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Super-Sexy Jewish-American Guys (Round Two/Giving it another try)


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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OK, guys -

I apologize. . . In the wee small hours of the morning, Johnny kind of got me going with his Hanukkah post, and I got to thinking about all the super-sexy Jewish American guys who've got me going, over the years. (Really in a spirit of fun!) But, it was late, and I was tired, and then I got to questioning myself and thinking, "Hmmm - maybe this particular 'free association' isn't quite the thing, at this particular moment. . . I didn't want anyone to think I was being disrespectful, or patronizing. So, I chickened out, deleted the thread, and went and talked to some gay Jewish friends about it. . . some on this board, some elsewhere - and they encouraged me to have the courage of my convictions, and post away. So. . . with a little trepidation, here it is, redux. I hope no one will be offended?!?!?!


I often post about how much I love Russian guys, Romanian guys, Polish guys, Hungarian guys, French-Canadian guys, and indigenous guys. This is sort of in that same spirit, really. Absolutely, everybody is an individual, but that (for me) is sort of the point. I've been super-attracted to a lot of cute Jewish guys over the years, and it has always bugged me that in movies or media, very often Jewish-American guys (I don't know about in other countries) get stereotyped as being SMART, FUNNY, MUSICALLY GIFTED, or just "geeky" ~ like Howard, on The Big Bang Theory.

The fact is, a lot of Jewish-American guys, while SOME of them may be SOME of those things, are also SIZZLING HOT! I'm gonna try and make my case with four examples - guys who have turned me on something FIERCE, back in the day. (I'm Scottish-Canadian, and I don't think I can name four SCOTS who turn me on, this much - Ewan McGregor works for me, and so does James McAvoy - maybe there are other hot Scots I should know about???)

1.) Paul Newman: A magnificent actor - his performance in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof still makes me cry. And, the most breathtakingly beautiful screen actor of my lifetime, I am sure. (His Mother was Slovak, but his Dad was Jewish, and Newman, throughout his life, identified as Jewish.) I had a former boss (a lady) who loved Robert Redford - but I always teased her and said, "Robert Redford looks like a Shar-Pei, these days. . . but Paul Newman never STOPPED looking great. (The secret is - those fantastic cheekbones.)

Paul Newman 001.jpg

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2.) Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

I love JGL. I think he's a brilliant actor - and, as well as doing jolly comedies and one-and-a-half handkerchief romance flicks, has also made some very, VERY risky choices, in is career. I don't know if any of you has ever seen Mysterious Skin, but it is troubling, unsettling, and deeply saddening - because it tells stories about life that are real, but which most of us would rather not hear about. And I have been really touched by what JGL has done with his site, "HitRecord", which he founded with his late brother - this is a site which allows writers, musicians, artists, and technical wizards to come together from all around the world, across the Internet, and make amazing collaborative videos.

From what I can understand, JGL is Jewish on both his Mother's and his Father's side, from an ultra-liberal, super-left-leaning family, which is not conventionally religious in any sense.

I also think he's a total babe.

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3.) Shia LaBeouf.

NOT an actor of the caliber of JGL, but not without talent, either. Made his name in The Transformers series - which is not exactly how anyone wants to be remembered in history, I think. . . And has struggled to find his place in more profound artistic adventures, including by performing (reportedly) unsimulated sex in Nymphomaniac, directed by the notorious madman, Lars von Trier. In the last couple of years, he has also earned notoriety for his eccentric performance art, and his even more eccentric public outbursts.

I hope he will find his way. Shia is one of the funniest people I've ever heard, in a live interview, as witness this early appearance on David Letterman. If you take the time to watch this, you'll laugh:

Shia's Dad is Cajun (French-Canadian transplanted to Louisiana), and his Mother is Jewish. I thought he was hot when he was young. I think he's hot, NOW. (Except when he wears his hair in a "man-bun" - I hate that ;-)

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4.) Simon Rex.

(Here we get down to the realm of gay erotica.) Like a lot of people, I jacked off pretty much non-stop to Simon Rex, in the gay '90's. A solo star, who never did anything but j/o videos, Simon nonetheless completely captivated gay audiences: starring in a number of absolutely exquisite solo films (and photoshoots) for the legendary Brad Posey, back in the day. (Simon's physical grace won Posey an AVN award, in 1997.)

Contemporaneously, Simon Rex appeared in advertisements for Calvin Klein, Levi's jeans, and Tommy Hilfiger. Subsequently, he appeared for a couple of years as a VJ on MTV; starred in the short-lived TV series Jack and Jill, and appeared in a couple of widely-distributed motion pictures as well; and (after his career generally stalled) - tried to make it as a rapper. (I don't think that has gone so well.)

Like Shia, Simon's Mom is Jewish, which (though I am of course subject to correction) is what counts, in matters of descent, in Judaism. Never was there a hotter guy on video! (I just wish they had captured him with today's technology, that's all. . . *sigh*)

Here are a couple of video-links, for you. )They're pretty grainy, but hopefully you'll get the idea:



That's it, that's all,


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as a Jewish American I can say that I've seen a lot of Jewish bodies. Its not only nice cocks but we have minds that get into sex.
I remember when the color picture of Paul Newman first came out. What grabbed my attention was the sweat trickling down his right armpit.
Well looking at Simon Rex was a nice trip down memory lane. He was of course a San Francisco boy who made it in the world albeit perhaps not as far as some others. He actually has a decent sense of comedic timing and has done a number of comedies including appearing in the Wayon Bros' Scary Movie series nos 3, 4, and 5. It is hard to believe he 40 now but there you are. But he is still a handsome man.

Some more recent additions to your list would include:

James Franco

David Franco

Ryan Braun


Ilya Grad a model, a Muytai fighter and all round hottie from Israel:


Daniel Radcliffe who when he is not locked in a cupboard or studying at Hogwarts has demonstrated an artistic talent on stage in Equus as well as in other films, as when he portrayed Allen Ginsburg in "Kill Your Darlings".

Andrew Garfield - known for a his appearances on Dr, Who as well as in movies like the Social Network, The Other Bolyen Girld and most recent Spiderman movie.

Adam Levine - the tattooed hottie form the band Maroon 5

Jake Gylenhaal - whose hot bod supplied me with all sorts of fantasies when he appeared in Jarhead. But he is not just a pretty face as he has shown in his various roles such as End of Watch, Nightcrawler and Zodiac. And I will admit I fell for him a bit in Brokeback Mountain as a gay cowboy as I remember those years albeit I was a bit younger than his character was in the movie.

Finally you can view the work of Adi Ness, a celebrated photographer whose work includes some truly spectacular portrayals of Israeli men.

Don't forget Kirk Douglas!

Paul Newman is one of my favorite actors and has the most amazing face and crystal blue eyes. He was quoted as saying that he wondered what his career would have been like if he had been born with brown eyes :)
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