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Time to be HONEST


BSB Model
BSB Model
Mar 20, 2018
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Hey everyone....

It's been awhile! lol but here I am back on the forum.

Lets get right to it..title says it. Nothing but honesty and truth here on this thread!!!

Most of you know that I have not had the best past. To further clarify I have an individual(s) that have it out for me and are trying to ruin my life. While I was still filming with the website and shortly after, someone outed my real name and spread it around out entire town pretty much. I also remember seeing comments and reading things about me and other Broke Straight Boys models. There seems to be a problem with straight guys or the notion of them being straight and claiming to be straight but are on websites like Broke Straight Boys It seems that people get it into their mind that it is their responsibility to the LGBT community to out all models and guys "claiming" to be but they KNOW in their head that the model is gay. So they go out of their way to ruin the models life. No matter how good the model is doing in life it aggravates the person thats on that mission.

So I don't understand this.... if anyone could explain or if you are one, try and justify it. I don't know guys... it's just crazy... 7 years after filming I'm still being effected by it. This is how I know someone is legit out to get me.

On a side note... I did sadly notice I have officially dropped out of the top 10.

Again honest is best policy!! Let it out guys!

-Adam Baer
Hey everyone....

It's been awhile! lol but here I am back on the forum.

Lets get right to it..title says it. Nothing but honesty and truth here on this thread!!!

Most of you know that I have not had the best past. To further clarify I have an individual(s) that have it out for me and are trying to ruin my life. While I was still filming with the website and shortly after, someone outed my real name and spread it around out entire town pretty much. I also remember seeing comments and reading things about me and other Broke Straight Boys models. There seems to be a problem with straight guys or the notion of them being straight and claiming to be straight but are on websites like Broke Straight Boys It seems that people get it into their mind that it is their responsibility to the LGBT community to out all models and guys "claiming" to be but they KNOW in their head that the model is gay. So they go out of their way to ruin the models life. No matter how good the model is doing in life it aggravates the person thats on that mission.

So I don't understand this.... if anyone could explain or if you are one, try and justify it. I don't know guys... it's just crazy... 7 years after filming I'm still being effected by it. This is how I know someone is legit out to get me.

On a side note... I did sadly notice I have officially dropped out of the top 10.

Again honest is best policy!! Let it out guys!

-Adam Baer
I am more open minded than most. I think it is possible to be straight and do gay porn for money. I am gay, and if I were to have sex with a woman on camera for money, it wouldn’t all of a sudden make me straight, and people wouldn’t think I was straight. It really is unfair for straight men. You just do you and fuck the haters. The only time I’ve ever questioned a “straight” model is when they give a “straight” story on their BTS and they contradict themselves. For example, one guy recently claimed to be straight and maybe a little bi curious and then previous porn surfaced of him under a different porn name claiming to be gay and loving to bottom. Another model acted straight but on his twitter he has a boyfriend...lol. I think the times have changed a little since your debut. I’ve honestly never questioned your sexuality as a straight man or many of the guys that started around the same time as you. It’s a little different now.
I have to admit that the question of ones sexuality on this forum has made me uncomfortable at times, for sure. And many of us have argued...lol.
As far as your rating dropping....lol.....don’t get me started. There are less members scoring today, so newer models have a much higher chance of ranking higher than you because they have less people voting than when you started. I guess that means you need to come back and claim your title.
So sorry you are still dealing with this Adam. I think whoever keeps bringing this to light probably have homosexual thoughts or something of that nature. I've never personally known a model to have issues for the length that you have. You've always been a great guy, honest, sweet and always a pleasure to work with and I hate that this is still happening to you.

I agree with Jaybifla you should come back and claim your title. Btw the system does adjust ratings so it is fair across the board for older models and newer. You could easily change your rating by doing some new scenes.
Adam, I feel so sad reading this. I am with you, I can't understand how other human beings have such a great capacity for judgement, anger and the feeling that they need to punish someone for what's in their own minds. I've come to the understanding that some of these people just are not mentally healthy, there's no good reason except it makes them feel better about themselves for about a minute. It makes me angry, and even worse it makes me start to think like them. I want to react, I want justice, I want retribution. After I think about it and calm down I realize it's not going to happen and even if it did it wouldn't change what's already happened.

I was recently exposed on Facebook by some mean spirited guy I feel used and frustrated that there seems to be nothing I can do about it.

I realize my experience is insignificant compared to yours and my heart goes out to you. I read a quote a few years ago that really hit home for me, "I am not responsible for what you think of me. I am only responsible for what I think of myself" for me this puts the power back in my hands. Now it's my cho8ice to hold my head up and live my life with pride and let those bastards know they can't knock me down. I wish you all the best Adam.
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Dearest Adam,

I'm so sad and upset to hear that you are still getting grief in your life to the present day over your past filming here. It makes no sense for someone/anyone(!) to be on a mission of vengeance to try to make your personal life more difficult. I don't get it at all. But maybe I'm looking at it from the standpoint of a reasonable, at least fairly intelligent person. And just as you can't fix stupid, I've long ago since concluded that you can't fix ignorance either.

I just wish that people who go to extremes to out people or make their lives hell by trying to go after straight, gay for pay models...could be criminally prosecuted in some way. They have to be mentally ill to be able to justify this kind of behavior in their own minds and consciences. Fortunately there are certain jurisdictions, situations, places of employment, etc., where people who are doing things like this can be charged with sexual harassment. And also charged with creating a hostile work environment. If an opportunity presents itself in the military, or even the private sector, where you can identify the person responsible with proof for you to file a complaint of sexual harassment based the kinds of grief you're being given by someone...and you think the complaint has a reasonable chance of success in HR or the military equivalent of it...please DO! If you're uncertain of whether such a charge would hold up upon review, please don't hesitate to contact a lawyer who specializes in military law or civilian law and has strong knowledge of the employment regulations of the state, county, and even the city regulations on employment law, where you reside.

I'm so sorry that it seems like gay people are the ones who you've indicated have been some of the most unkind towards you. It makes me feel ashamed for my kind. Nobody should behave like this. At best, it's abhorrent and extremely immature and ignorant. At worst, it's criminal.

As far as intellectual honesty on these subjects, since that was the crux of where you were leading with your questions, I'll share a few thoughts of my own. Yes. It's true that many gay men will treat the subject of another guy's true sexuality as a subject up for conjecture and debate. Almost like a sport of sorts. Worthy of fun banter, discussion and perhaps sadly, maybe even a little bit of unsubstantiated gossip.

Here in the forum even many of us have gone back and forth over whether we believe a certain model's claim of being straight is accurate. Many times we find online evidence that a model's claim of living a hetero life outside the studio is bogus. The best I can sugarcoat this with is to say that most of the time in here, it's only intended as harmless fun and an opportunity to chat. It's never gone to a level of any hostile intent towards the person. I've never known of it to be taken to a level of leaving the confines of this forum and wanting to interfere with a model's personal life in a spiteful malicious way. That would never occur to me or to anyone else I know reasonably well in here. But yes. There is that tendency in the gay community to speculate with interest over male celebrities' true sexual orientations.

But having said that, I do reiterate that anyone (gay or straight) who tries to maliciously mess with someone's personal life over the issue of sexual orientation is mentally ill on some level and has plenty of serious issues. Nobody sane and well adjusted can or would condone that kind of behavior. And that includes those who cowardly hide behind religious upbringing as a justification.

And just for the sake of newcomers here to the forum, Adam has always declared himself straight since his earliest days here. And during the BSB TV Adam was the only model of several who took a formal lie detector test (along with a few others also claiming to be straight) who the professional administering the test, found to be truthful. The other guys who also claimed to be completely straight did not pass the lie detector test on that question.

So there's that. :)
Adam. I love you. I totally respect your honesty.

I'm now past 90 years old, and I grew up in a time when people could not only be mentally ill, crazy and mean, but they could also kill a gay person and pretty much get by with it by claiming the gay person sexually assaulted them. It was a kind of "self defense" claim, however untrue. (He made a pass at me). People can lump you into this group, no matter how straight you are. They say the lie and be mean.

Those were mean times and when I hear this from you, I realize that we are not completely over that time. Really mean people get by with whatever they want to do, most of the time. And even when they get what they deserve, it doesn't seem to teach all the others any lesson. I'm an OLD man, and i have values of a different day, and sometimes, perhaps a little senile, and people just stomp my ass for little infractions where I had no bad intentions. Unjust.

Life is rough and mean, and the only solution I've ever found in times like this, is to go to the place where people love you. Here at Broke Straight Boys, we love you. You are physically beautiful, but the real thing about you is that you have an honest soul, and you are spiritually beautiful. Keep the faith. Hang with us. You may not be in the top 10 in some people's count, but Dude you are Number ONE in my life. I'm a better person having seen you on Broke Straight Boys

Love Love Love
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The scene "Adam and Mick and Kaden Alexander" from 7-8-13 is one of my all time favorites. I want to echo Mark's comments and ask Adam to come back to us with a new interview, solo and/or scenes. Adam has a fascinating and well loved history with Broke Straight Boys His story needs to be heard and scene. Your fans miss you.
Adam. I love you. I totally respect your honesty.

Life is rough and mean, and the only solution I've ever found in times like this, is to go to the place where people love you. Here at Broke Straight Boys, we love you. You are physically beautiful, but the real thing about you is that you have an honest soul, and you are spiritually beautiful. Keep the faith. Hang with us. You may not be in the top 10 in some people's count, but Dude you are Number ONE in my life. I'm a better person having seen you on Broke Straight Boys

Love Love Love

Your whole post is so true StudddAndy,

you speak for many of us in here with your love, respect and admiration of Adam.
I am more open minded than most. I think it is possible to be straight and do gay porn for money. I am gay, and if I were to have sex with a woman on camera for money, it wouldn’t all of a sudden make me straight, and people wouldn’t think I was straight. It really is unfair for straight men. You just do you and fuck the haters. The only time I’ve ever questioned a “straight” model is when they give a “straight” story on their BTS and they contradict themselves. For example, one guy recently claimed to be straight and maybe a little bi curious and then previous porn surfaced of him under a different porn name claiming to be gay and loving to bottom. Another model acted straight but on his twitter he has a boyfriend...lol. I think the times have changed a little since your debut. I’ve honestly never questioned your sexuality as a straight man or many of the guys that started around the same time as you. It’s a little different now.
I have to admit that the question of ones sexuality on this forum has made me uncomfortable at times, for sure. And many of us have argued...lol.
As far as your rating dropping....lol.....don’t get me started. There are less members scoring today, so newer models have a much higher chance of ranking higher than you because they have less people voting than when you started. I guess that means you need to come back and claim your title.


Thank you so much for the kind words. It means a lot. This whole situation has created so much grief and problems. If just like to know who it is. And have it stopped.
So sorry you are still dealing with this Adam. I think whoever keeps bringing this to light probably have homosexual thoughts or something of that nature. I've never personally known a model to have issues for the length that you have. You've always been a great guy, honest, sweet and always a pleasure to work with and I hate that this is still happening to you.

I agree with Jaybifla you should come back and claim your title. Btw the system does adjust ratings so it is fair across the board for older models and newer. You could easily change your rating by doing some new scenes.


You would side with the members and put more pressure on to come back. Lol it has definitely gone on for a long time. But by no means does that mean I regret being with the sight. I met ALOT of great people that still talk to and wouldn’t change that!
Adam, I feel so sad reading this. I am with you, I can't understand how other human beings have such a great capacity for judgement, anger and the feeling that they need to punish someone for what's in their own minds. I've come to the understanding that some of these people just are not mentally healthy, there's no good reason except it makes them feel better about themselves for about a minute. It makes me angry, and even worse it makes me start to think like them. I want to react, I want justice, I want retribution. After I think about it and calm down I realize it's not going to happen and even if it did it wouldn't change what's already happened.

I was recently exposed on Facebook by some mean spirited guy I feel used and frustrated that there seems to be nothing I can do about it.

I realize my experience is insignificant compared to yours and my heart goes out to you. I read a quote a few years ago that really hit home for me, "I am not responsible for what you think of me. I am only responsible for what I think of myself" for me this puts the power back in my hands. Now it's my cho8ice to hold my head up and live my life with pride and let those bastards know they can't knock me down. I wish you all the best Adam.


Thank you for the words of support. It is absolutely crazy how determined someone has to be in order to do this for this long! CRAZY!!! I do agree with your statement and quote. It starts to become hard when no matter how you think of yourself, your image starts to effect your job, career, and dreams. I’ve always wanted to be a cop (said that on the tv show lol) and now I’m under and investigation and if charges stick, that whole dream could be flushed down the toilet. It hurts very bad that I can be a great cop, one of the good ones. One that’s trying to change the image of cops and stuff for the better and now it could all be gone. Just crazy and blows my mind that someone has that much hate for someone to carry on this long... that’s got to be extremely exhausting lol
Dearest Adam,

I'm so sad and upset to hear that you are still getting grief in your life to the present day over your past filming here. It makes no sense for someone/anyone(!) to be on a mission of vengeance to try to make your personal life more difficult. I don't get it at all. But maybe I'm looking at it from the standpoint of a reasonable, at least fairly intelligent person. And just as you can't fix stupid, I've long ago since concluded that you can't fix ignorance either.

I just wish that people who go to extremes to out people or make their lives hell by trying to go after straight, gay for pay models...could be criminally prosecuted in some way. They have to be mentally ill to be able to justify this kind of behavior in their own minds and consciences. Fortunately there are certain jurisdictions, situations, places of employment, etc., where people who are doing things like this can be charged with sexual harassment. And also charged with creating a hostile work environment. If an opportunity presents itself in the military, or even the private sector, where you can identify the person responsible with proof for you to file a complaint of sexual harassment based the kinds of grief you're being given by someone...and you think the complaint has a reasonable chance of success in HR or the military equivalent of it...please DO! If you're uncertain of whether such a charge would hold up upon review, please don't hesitate to contact a lawyer who specializes in military law or civilian law and has strong knowledge of the employment regulations of the state, county, and even the city regulations on employment law, where you reside.

I'm so sorry that it seems like gay people are the ones who you've indicated have been some of the most unkind towards you. It makes me feel ashamed for my kind. Nobody should behave like this. At best, it's abhorrent and extremely immature and ignorant. At worst, it's criminal.

As far as intellectual honesty on these subjects, since that was the crux of where you were leading with your questions, I'll share a few thoughts of my own. Yes. It's true that many gay men will treat the subject of another guy's true sexuality as a subject up for conjecture and debate. Almost like a sport of sorts. Worthy of fun banter, discussion and perhaps sadly, maybe even a little bit of unsubstantiated gossip.

Here in the forum even many of us have gone back and forth over whether we believe a certain model's claim of being straight is accurate. Many times we find online evidence that a model's claim of living a hetero life outside the studio is bogus. The best I can sugarcoat this with is to say that most of the time in here, it's only intended as harmless fun and an opportunity to chat. It's never gone to a level of any hostile intent towards the person. I've never known of it to be taken to a level of leaving the confines of this forum and wanting to interfere with a model's personal life in a spiteful malicious way. That would never occur to me or to anyone else I know reasonably well in here. But yes. There is that tendency in the gay community to speculate with interest over male celebrities' true sexual orientations.

But having said that, I do reiterate that anyone (gay or straight) who tries to maliciously mess with someone's personal life over the issue of sexual orientation is mentally ill on some level and has plenty of serious issues. Nobody sane and well adjusted can or would condone that kind of behavior. And that includes those who cowardly hide behind religious upbringing as a justification.

And just for the sake of newcomers here to the forum, Adam has always declared himself straight since his earliest days here. And during the BSB TV Adam was the only model of several who took a formal lie detector test (along with a few others also claiming to be straight) who the professional administering the test, found to be truthful. The other guys who also claimed to be completely straight did not pass the lie detector test on that question.

So there's that. :)

My dearest Tampa,

I knew you would be on here and would be to the T. I also knew if given the chance you would take care of this person(s) for me! Lol I do appreciate the words very much, you’ve been with me since my debut!! As I told Lenny, this person(s) have so much hate, that’s got to be exhausting. Hating someone that much to go on this long and try this hard takes a lot of energy.
Adam. I love you. I totally respect your honesty.

I'm now past 90 years old, and I grew up in a time when people could not only be mentally ill, crazy and mean, but they could also kill a gay person and pretty much get by with it by claiming the gay person sexually assaulted them. It was a kind of "self defense" claim, however untrue. (He made a pass at me). People can lump you into this group, no matter how straight you are. They say the lie and be mean.

Those were mean times and when I hear this from you, I realize that we are not completely over that time. Really mean people get by with whatever they want to do, most of the time. And even when they get what they deserve, it doesn't seem to teach all the others any lesson. I'm an OLD man, and i have values of a different day, and sometimes, perhaps a little senile, and people just stomp my ass for little infractions where I had no bad intentions. Unjust.

Life is rough and mean, and the only solution I've ever found in times like this, is to go to the place where people love you. Here at Broke Straight Boys, we love you. You are physically beautiful, but the real thing about you is that you have an honest soul, and you are spiritually beautiful. Keep the faith. Hang with us. You may not be in the top 10 in some people's count, but Dude you are Number ONE in my life. I'm a better person having seen you on Broke Straight Boys

Love Love Love


Oh my lord! You have been here since the beginning and I only see you brag about me all over the forum! You have a lot of wisdom and (probably horrible word but beat I could come up with at this time) experience. Times have changed, but people are definitely still mean. Society still turns a blank eye to stuff like this as well. It amazes me that there has been no change, and any push only creates pushback.

I know the website and forum will always be there for me and I can always come to you guys. Even though I may not be in the top 10 physically, I know I’m in the top 3 of the hearts of Broke Straight Boys members. And NUMBER ONE with you!!
The scene "Adam and Mick and Kaden Alexander" from 7-8-13 is one of my all time favorites. I want to echo Mark's comments and ask Adam to come back to us with a new interview, solo and/or scenes. Adam has a fascinating and well loved history with Broke Straight Boys His story needs to be heard and scene. Your fans miss you.

Haha nitefly,

That scene was crazy to film, we were in the studio for hours! I have thought about atleast an interview with Mark. Could be cool. Maybe it’s in the future.
Adam - I am so sorry that you are having this issue. There seem to be people out there who have mental issues and who will latch on someone or something and obsess about it. But as to a straight guy doing gay porn - it happens and it does not make the straight guy gay. It just means he is more mentally flexible than some people.

Be well and if you ever decided to come back and do a video again for Broke Straight Boys, you would be welcomed by all.
My dearest Tampa,

I knew you would be on here and would be to the T. I also knew if given the chance you would take care of this person(s) for me! Lol I do appreciate the words very much, you’ve been with me since my debut!! As I told Lenny, this person(s) have so much hate, that’s got to be exhausting. Hating someone that much to go on this long and try this hard takes a lot of energy.

Beautiful Adam,

I certainly hope that this person or people who are going out of their way to hurt you and trying to mess up your life will be unmasked much sooner than later. So this constant nightmare can reach a faster conclusion. And when that happens please don't hesitate to take any possible and reasonable legal action against him or them. If it comes to a point of direct and open confrontation, please keep your cool by maintaining your dignity, your virtuous values and your strong moral code. Don't climb into the dark tar pit with them and give into the crazy, as they already have. It's fine if you secretly (or openly) want them to suffer greatly and you play out all kinds of scenarios in your head where they get their just karma and comeuppance in spectacular fashion. I'm not suggesting at all that you be meek and mild over these transgressions, nor would I suggest you go easy on them if and when you find out their identities. But please just don't lose your own soul in the process.

Humanity as a whole, is good. At least most of humanity strives to be so. Please keep your brothers and sisters on the planet in a place of high regard even in spite of the few crazies. There will always be some bad apples. And some who are even much worse than that. But they don't represent the majority. This person or persons do not represent the majority of humanity. Just as whether they turn out to be either gay or straight, that they don't represent a majority of whichever of those respective communities they belong to based on their own individual actions and horribly bad choices.

You're a virtuous and good person Adam. An officer and a gentleman type of man. You can still be tough as nails and take no b.s in that role. Absolutely! Especially when it comes to taking on injustice, protecting and defending the downtrodden, and upholding your highest moral standards. And that's the case whether it's standing up for yourself personally, or on behalf of your fellow man and woman.

Much Love!! xo
So sorry you are still dealing with this Adam. I think whoever keeps bringing this to light probably have homosexual thoughts or something of that nature. I've never personally known a model to have issues for the length that you have. You've always been a great guy, honest, sweet and always a pleasure to work with and I hate that this is still happening to you.

I agree with Jaybifla you should come back and claim your title. Btw the system does adjust ratings so it is fair across the board for older models and newer. You could easily change your rating by doing some new scenes.

I’m sorry about this BS also Adam but I’m with Mark, we would love to have you back and it’s easier for new models to get ratings uo. You would fly back to the top.
Haha nitefly,

That scene was crazy to film, we were in the studio for hours! I have thought about atleast an interview with Mark. Could be cool. Maybe it’s in the future.

That would he great. An interview would be nice if we can’t get you back in the sack.
On a side note... I did sadly notice I have officially dropped out of the top 10.

-Adam Baer
I took at look at the highest rated page and see that Adam is now #13. However, six of the models ranked ahead of him were introduced in 2019 or 2020. All of Adam's scenes were released in 2012 or 2013. Obviously Adam has a lot more votes than newbies, but the ranking is a percentage, and not based on the number of votes. And I'm afraid that many of the newer members just look at the current scenes and are not aware of gems like Adam in the archives.

Adam is one of the hottest, best models in the entire history of this website, and a hell of a nice guy as well. I am thrilled whenever Adam drops by the forum, even when it's with disturbing news like his stalker still making things difficult for Adam. You are beloved Adam by so many of us.:smiley-love021:
The worst of failed people


Firstly, you will always be in my top 10 !

This persecution says more about those people than you. They are obviously sad little people who only feel validated if they are bringing others down. Maybe they are jealous of your talent, warm nature and guts ? Who cares. Hold your head high. I know it's easy to say, and I don't want to sound patronising, as that's not what I feel, but you should be proud. Your scenes continue to provide me (and a hell of a lot of other members) with great pleasure and I'd love to see you back. If it wasn't for lock-downs and social distancing, I'd give you a hug and say 'thanks'. You are a star.

You have every right to live a private life. I sincerely hope you can track these people down and put an end to this.