set in a reality format, and I'm not here to watch hot guys just get right into the sex without the hesitation and the learning curve, that seems to have vanished in the way the scenes are presented now.

But obviously many members if not most are looking for a whole different kind of broke "straight" boy, than I am.
Mike, maybe the straight guy you wish for back on the Broke Straight Boys scenes, no longer exists. The real straight guys are probably no longer broke or are far too straight to do any man on man action that even thousands of greenbacks won't persuade them to appear here. Which leaves the not so straight guy who have probably dabbled a bit with their friends, to come here and earn some money. One thing we have not seen for a while is the prissy gay guys which David used to throw in now and again. I suspect this is because they are no longer needed for the reasons stated in my previous sentence.
Congratulations to all, and a Gay Pride "thank you" for making this extremely exciting and promising duo actually happen --- Paul (the best) and amazingly a bottoming Ayden (among the best). Expect cancellations to fall off sharply. Wow.
And I very much prefer the last year of models versus the often limited (and otherwise seemingly gay anyway) BSB1 crowd. To my tastes, models like Paul, Brandon, Ayden, Mike, Adam, among others, are as exciting (and more personable) than those found in other top-rated sites. I very much enjoy CF, SC and Chaos, but the personal touch that Broke Straight Boys adds brings special value.
I only hope that Ayden stretched first; Paul can be very gentle, but he is still big and thick and luscious and....oh my; clean up on aisle Beth!:001_tongue:
I understand Mikeys concern over Ayden bottoming, but it's Ms"K" who I'm worried about!!lol Unlike David's wonderful personnality but aggressive push to have some of our favs from BSB1 to bottom, I don't think this new crop of boys are being pushed to do what they don't want to do. I love this site and miss the old way of working a amateur boy up to doing anal eventually, where as the new (well 2 yrs old now) BSB2 has for the last year or so brought on more obvious Bi/gay boys pretending to be straight but sucking and fucking like gay boys do. I'm not complaining about our new models it's just they are way more willing to do everything without hesitation to film a good "gay porn video". But David had to wine and dine a little to push the boys beyond their comfort zone. And those boys were probably bi/gay already but the premise was more realistic.

Thanks for your concern, Peter. I do admit, I am a little worried too. If Ayden doesn't like it, and gets criticized on here for his reaction, my heart will break for him.
And I very much prefer the last year of models versus the often limited (and otherwise seemingly gay anyway) BSB1 crowd. To my tastes, models like Paul, Brandon, Ayden, Mike, Adam, among others, are as exciting (and more personable) than those found in other top-rated sites. I very much enjoy CF, SC and Chaos, but the personal touch that Broke Straight Boys adds brings special value.

You said that very well Chas. I will visit one of those other sites that you mentioned maybe once every 2 years. But I stay with Broke Straight Boys year-round for the personal touch and that feeling that we actually get to know a little bit about the models. It's much better than just being able to appreciate then for just their sexual skills onscreen.
We're a strange lot are we not. Such a big issue with Ayden bottoming for the first time and now we are complaining that it should have been Adam instead of Paul. You can't have your cake and eat it dudes. ha ha x

Watching Adam fuck Ayden would be my absolute most favorite video of all time. I hope I live long enough to see it happen.