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Straight talk

I don't think that there is any question that uncondomed sex is hotter than with a condom, for the participants and for many viewers of porn, but that is not really the issue.

With all the advances in drugs to treat infected patients, and with all the new tests now available, I still believe that getting fucked anally is still a lot safer with protection than without, and that while there is more pleasure derived for both the sexual partners and the viewers of porn, I still question if the risk is worth the reward.

And as many young people including underage kids with access to the internet watch porn, that watching these kind of scenes, including on the free preview sites, is sending a dangerous message, and could reverse the statistics of the incidence of the disease.
I loved catching a glimpse of Rob Ryder.... :001_wub:

Yeah, I saw a second of Damien in there too.:001_wub:

I liked this BTS, but as many have said before, it should have been shown earlier when there was such an uproar on the site.

It was nice to see Brandon doing so much talking, he has kind of been an unknown to me, so getting to see some of his personality was a definite plus.
It depends indeed on the tests performed. There are test for antibodies, and tests for the presence of the HIV genetic code.

After I started to search on Google for the error margin - how big is the chance such a test is wrong - to my surprise I discovered that false negatives are not the big problem, instead false positives are (1 in 170.000)
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brandon talked about as much blake did. brandon generally doesn't say much.
i can understand not wanting to talk about upcoming episodes, i think giving members something to look forward to is a good thing.
of course, it's hard not to want hinted at and mentioned episodes to be uploaded real soon.

Dear Jon,

There you go again! One more incessant "anti-BB" statement in a thread it doesn't belong in. Can't you stay "on-topic" for once! This just totally wrecked my concentration and ruined the related scene. Maybe you need to look for another site other than Broke Straight Boys, that is "BB-free"!

Now, how does this feel when it is coming from the other side??? You got to admit that we both love the forum and the site as well, even if we don't agree exactly on everything included!


What a stupid reply. Of course it belongs in this thread because that was the main topic of the conversation. Grow up Stimpy, you're acting like a kid.
These tests are new, so they are only as reliable until proved otherwise. The normal tests that take into account your count as of 3 months prior to the test are tried and tested over many years. It's a bit like when they started with laser eye surgery, how many people volunteered to possibly losing their eyes rather than their vanity.
It was nice to see Brandon doing so much talking, he has kind of been an unknown to me, so getting to see some of his personality was a definite plus.

I'm so glad you feel that way MsK. After watching his solo I really fell for him there. Brandon already has a nice body. But it's when his personality shines through that you really see how beautifulhe really is. And I mean that he is beautiful from the inside out. I'd love to have an afternoon where I could just sit and chat with him. I remember when another model told us somewhere that he likes to tell people about new songs that he's written. And then he sings them the songs. haha

I have a feeling that when his BTS vid comes out, and we see even more of his personality...that even more people are going to fall in love with him. I think he's one of the more under-appreciated models of the site right now. I'm going to enjoy watching that change. :) For myself Brandon...you had me at "solo". I've been a big fan ever since. xo

Notice I wrote that in the hopes that one day he might actually read it. haha
An ounce of prevention is worth a poung of cure!

This BTS scene was confusing in that it was about Broke Straight Boys-TV yet from the get go there was suppose to be a wall of separation between Broke Straight Boys and Broke Straight Boys-TV. So now it's okay that they be co-mingled? Who knew? And forget the canned applause unless you are in a bigger venue.

But as a proponent of barebacking on Broke Straight Boys, I was really disappointed in the discussion of the testing procedure employed. Too many things were said and not explained fully. I know that if I weren't knowledgeable about AIDS testing I wouldn't have walked away from this with a great deal more of solid information. I had wanted to dispense this information on the bareback thread, but thought it would be a waste of time trying to present facts in the face of entrenched opinion and oftimes hostile and mean spirited rhetoric. God forbid that facts should help in the formation of opinions!

But this video scene gives me the opportunity to explain what I know about AIDS testing and evaluation. What are my bona fides? Well, I'm a long term AIDS survivor, having been diagnosed with HIV in 1987 and AIDS diagnosed in 1992. I have had more tests and taken more drugs than you can imagine. But more importantly I have had great doctors. For the last 13 years I have been a patient at the Pittsburgh AIDS Center for Treatment (PACT) at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. This is among the top ten AIDS research, educational, and treatment centers in the country. The doctors at PACT are all researchers who have spent most of their careers on AIDS. That is their primary job and they see and treat patients through the PACT Clinic. My dr. for instances sees patients on Monday and Tuesdays and is involved in research the rest of the time.

This past Tuesday I had one of my regular quarterly visits with her. I spent some time talking with her about the whole testing regimen, especially as it relates to Broke Straight Boys I wanted to make sure what I knew in my own mind was the most current information available. She corrected and updated me so here's the info:

1. The original test to detect HIV was not really a test to detect the virus, but to test for the antibodies which the immune system creates to fight HIV. (Of course what makes HIV so insidious is that it not only attacks and destroys the immune system, but also the antibodies which the immune syatem develops to fight the virus.) It use to take about 10 days or so to get the results, but since it can take anywhere from 3 months to 6 months for antibodies to appear in the blood, it was recommended that if you get a negative test result back, you should not engage in risky behavior and come back in 3 months for another test. If that test is negative, it is recommended to be really safe that you come back in another 3 months for another test. If that test proves negative, than you are almost certainly out of the woods. But it has known not to be totally accurate. All this presupposes that during this period of time, you do not engage in any risky behavior. If you do, then the cycle just gets perpetuated. Thus, the early emphasis on condom use, because other than abstinence, condom use was the best bet to protect oneself from possible negative effects of risky behavior.

2. Then in the early 90's a new test was discovered and approved. It is the PRC (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test. In popular parlance, it is known as the viral load test. This test detects the presence of the virus itself in your blood. It can pick up the lowest of markers for the virus and tells you how many copies per/ml is in your blood. This test is very sensitive and very expensive, although not as high as it was at the beginning, but still much higher than the antibody test. That is why it is NOT used routinely in situations where you are testing to see if a person is positive or negative. In fact when the PCR test was first on the market, Medicare, Medicaid, and thus most insurance companies didn't cover it. I had my first one done at Dr. Gallo's lab at his AIDS Center at the University of Maryland Medical Center through a mutual friend and did not have to pay. It showed my viral load was about 250,000 copies per/ml. That helped my doctors in developing a course of treatment under the HAART guidelines. Once the government approved this test followed by private insurance companies, it made the HAART treatment guidelines a common treatment methodology and saved millions of lives.

3. This PCR test is the one which Broke Straight Boys uses. It is worth the money they have to pay in exchange not only for the fastest turn around in results, but also in the safety of its models. The test itself takes about 6 hours to do, so in a best case scenario you could get the blood drawn at 9am and have the results by 3 or 4 pm the same day. Now that presupposes that blood sample being given highest priority at the testing lab which I'm sure is a premium cost and is warranted only under situations of extreme emergency. Now Sha mentioned 7 days. So I'm guessing that the blood is sent to the lab and is queued under normal circumstances and the results available in that time frame. Also, we know that a battery of tests is also given for other STD's, so I'm sure all that is part of the seven day turnaround.

4. Because the PCR test is still significantly more expensive than the antibody test, that's why most clinics and drs don't use it as a detection test. Once a person is diagnosed as positive, then most medical professionals will use both tests.

5. Let's take me as an example. When I had my first test which detected the antibodies in my sytem, my CD4 count (which measures the antibodies in my system) was 600. Over the years it has been as low as 75. Now it has been relatively stable in the 250-425 range. This is still low. But some people just don't have a high CD4 count while still being relatively healthy. My viral load as measured by the PCR test has been below 50 copies per/ml for the past 12 years, which means it is classified as undetectable. These tests are being constantly improved and made more sensitive. Now it can detect as little as 1 copy. In fact, just recently another medical problem arose which necessitated my taking a new medication. This caused havoc (more than usual) with my gastro-intestinal system which is also heavily impacted by my AIDS meds, the protease inhibitor primarily. I skipped just a few doses of the protease for a few intermittent days. When I had the PCR test done on Feb. 7 for my Feb, 19th appointment, the viral load was 328 copies. Nothing major, but a break from the past many years of undetectable. But I had been back on the protease for a few weeks, so when I went to my drs. appointment on Feb. 19, she ordered a new PCR test to see where the viral load stood. I retook it, and the results which I had the next day showed ONE copy per /ml. That's how senitive this test is now.

6. So Broke Straight Boys is using the PCR test. It is a more accurate test than the antibody test because it tests for the virus itself which shows up virtually immediately in the blood, as opposed to the antibody test which measures the antibodies for the virus and takes signifcantly longer to get conclusive data with high certitude. That is why it uses this test despite its higher costs. Because it can detect if there is even 1 copy of the virus in the blood virtually from the minutes it is introduced into the body.

7. I present this info not in the hopes of changing minds as to barebacking. If someone is against it, then I could care less. But we owe it to ourselves to know the facts of the situation. I know people who know and understand the facts I've discussed but will still use a condom. That is their choice and I respect it. But those who oppose barebacking should not cast those who support it as people who are threatening the lives of the models here and beginning civilization down the road to ruin. The facts just don't bear that out.


Dear Stowe1,

As one of the current "BLACK SHEEP on the FORUM" opposed to "Barebacking in principle", I have come away from your objective presentation on current testing protocols better informed and understanding more of its many implications. I applaud your personal honesty and candor sharing your wealth of information on this topic. I take your detailed presentation at full face value and I am most grateful to find the enclosed information is not replete with the many recriminations. castigations, and condescensions I have endured from my critics who are offended by my personal view.

Also, in my opinion, they resent my personal concern for the health and safety for our models who have subjected themself to these high-risk behaviors. I just mostly fear that these risks taken today will some day come to haunt our esteemed barebackiing models, when it really did not have to be in the first place! It could have been avoided with a simple little device.



Really really loved the Straight Talk video. Brandon's personality really came out and once again reinforced why he has always been one fo my favorites. So glad that Broke Straight Boys has moved in their current directon of films and the "extras"
I really liked the idea of a "Straight Talk" interview with the guys, it's a nice bonus. It gives us some time to hear what the guys think, and get a feel for them, like the old chat time with David at the start of the Broke Straight Boys 1 videos . Did aryone catch the cameo of Connor and Bobby in the "commercial" ???
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I really liked the idea of a "Straight Talk" interview with the guys, it's a nice bonus. It gives us some time to hear what the guys think, and get a feel for them, like the old chat time with David at the start of the Broke Straight Boys 1 videos . Did aryone catch the cameo of Connor and Bobby in the "commercial" ???
I do agree that the new BTS is a good way to recapture the more intimate style of interviewing that David had on BSB1, while not taking the time away from the sex, for those who felt that David talked too much.

This is an excellent feature and I look forward to seeing interviews with my current favorites, who I know were in the Denver studio a few weeks ago, Graham, Damien & especially my current heartthrob, the WAY HOT Paul! :smiley-love001:
I do agree that the new BTS is a good way to recapture the more intimate style of interviewing that David had on BSB1, while not taking the time away from the sex, for those who felt that David talked too much.

This is an excellent feature and I look forward to seeing interviews with my current favorites, who I know were in the Denver studio a few weeks ago, Graham, Damien & especially my current heartthrob, the WAY HOT Paul! :smiley-love001:

Oh, good luck getting anything with DAMIEN released. MARK has him locked in a vault, and won't share.....He is starting to act like me. ;P
Oh, good luck getting anything with DAMIEN released. MARK has him locked in a vault, and won't share.....He is starting to act like me. ;P

Know exactly how 'Damien abandoned' you feel!


I'm just waiting for Damien too!

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I did! And I'm wondering how much we should read into the fact that they had footage of Connor and Bobby in a BSB TV commercial. Hmm...

I'd say it's recent footage of Bobby and he does have the right personality for a reality show, soooo maybe...

Wow, I'd love that!