Old people have a way lower set of expectations of pornography from attitudes colored by the experiences of modern people. This is a new generation who bathes in the riches of modern day availability. We fought in the streets when people could, fire you, expel you, jail you or kill you if they even thought you WANTED to see such things as
Broke Straight Boys streams everyday. Even fat stupid postal authorities got to make these determinations. (Remember the Esquire case!) We finally stomped that ignorant and corrupt bunch of bastages loose, and then the internet put pornography completely out of the reach of governments, at least up to this point.
Old people like me couldn't find so much as a black and white picture of a decent ass, asshole, or dick, even if he had had a Hubble Telescope. All you had was your own dick and whatever imagination you could generate from looking at real people's bodies, fully clothed. The closest thing you could find to pornography was the Sears Roebuck catalog, and I developed my skills as a real cum-shooter, while studying that publication. These were hard scrabble times! LOL
Now, today, I see naked bodies, like Brandon. Intriguing smile, hot eyes, great hair, fantastic skin that covers a back and ass that you could only expect in Heaven sometime. Now its right here on
Broke Straight Boys where I can crank it up anytime I want to and practice my cum-shooting skills.
Then there's Tanner. Not to even get started on his pretty body, pretty skin, pretty hair, pretty eyes. Just focusing on his dick alone. So big. So pretty. And it works like it came out of a divine tool and die maker, somewhere in this marvelous universe. Something like Tanner's dick was made by the magic of Gods.
So I look at these two people. They can tell me any fucking lie that pops into their hot little heads, and I'll believe it, just on its face. I tell my dick this is no time to be seeking truth. Ancient Monks were seekers for truth. If he's not wearing a Monk's uniform, then my hormones inspire me to simplify the search to include only a hot body that sprays cum all over the fucking place.
Remember the old Bellamy Brothers song. I'm a doctor, I'm a lawyer, I'm a movie stars. I'm an astronaut and I own this bar.
And I'm telling them I'm running for President, I got money to burn. My heart don't ache and my body don't yean.
And for sure I will bust my nuts before the lies run out. Moving on to the next step, I 'm forced to deal with the pornographic reality that someone has to clean up the cum.
Personally, I love truth. But, just saying, my dick doesn't give a shit about lies or truth. It only cares how they look and how far they can shoot.