I so enjoy the "wisdom" of CHILDREN. What's the longest relationship this VERY young man has ever had? A weekend? A month?
I am a Top. Period. I have bottomed a few times when I was younger just to understand what the guy I was fucking was experiencing. My first time, there was no pain at all. there were also no bells and whistles. I did it to see why the guys I fucked moaned and groaned and seemed to have such a great time with it. I felt virtually nothing. a little pressure, some friction, but after a few minutes I was soooo BORED with it, then it just got irritating. Found out after a more than a few tries that my prostate just isn't wired for it. At first, I was truly kinda disappointed--I truly wanted that feeling of lying back and getting those thrills from some other guy putting in the effort and then I was kinda jealous--still am, a bit--that they could have so much fun with it, get so much out of it, when, for me, it was annoying and a complete waste of time.
WHY put in all the effort and time to create an emotional bond with someone who would be mostly useless in the bedroom? I REALLY like u and could fall in love with you---then find out ur sexually incompatible? what then? broken hearts, wasted time...which could all be avoided with a simple question. But, 24 yr old wisdom comes to tell us all about it! ROFL! My last LTR was the best 14 years of my life and 7 years after we split, he is still my best friend. He was our bottom for those 14 years--BUT! When he wanted to get his Top on, we invited a third to join us. I LOVED watching my husband fuck another guy. My own private porno! He had a HUGE cock, so it was great to see him in action. commitment is in the head and heart, not the crotch, and sex is fun. love and sex are separate entities, but getting emotionally involved BEFORE u determine compatability is just a heartbreak waiting to happen. for those of us who are NOT versatile. If ur versatile, then sure, it doesn't matter. but if ur not versatile, damned str8 it's one of the first questions asked and answered cuz while ur wasting my time and emotion, six other guys that could have been perfect for me went by the wayside cuz u had all my attention then find out ur a non-versatile top too--now what? trade recipes? be content with bj's? or one of us gritting our teeth and taking one for the team instead of truly enjoying each other? again--come back and talk to us about ur life experience/wisdom when ur old enough TO HAVE HAD SOME! sheeeesh....