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suggestion for management


Well-known Member
Mar 4, 2011
Reaction score
Haven't posted for awhile due to issues with password but these have been resolved. As a medium term member, I have anguished over the thought of leaving Broke Straight Boys due to lack of interest in current newbie crop of models. For me, many seem to have too many tats(love Ryan Field but tats just turn me off) and/or facial hair(also love Dakota but wish he would shave).Therefore I have a slight suggestion for management. Many European sites such as Bel Ami regularly have models that are loaned for other studios for scenes and/or videos. For example, Bel Ami model Jack Harrer(one of the biggest dick at Bel Ami with a raging 10 inches limp) is currently on loan to Men.com. Also Keven Warhol, now an associate fim director, has done work fo other sites on a loan basis. Why can't Broke Straight Boys invite some of these models to scenes with Broke Straight Boys regulars to improve quality of scenes!

Also if the management is bringing bake former models, please bring back Brandon beam and Tank Shane (and many others)
Last I heard Brandon Beal was still pursuing his music career. I don't know if he would ever consider coming back or not.
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Think the cost of bringing in boys from Bel Ami would be prohibitive for a small porn company like Broke Straight Boys Those bigger companies can afford to hire those guys.
I'd love to see Brandon Beal and Tank Shane back but doubt that will happen. What is happening tho is the return of Ronan Kennedy, Kaden Alexander and Kaden Porter if the picture Buckeye sent is real. That's more than enough to be happy about. Wish Tanner had been in that picture. I'd love to see he and Ronan Kennedy together. Welcome back, Guys.
And add Blake Bennett to wish they would come back list - and why not try other US boy sites for potential loaners - I was just using Bel Ami as an example.
Shaving is very much NOT the rage at this time.

75% of guys working downtown Seattle in suits have the 3 day growth look, or beards and goatees. I've always really liked hairy men in general, wherever the hair. I had a partner with a really hairy chest and it drove me nuts just watching him take his shirt off or lying on the beach. He also had very heavy facial hair and could grow a dense beard in 10 days.

Dakota has nice, full facial hair and it suits his looks.

I just find hairy guys really masculine. This isn't to say smooth guys aren't. Just different strokes...
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Shaving is very much NOT the rage at this time.

75% of guys working downtown Seattle in suits have the 3 day growth look, or beards and goatees. I've always really liked hairy men in general, wherever the hair. I had a partner with a really hairy chest and it drove me nuts just watching him take his shirt off or lying on the beach. He also had very heavy facial hair and could grow a dense beard in 10 days.

Dakota has nice, full facial hair and it suits his looks.

I just find hairy guys really masculine. This isn't to say smooth guys aren't. Just different strokes...

Yes the lumberjack faces on city boys is the new rage here in Seattle, and I too like the look! My favorite era was the grunge look in the 90s as I too was in my 20s and sported the ripped jeans and flannel..... yum hot hippy boys lolol
still, most facial hair makes nice looking young men look like the south end of a horse going north(LOL)
still, most facial hair makes nice looking young men look like the south end of a horse going north(LOL)
I basically agree that a clean shaven face on a handsome young man works best for me however as I am now 66, I understand that my idea of hot is not necessarily something kids the age of our models and their friends think is hot. So I try very hard not to be judgmental about the current trends in grooming and style among 20 year old's, as when I was their age, I sure didn't appreciate anyone my age now telling me what the proper way to look was. Of course we have every right to state our feelings and desires, but I am very much in favor of the models looking the way real guys their age look today, whether I find it hot and sexy or not.
I generally prefer clean shaven men although many men look good in beards and in fact I have not shaved my beard since I was 18. Likewise I have no issue with tattoos although there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. For me it is not a question fop tattoos but rather the placing and professional nature of the tattoos. The fact si that liker "manscaping, the wearing of beard and placement of tattoos is very much in fashion right now.
I generally prefer clean shaven men although many men look good in beards and in fact I have not shaved my beard since I was 18. Likewise I have no issue with tattoos although there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. For me it is not a question fop tattoos but rather the placing and professional nature of the tattoos. The fact si that liker "manscaping, the wearing of beard and placement of tattoos is very much in fashion right now.

Damn! I am so out of fashion! Recently I came back from a week's fly-in fishing trip in Canada sporting a full beard (I did keep the lower neck hair shaved off) and my kids and grandkids told me I finally look like a grandpa. I went and shaved immediately. Love being a grandpa but really don't like to accept that at 64, I am getting old and a white beard emphasized that reality. Maybe should have tried some of that "For Men Only" dye and gave the beard a try. I, personally, do like a scruffy man (unless the beard is like a brillo pad and getting rimmed is akin to a sandpaper job!!)
Adam is in the military now...but you're right, Adam and Ronan Kennedy would be HOT.
Both highly rated by the members and two of my all time favorites and I'm thrilled that at least we are getting Ronan Kennedy back!!!. :thumbup:


Adam is in the military now...but you're right, Adam and Ronan Kennedy would be HOT.

Oh thats cool that he did get into the military, didnt know that. The last thing I saw was on the Broke Straight Boys TV episode where he did his back in and it looked like that recurring problem was gonna stop him from getting in. So im pleased as that was the guy's ambition :)
I have no problem w/ tats or facial hair. It's important to please ALL members, and aren't those supposed to be Broke Straight Boys? Of course, some would have tats and/or facial hair. Regarding Bel Ami that's the thing; they look-alike too much! And once again, it's supposed to be straight (or at least bisexual) boys.
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