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Three commets are coming this way.


Well-known Member
Nov 9, 2008
Reaction score
Orange County, CA
For all the Science Fans out there, I mean Blake, We have a great visual coming our way as two comets may be visible to the naked eye. One is called comet Lemmon. It is unusual as it is glowing green. Right now it is barely visible to the naked eye for those living south of the equator. It will round the sun later this month and may be naked eye visible towards the end of the month. The second comet is called Pannstarr. It is a more traditional white comet. Tomorrow it will be at its closest point to earth about 100 million miles away. It is visible to the eye again south of the equator and will remain so for a few more days at which point it will be to close to the sun to seen. It gets within 28 million miles of the sun around the 10 of March and went it passes the sun it will be at it's brightest. It should be visible around the the 12-13 shortly after sunset and will be near the crescent moon on the 12. It should have a nice head and tail.

The photo below was recently taken from the desert in Chile. Pannstar is the lower bright one, with Lemmon in the upper left. Keep in mind this was take with either a telephoto lens or time exposure to get them both visible. The tails are pointing towards the setting sun. When we see them the tails will be pointing away from the sun.

Mark, Sha, Clay being in the Mile High City, if you have a good view of the western sky you should have no problems seeing at least Pannstar, especially with those telescopes I saw in the Blake Interview with Sha.

The Photo was taken off the Astronomy Picture of the Day Site (where others can be found).

Towards the end of the year, we will have the best comet yet, ISON. It will pass less than a million miles above the surface of the sun. If it is survives it could be the brightest comet in the last 1000 years. It could be as bright or brighter than the full moon, with a tail spanning half the sky. It could also be visible during daylight. Hope you enjoy. I know I will be out hopefully to view and photograph them.

Any questions let me know.

Live Long and Prosper,


comets lemmon and pannstar.jpg
This is great info, viceboy. As an avid fan of the group to take back the night from all the artifical lighting so that we can see the stars and dream, seeing comets are an added blessing. Too bad all are going to be in southern hemisphere. Keep such info coming our way and for those of you who do not look up often enough, try going somewhere far away from city lights on a cold winter night and look up and see the beauty in the skies. We have an amateur stargazing group here in Pittsburgh and once a month, they take their telescopes out to various areas and let the kids see the various night phenomena like the rings of jupiter, the Pleiades(If you can see this star group with the naked eye, you have phenomenal vision) , jupiter , etc. It is rather wonderful to see the expression on kids faces when they see up close and personal, the rings of Saturn. Thanks again for posting.
oh my please tell me you've been watching the videos of the russia impact?! so amazing and beautiful.
Where the hell is Blake lol. The Russian impact was amazing. I would of died to see that. As for ISON I can't wait for that. Definitely planning a trip into the middle of nowhere for that one. :)

I know. Right? haha Blake would be eating this stuff up. :001_smile: I probably won't have a good view of the comets in Florida when they happen. And I live near lots of light pollution. :/
I agree, where the hell is Blake! I expected him to be all over this. I provide him eclipse viewing glasses and he goes ape-shit over seeing the eclipse last year. And what do I get in return????? BLAKE, I DESERVE SOMETHING!!!

Light pollution should not be much of an issue, twilight will be more of the issue. If you can be up high and have a very clear view of the western horizon the better. Also, the farther north you are, the better the view.

I am attaching three more pictures. One will give you an idea of how it may look in relation to the moon. The other two are best estimates of how it may look on the 12th and 13th. Nothing is for sure. If this is what we get to see, I'll be dancing on the roof! And to think comet Ison, will make this look like shooting star.

I went to my City Council meeting where I have been anointed the UN-official astronomer for the City and made a presentation on the three comets. I invited all of them , City Staff and the public to join me on what will be a great viewing platform within my city. I even HAd the local newspaper reporter taking down my information and I invited him to join me.

Liam, I did see the videos from Russia. One of the greatest events to see and be a part of and how fragile and UN-prepared we are. Perhaps this warning will serve notice to do more funding to help identify objects this size so we can prepare a defense against them hitting us.

Gardenboy, living in Pittsburgh you are far enough north to be in a much better position to see it. Find a tall building and go to the roof to get the best view of the western horizon.

So far all the latest reports seem to indicate this comet will be naked eye visible.

I'll keep you all posted. any questions, feel free to ask.

Live Long and Prosper (and enjoy the comet),


P.S. So where is Blake????

panstarr march 13.jpg

projected panstarr viewing.jpgpanstarr march 12.jpg
[h=1]Comet making closest pass ever to Earth[/h]By Marcia Dunn

Associated Press

Posted: 03/05/2013 09:10:28 AM PST
Updated: 03/05/2013 09:10:29 AM PST

‚CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -- A recently discovered comet is closer than it's ever been to Earth, and stargazers in the Northern Hemisphere finally get to see it.
Called Pan-STARRS, the comet is passing within 100 million miles of Earth on Tuesday, its closest approach. This ice ball will get even nearer the sun this weekend -- just 28 million miles from the sun. That's within the orbit of Mercury.
The comet has been visible for weeks from the Southern Hemisphere. Now the top half of the world gets a glimpse as well. The best viewing days should be next Tuesday and Wednesday, when Pan-STARRS appears next to a crescent moon at dusk in the western sky.
Its name is actually an acronym for the Hawaiian telescope used to spot it two years ago.
Here is a real nice image of Panstarr that was taken on March 2nd from Queenstown, New Zealand. I am sure it must be a telephoto image and/or a possible long exposure to get this view beautiful image. Small binoculars or a small telescope will get images like this. So we have a lot to look forward too in the next few days.

I made a special invitation to members of my City Council to join me in viewing the comet. I also believe I could photograph the entire Council with Panstarr in the background. Perhaps I could caption such a picture as, "Another issue their in over their heads".

Live Long and Prosper,



P.S. I'm still waiting for Blake. Cum out cum out wherever you are!
Hey where have you been hiding ?

i have been hiding on the comet that impacted on russia.. I'm really an alien. but no, I've just been busy with other work and took me a second to realize that this is a pretty good job and i like the people i work with here.

however, i can't wait for the other comets to pass. its going to be beautiful.

Mark- lets do some scenes outside while comets are passing. OMG that'd be cool as hell