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Tanner, Brandon & Tyler


Well-known Member
Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
I can't believe nobody has started a thread yet on this scene.
First of all I gotta say usually I skip through the 4 play after a few mins of sucking but not this time. The kissing & sucking was hot as hell. It was very evident to me early on that these boys were all into each other which made it so sexy. Tanner loves cock!! Watching him take a cock in his ass and mouth at the same time was so fucking hot. It was very obvious that Brandon did not like getting fucked at all....Straight Boy!!! PLEASE do not make him bottom anymore. Tyler was sexy as hell fucking and getting fucked. I know there will be negative remarks about him topping but me being a top, I think he is a good top. He takes as good as he gives. Thanks for cleaning up the cum Tyler that was hot. I give this scene 5's all around and will add it to my favorites. BTW I also think Tyler & Tanner are sexy as can be not being toned gym rats. They are who they are.
There is a thread of the same name started by Johnny when this scene was first announced, that folks have been using as the scene thread too Billy. But I am commenting on your thread as I agree that Brandon should not have to be fucked. I agree that he doesn't enjoy it and just does it to earn a pay check. I feel we have enough bottoms like Tanner and Tyler for example, so I see no reason not to let Brandon be who he is, an extremely hot young guy who enjoys topping, but apparently everybody, (including Abram) has to bottom in today's version of Broke Straight Boys

Tanner is so very sexy and Tyler did a good job too, but I like Tyler best, when he is not talking and just having sex. lol
I understand that Mikey but all anyone is saying is how they want the scene to be to their taste. So I thought I would start a thread that actually comments on the scene not the wish list of everybody. With that said sorry for the repost.
I LOVE the fact that Brandon isn't enjoying it! It's refreshing to see a Guy REALLY Feeling & Taking Cock! Usually it's a LOT of Face Contorting & phony moans & groans! Knowing that they really WANT that Dick in em! Can't WAIT to see Brandon get Ripped Open again!
I understand that Mikey but all anyone is saying is how they want the scene to be to their taste. So I thought I would start a thread that actually comments on the scene not the wish list of everybody. With that said sorry for the repost.

While I liked the scene and the boys in the scene, this is the one time I'm going to offer my critical analysis of what I watched. I know that the scenes are rehearsed before the shoot ( to get a better flow and camera positions) and I thought the execution was as good as it could be. What really stimulates me when watching a scene is watching the models faces and seeing how aroused they stay while engaging. Sometimes there is a noticeable "connection" and the arousal appears natural and normal. Other times, the guys appear to be concentrating on where they are and what they are doing for the sake of the camera in order to capture the best visual advantage. What I did notice about this scene was that Tanner was able to maintain his arousal throughout most of what we saw during the filming and what tells me he was most likely stimulated was, his massive release! So, for me, this was one of the best elements of the scene was to know that at least one of the models may actually have been able to get into the actual feeling of the scene. The other's did a remarkable job as well mainly by being present and allowing their wonderful (better than average assets) be seen! Thanks guys!
thanks for starting a new thread. I loved this scene and everyone in it!!! 5
I really like all three guys. Brandon is my favorite, with Tanner close behind.

For as much effort as they put into it, it was a really clumsy 3some.

When you do a daisy chain, the moving part is the guy in the middle. You get to see his dick go into the guy he's fucking and the guys dick that's fucking him slide out of the middle guys ass. He fucks forward, fucks backward. Movement. Both times they did the daisy chain, they were all piled up, with only the guy at the rear being able to maneuver. He just pounded away at the two trapped below. It was like a sloppy car wreck where the last car keeps revving and bouncing off the other two. It was a nice try, but the director should have had it set up. He ended by screwing it up. All three guys have dicks more than big enough to do a chain. This was a waste of a golden set of models to be seen doing it right. If they had, they might also have enjoyed it more.

I was REALLY looking forward to this, and I see it's getting high ratings, but it has to be for THE MODELS because it wasn't a great scene. The highlight was Tanner's cum shot.

Scene 2
The guys 5's
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The only part of this scene I didn't enjoy was watching Brandon bottoming. Why make tops bottom? Have him do what he does best. Stripe 222 should have directed this scene. He knows his way around a daisy chain and it would have been more enjoyable for all the boys. Liked the nipple play and kissing. It was great to see Brandon finger fucking Tanner, (wish he had licked that hole) Tanner is still #1 and Brandon is close behind. Brandon is one sexy dude.
I loved watching Brandon bottom. The reason I watch Broke Straight Boys is to see "Straight" boys test there boundaries. Every guy on the site should top and bottom. I always want the camera man to get a close up of there face to see the pain and pleasure. There are many times you see the guys on the site and you think there is no way this guy is straight. When you see the pain on there face its a bigger turn on and helps with the fantasy of watching a straight guy take it all.
Yea but if he is not enjoying it and obviously in pain what is the point? A big turn off for me.
Me too Billy, but obviously there are guys who enjoy watching pain. We've had a hand full of guys over the years like Abram and Brandon who should be allowed to just top and give the fans of straight tops enjoy them as they are. Everyone else seems to bottom so they should leave a few good one's for those of us into that.
Me too Billy, but obviously there are guys who enjoy watching pain. We've had a hand full of guys over the years like Abram and Brandon who should be allowed to just top and give the fans of straight tops enjoy them as they are. Everyone else seems to bottom so they should leave a few good one's for those of us into that.

Mikeyank, while I do understand that you are just voicing your opinion, as well as sharing the opinion of others who also would prefer that certain guys of their liking who emote a more masculine persona remain in the role as "top" as that is what you guys like, but to say that any of those guys " should be allowed to just top" and give the fans of straight tops to enjoy them as they are, seems a bit....for the lack of a better definition...."controlling to me". First of all, a few who share the same opinion as you do, are not the sum total of the membership of this site. I know that members' suggestions and feed back are taken into consideration for the improvement of the entertainment of the viewing but, at the same time, this is porn and generally, we all have the choice when becoming members to watch what entertains us, and not watch what doesn't entertain us. I think with all of the understanding of the porn business that you have learned from former producers and people in the business, you would understand that the industry has changed. In order to provide the amount of updates needed to keep that edge, when models are in the studio for a shooting session, what are they to do if all of the models who are available at that time just happen to be those who as you say, should remain or only be allowed to top? Beside all of that, this site provides entertainment for a variety of people who enjoy a variety of "straight boy" fantasies. I just think it's unfortunate when those who want certain things in porn and this site, forget that there are countless other sites out there too that provide for their needs. Just as those who are told when the scenes and the models appear less than the title BrokeStraight.....don't like it, don't watch it....."Simple as".......
I just think it is sad they have to keep the name Broke Straight Boys. Cause I can't remember when I thought a boy on this site was Straight.
But I will watch and go along with everybody's fantasy. I like the site. But straight? I just don't
see it any more. But the fantasy is fun. So I will just keep watching...Maybe a straight boy will come along...Someday....
I'm pretty sure Broke Straight Boys doesn't force the models to bottom. They just offer them a bigger paycheck if they do, and let them make the decision. There are several models I would rather see as "only tops", Brandon being one of them, but he decided he wanted the extra cash, which I respect. After all, it is his ass. After watching this scene, I have a hunch that he may have thought he made a mistake this time. lol
Mikeyank, while I do understand that you are just voicing your opinion, as well as sharing the opinion of others who also would prefer that certain guys of their liking who emote a more masculine persona remain in the role as "top" as that is what you guys like, but to say that any of those guys " should be allowed to just top" and give the fans of straight tops to enjoy them as they are, seems a bit....for the lack of a better definition...."controlling to me". First of all, a few who share the same opinion as you do, are not the sum total of the membership of this site. I know that members' suggestions and feed back are taken into consideration for the improvement of the entertainment of the viewing but, at the same time, this is porn and generally, we all have the choice when becoming members to watch what entertains us, and not watch what doesn't entertain us. I think with all of the understanding of the porn business that you have learned from former producers and people in the business, you would understand that the industry has changed. In order to provide the amount of updates needed to keep that edge, when models are in the studio for a shooting session, what are they to do if all of the models who are available at that time just happen to be those who as you say, should remain or only be allowed to top? Beside all of that, this site provides entertainment for a variety of people who enjoy a variety of "straight boy" fantasies. I just think it's unfortunate when those who want certain things in porn and this site, forget that there are countless other sites out there too that provide for their needs. Just as those who are told when the scenes and the models appear less than the title BrokeStraight.....don't like it, don't watch it....."Simple as".......

Disclaimer: While I am merely offering this as my opinion and perspective, another way of looking at things, hopefully, I was able to convey it in a respectful manner. As this is my perspective....I am not right, nor do I think I am. This is just how I internalize the statement to which I am responding to. Thanks...Betudidntknow:001_cool:
I think a watching a "straight" guy bottom is hot as fuck!!! That's why I joined the site in the first place???
Great scene. I enjoyed the threesome. I believe that if a straight boy comes to Broke Straight Boys he should be prepared to get fucked and to suck cock, after all he is coming to a gay porn site. I laugh when I read others against straight guys bottoming. Also it was stated how these guys were doing the daisy fuck wrong. These are not seasoned guys that have been fucking other supposedly straight guys for years and have mastered how some view the best way to do it. I liked how they did it as it showed some true action that would be expected from these guys. Brandon is a trooper and I would like to see him in more flip flop scenes. I gave it 5 , but wow did Broke Straight Boys ever consider hiring a trained camera man. Just cause someone knows how to turn on the camera does not make him a camera man.
I understand that the majority of fans of this site prefer to watch all the models bottom as well as top. I am just one man with my own sensibilities and I think I'm as entitled to offer my own opinion and perspective as anyone else. I'm not quite sure why my having a different perspective than the majority is a negative thing. It's just being true to my own taste and expressing it when the subject is brought up by agreeing with another member that it's hot to some of us for a masculine guy to be an exclusive top. I feel confident that my minority opinion in no way influences the powers that be here as they produce future scenes.