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Time to be HONEST


Firstly, you will always be in my top 10 !

This persecution says more about those people than you. They are obviously sad little people who only feel validated if they are bringing others down. Maybe they are jealous of your talent, warm nature and guts ? Who cares. Hold your head high. I know it's easy to say, and I don't want to sound patronising, as that's not what I feel, but you should be proud. Your scenes continue to provide me (and a hell of a lot of other members) with great pleasure and I'd love to see you back. If it wasn't for lock-downs and social distancing, I'd give you a hug and say 'thanks'. You are a star.

You have every right to live a private life. I sincerely hope you can track these people down and put an end to this.

Very well said, Kingvalley! Thanks. You speak for many of us.
You guys are awesome! Literally all of you! I love coming back to the forum!

On the other side of this, I will let you all know that other than this current investigation, I am excelling at my job. Hopefully all this comes to an end and the person(s) that are doing this either come to light and justice can be served or disappear forever and never do it to me or ANYONE ever again.

ALSO, IF and I say that very loosly.... I were to come back and do a scene or two... who of the models currently here....actually fuck it even if its someone else and Mark got them to come back too. Who would you like seeing me in a scene with?? Mark you can vote too! lol
You guys are awesome! Literally all of you! I love coming back to the forum!

On the other side of this, I will let you all know that other than this current investigation, I am excelling at my job. Hopefully all this comes to an end and the person(s) that are doing this either come to light and justice can be served or disappear forever and never do it to me or ANYONE ever again.

ALSO, IF and I say that very loosly.... I were to come back and do a scene or two... who of the models currently here....actually fuck it even if its someone else and Mark got them to come back too. Who would you like seeing me in a scene with?? Mark you can vote too! lol
You and Jake would be beautiful together.


Hell Adam, you and anyone would be beautiful together! LOL

ALSO, IF and I say that very loosly.... I were to come back and do a scene or two... who of the models currently here....actually fuck it even if its someone else and Mark got them to come back too. Who would you like seeing me in a scene with?? Mark you can vote too! lol

Well, I would start with guys that have been here a while but weren’t here when you left. Benjamin, Jos Alvarez, Tanner, Gage Owens, etc. (I’m not so convinced we’ve seen the last of Ben and Tanner)
The newer guys I’m undecided. So many. Hell, do them all.
Well, I would start with guys that have been here a while but weren’t here when you left. Benjamin, Jos Alvarez, Tanner, Gage Owens, etc. (I’m not so convinced we’ve seen the last of Ben and Tanner)
The newer guys I’m undecided. So many. Hell, do them all.
You are 100% correct Jay. Jake may be gone but Adam with any of the guys you mentioned or Calhoun as well would be ultra hot.

And Adam should do it just to catapult his ratings back to the top where he belongs! :thumbup:

You guys are awesome! Literally all of you! I love coming back to the forum!

On the other side of this, I will let you all know that other than this current investigation, I am excelling at my job. Hopefully all this comes to an end and the person(s) that are doing this either come to light and justice can be served or disappear forever and never do it to me or ANYONE ever again.

ALSO, IF and I say that very loosly.... I were to come back and do a scene or two... who of the models currently here....actually fuck it even if its someone else and Mark got them to come back too. Who would you like seeing me in a scene with?? Mark you can vote too! lol

Oh yay I get to vote too. I think you are James would be hot a fuck together. Ethan Steel comes to mind too.
Dear Adam,

There are so many models I think many of us would like to see you paired with, that the true list could be endless. haha But I'll give it some thought anyway and see if I could pare it down to a more reasonable number. haha Even if you don't really intend to come back it's still a fun idea for those of us who ae huge fans of yours, (and of the real life human being behind your stage name, :001_wub: xo) to give some consideration to. :wink:
Adam, i have always loved you and have seen all that you have done on Broke Straight Boys I would love to see you return and i second mark's vote for a scene with James Dawn. Also adam, thanks for starting and posting. Love ya!!
Hey everyone....

It's been awhile! lol but here I am back on the forum.

Lets get right to it..title says it. Nothing but honesty and truth here on this thread!!!

Most of you know that I have not had the best past. To further clarify I have an individual(s) that have it out for me and are trying to ruin my life. While I was still filming with the website and shortly after, someone outed my real name and spread it around out entire town pretty much. I also remember seeing comments and reading things about me and other Broke Straight Boys models. There seems to be a problem with straight guys or the notion of them being straight and claiming to be straight but are on websites like Broke Straight Boys It seems that people get it into their mind that it is their responsibility to the LGBT community to out all models and guys "claiming" to be but they KNOW in their head that the model is gay. So they go out of their way to ruin the models life. No matter how good the model is doing in life it aggravates the person thats on that mission.

So I don't understand this.... if anyone could explain or if you are one, try and justify it. I don't know guys... it's just crazy... 7 years after filming I'm still being effected by it. This is how I know someone is legit out to get me.

On a side note... I did sadly notice I have officially dropped out of the top 10.

Again honest is best policy!! Let it out guys!

-Adam Baer
Hi Adam , I am so sorry to hear about the problems you have been having for such a long period of time. You are definitely loved on this site and I do find it hard to believe a so called "fan" of yours would do this, or anyone that enjoys the work of all models on this site. However have you considered that it might not be on this side of the fence? What I mean by this, could it be possible that the person or persons doing this is a fellow model whom you have worked with in the past, someone who is jealous of your success on sites like Broke Straight Boys or even someone you may have had a disagreement with. To me this vendetta seems very deep seated, hateful and someone that knows personal information about you. While I agree it wouldn't be too hard to find out models names, other information maybe more difficult to come by, although in today's cyberworld who knows what's on the web about any of us. I do hope you sort this out for your own peace of mind. Remember Adam there are many people on this site that respect and love your work so do come back and visit from time to time, if for nothing else than to hear your ok. Sent with love and respect Foxy.
I think the majority love to knock people down, I don't get it but that's how it is. I would never post a negative thing about someone or there body type because we all like different things. On the flip side one cant take all the compliments and get a big head. there is a person on the other side of that camera that we don't really know. Funny LGBT always wanted to be accepted but there is more bashin from them if you are not what they think you should be. Keep you head up, the ones that win are the ones that take a smile off your face.

I've come up with the perfect solution to the question of who you should be teamed up with should you return to Broke Straight Boys !

As getting a consensus decision would be almost impossible, I suggest you do a scene with each of the 19 models who, with you, make up the top 20. That way everyone can make their decision based on the scenes. A win-win situation ? Well, a mega win for us members :)

We can dream.

Dearest Adam,

I'm so sad and upset to hear that you are still getting grief in your life to the present day over your past filming here. It makes no sense for someone/anyone(!) to be on a mission of vengeance to try to make your personal life more difficult. I don't get it at all. But maybe I'm looking at it from the standpoint of a reasonable, at least fairly intelligent person. And just as you can't fix stupid, I've long ago since concluded that you can't fix ignorance either.

I just wish that people who go to extremes to out people or make their lives hell by trying to go after straight, gay for pay models...could be criminally prosecuted in some way. They have to be mentally ill to be able to justify this kind of behavior in their own minds and consciences. Fortunately there are certain jurisdictions, situations, places of employment, etc., where people who are doing things like this can be charged with sexual harassment. And also charged with creating a hostile work environment. If an opportunity presents itself in the military, or even the private sector, where you can identify the person responsible with proof for you to file a complaint of sexual harassment based the kinds of grief you're being given by someone...and you think the complaint has a reasonable chance of success in HR or the military equivalent of it...please DO! If you're uncertain of whether such a charge would hold up upon review, please don't hesitate to contact a lawyer who specializes in military law or civilian law and has strong knowledge of the employment regulations of the state, county, and even the city regulations on employment law, where you reside.

I'm so sorry that it seems like gay people are the ones who you've indicated have been some of the most unkind towards you. It makes me feel ashamed for my kind. Nobody should behave like this. At best, it's abhorrent and extremely immature and ignorant. At worst, it's criminal.

As far as intellectual honesty on these subjects, since that was the crux of where you were leading with your questions, I'll share a few thoughts of my own. Yes. It's true that many gay men will treat the subject of another guy's true sexuality as a subject up for conjecture and debate. Almost like a sport of sorts. Worthy of fun banter, discussion and perhaps sadly, maybe even a little bit of unsubstantiated gossip.

Here in the forum even many of us have gone back and forth over whether we believe a certain model's claim of being straight is accurate. Many times we find online evidence that a model's claim of living a hetero life outside the studio is bogus. The best I can sugarcoat this with is to say that most of the time in here, it's only intended as harmless fun and an opportunity to chat. It's never gone to a level of any hostile intent towards the person. I've never known of it to be taken to a level of leaving the confines of this forum and wanting to interfere with a model's personal life in a spiteful malicious way. That would never occur to me or to anyone else I know reasonably well in here. But yes. There is that tendency in the gay community to speculate with interest over male celebrities' true sexual orientations.

But having said that, I do reiterate that anyone (gay or straight) who tries to maliciously mess with someone's personal life over the issue of sexual orientation is mentally ill on some level and has plenty of serious issues. Nobody sane and well adjusted can or would condone that kind of behavior. And that includes those who cowardly hide behind religious upbringing as a justification.

Dearest Adam,

I hope you are well. xo

I noticed that you were recently on the forum and I wanted to make a further point to what I posted here earlier. (Don't worry. I'm not stalking you. There are a couple easy ways for us to tell who has been on the forum over the last day or so. lol)

I spoke/wrote to you at some length about what options I hoped you might have or take if the person or persons who are trying to make your life difficult are coworkers. I do hope also though that if you should find out that the person is a civilian, that you consider options such as getting a restraining order and so on. So if it's not something that HR in your workplace could do anything about, that you still have other legal civil remedies available to you.