nice opinion but no sale, judge. There are numerous factors that impact one's personal preference in sexual partners. Some people want a very specific body type, ie bears, gym bunnies, swimmer build, dimples, sexy feet, whatever. Some are turned on by blonds, red heads or no hair. Some like boys who are so white you need sunglasses around them to prevent snow blindness. Some are turned on by darker skin. Some like me are far more turned on by someone who has a great personality and the ability to speak in words of more than one syllable. Some want "dumb" jocks. And yes there are no doubt some people who are racist and based upon the racism will not have anything to do with people of one race or another.
There has been SO much coverage in the media about Paul/Damien & their unfortunate statements. But somehow I am at the epicenter of it all.
U know...... I REALLY feel good about myself! My comments make SUCH a HUGE impact on all U GiRLS! It's like I'm performing a Public Service!
And in regard to the broader topic...... It is clear in 2016 Race & Racial issues continue to be an area of great divide in our Country. I will continue to believe in & voice my opinion . Just as you all do. U have a problem with that you'll have to figure it out for yourself. I'm gonna keep on " Postin" & as they used to say in the "70's" " I'm Gonna Keep On Truckin'"!!!!!
There is nothing to indicate in the words or behavior of either
Paul Canon or
Damien Kyle that their preferences are formed because of any underlying racism. Both of them have done scenes with people of differing races. Both of them have engaged in close social interactions with people of different races. Both of them have entered business deals with people of different races. And when one of those deal ended badly and they spoke out about it they did not do so in a racist fashion, they criticized the other party based on the specific actions they claimed violated the contract they had. [They were neither the first or the last people to criticize that person's business ethics.]
All you are posting is some highly inflammatory opinion not based upon any actual facts to support it. It also ignore the comment I made earlier about Paul commenting on the good looking Black guy who was working out at the gyn with him.
You really are a engaging in the same sort of nonsense which has sadly invaded the political scene the past few decades where people take a comment and blow it into something it is not. Then interpret anything else the person says to reinforce. the mischaracterized original comment whether related or not and whether in context or not.