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Thanksgiving 2023 - what I'm thankful for


BSB Addict
Jul 9, 2020
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all get to spend some time celebrating how you wish to enjoy the day. For some it may be a family gathering, or having a date night with a loved one, or maybe it is a quiet evening alone. How ever you celebrate (or not), I wish you a very happy and joyful day. If you are in need of a hug, I send one virtually to you.

If you will indulge me, I want to take a minute to list a few things I am grateful for. I know I get wrapped up in work and life and sometimes I forget to "stop and smell the roses". I've been so very blessed to have a stable job, and for the most part my health is improving. I am thankful for not having to worry about where my next meal is coming from, and that I have a warm place to sleep at night. And I'm grateful that I live in a country where I can be weird old me without fear.

I wish you all an amazing holiday season 💞
Chac, I am most thankful that you are here on the forum, trying to keep the spirit of the Broke Straight Boys forum alive. You are a “throwback” and would have fit in perfectly here in any era from the early days right through a few years ago when we still had an active community of dozens of folks posting on a regular basis. I love the forum which has gotten me through some rough patches in my life as well as to share the good things with sweet loving friends such as yourself. Thanks for thinking to start this lovely thread. You are a most lovely guy and forum friend.

Thanksgiving was always my very favorite holiday growing up in America, where Christmas and Easter had religious themes, and my family celebrating the two big Jewish holidays were not recognized on television or in the main stream media. But we always had huge family Thanksgiving meals at my house, and it all felt very special. I’d wake up to the smell of the cooking downstairs in the kitchen, and we’d have the Thanksgiving Day Parade on the TV. Later the guests came over, the big meal, the football games on in the background, and the dessert.

During my Boy Scout years, my troop would always go on a Thanksgiving two night overnight camping trip leaving Friday morning and returning Sunday afternoon. During my adult life, I was always with my brother and his family which became my extended family. Today I will go out to Long Island with my sister-in-law to her sister for a family meal. I am very thankful to have her and her family to be with on the holidays.

And to answer your main question Chac, I am thankful to be in good health, to have a nice place to live in a great neighborhood, with enough money to not have to worry about finances, and to have my two day a week job to keep my mind occupied, and to feel a sense of importance and usefulness to my employers. I am thankful to my friends and limited family and to be able to get out and do things I enjoy doing.

Thank you Chac for being a great forumite and keeping the spirit alive here. And I wish everyone else who posts and reads our forum a very wonderful Thanksgiving. This is a very special place to me and I’m thankful that I still have this forum as a place where I can post on a daily basis.

I believe every member of the Forum today would have fit in at all times in the Forum's past history ( as they would have added their unique stamp just as they do now), but perhaps I am being naive. While my active membership is not that long I am proud to say I have been a member of Broke Straight Boys since itS founding year.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I hope everyone has a great day with family and friends or even if you are alone. We all have something to be thankful for. I am very thankful for my health, my amazing boyfriend, amazing friends and family and of course all of you for supporting the site, models and posting on the message board. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I hope everyone has a great day with family and friends or even if you are alone. We all have something to be thankful for. I am very thankful for my health, my amazing boyfriend, amazing friends and family and of course all of you for supporting the site, models and posting on the message board. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
For me it is no different than any other day. The fact pain was not a major factor made it a good day.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I hope everyone has a great day with family and friends or even if you are alone. We all have something to be thankful for. I am very thankful for my health, my amazing boyfriend, amazing friends and family and of course all of you for supporting the site, models and posting on the message board. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Thank you Mark. I had a great Thanksgiving meal with good company. And thank you most of all for keeping this forum open and largely uncensored, The Broke Straight Boys forum has been a big part of these past 15 years for me. :thumbup: