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Suggestions For Additional Gay Porn Tags


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
We have a section called tags where you can select specific sections and we are looking at adding new ones. Wanted to see what suggestions all of you had for new ones.

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at 1.45.02 PM.png
Sorry , whaT exactly do you want, perhaps you xan give some examples/

We have most tags already but I was asked if we wanted to add any today. I was thinking cherry popping might be a good one. So this is just additional tags or genres that you think might be worth adding to our tags section.
-daddy (even though these men are mostly young, some could be labeled as a daddy type)
-queen (jk)
-first time

Just some ideas.
Not to put a damper on this but there is such a thing as overkill where the trees get lost in the forest, why not just add an optional tab, add your own idea tab.