Racism is an ugly thing that exists despite the proverbial "do unto others" that is the Golden Rule of every existing religion. I believe that racism is completely "nurtured" and never "natural". Parents, family, and friends create the basis for how one regards those who are different than one's self. Once adopted, those biases are, generally, "set". That is a sad reality. I would guess if a mix of 100 children, 50/50 male and female and born of every color, religious outlook and physical condition were taken at 3 years old and placed into a setting where there was no adult to nurture personal prejudices about color, religion and physical "beauty", racism and other cultural prejudices would be nonexistent. Now, in this artificial setting they would all have access to shelter, food, water - all necessities of life sustenance - and they would know how to master all matters necessary for sustaining their lives - individually and collectively.
I do believe they would live in a world where there is no racism or prejudice. While "survival of the fittest" may carve out "leaders" among the group (physical strength, intelligence, beauty would all play a role just as in the animal kingdom) superiority would be a natural outcome that would, no doubt, establish those leaders. I guess the question then is, would "leadership" establish "superiority" and, thus, dominion over the "lesser" of the group? Is that the fatal flaw in cultures, communities and societies - leadership goes to one's head and the culture is modified by those who consider themselves sitting atop the pyramid of humanity?
There is just no room for racism and prejudice among the peoples who have inherited this earth. Live and let live. Sharing one's personal preferences then debating whether or not they are "good" or "bad" is not a healthy exercise of time and thought. Simply acknowledging every person has differences that "start one's engines" should be adequate and debating who is right or who is wrong - or trying to justify those differences is just a big waste of time. I honor and respect those differences among the myriad members of this forum. I can't (or won't - at least publicly) judge another individual for the differences among us. It just makes absolutely no sense to me to do so.