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The Charities


Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

Hope your not getting tired of my posts yet? I seen in some of the episodes that they sell like the futon sheet and underware for charities. I was kinda curious of how you buy or bid on the charity items. I was also curious to which charities it goes to support. I would also like to mention that you could put up a site here within where people could also donate to the charities of which you are supporting. If this has already been done then please forgive me for mentioning it. I still can't find half the stuff in this place.

I also wanted to mention if some of you guys have not checked it out there is some really high qualitiy photos in the photos categories. I looked at a couple and was completely amazed at the quality entailed.

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Hello everyone,

Hope your not getting tired of my posts yet? I seen in some of the episodes that they sell like the futon sheet and underware for charities. I was kinda curious of how you buy or bid on the charity items. I was also curious to which charities it goes to support. I would also like to mention that you could put up a site here within where people could also donate to the charities of which you are supporting. If this has already been done then please forgive me for mentioning it. I still can't find half the stuff in this place.

I also wanted to mention if some of you guys have not checked it out there is some really high qualitiy photos in the photos categories. I looked at a couple and was completely amazed at the quality entailed.


Hey Casper we don't get tired of anyone in here or at least if they do you got nothing to worry about at least until you see them throw my but out cause there going to take me first. The biding was done by emailing David your bids. I believe Marky Mark was the lucky winner of everything posted so far. The proceeds went to a local No Kill I believe animal shelter in the Miami area. David as are some others here are animal rights advocates. You bet ya there is some great pics on here and your right I think they go unnoticed a lot of times.