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St Louie Update


Well-known Member
May 28, 2010
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I just wanted to give a update before I lay down for a whole 4 hours :) The boys are amazing the staff that are working the event have made no only me feel amazing just being around them but also the people comming up to the booth. I wanted to share a few photos with ya.

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To Add to what Jenn has said, its been a good Pride event. Deisel, Austin and Sha and the crew have been great. What better way to spend a day in the park seeing all the hot boys. I too will have some pictures to post from the event. If anyone has followed any of the post on the "Pride in St Louis" thread there was a suprise for the boys and even the suprise Sha thought he knew what it was...and he was ALMOST 100% correct. I will post some pics of the treat they got.....Anyway time get get off here and get ready to head back across the river to St Louis for the parade and continuation of the events. P.S Jenn is a hoot to hang out with....this girl goes like the energizer bunny....you go girl see you at the booth and parade.

Steve & Rodney
To Add to what Jenn has said, its been a good Pride event. Deisel, Austin and Sha and the crew have been great. What better way to spend a day in the park seeing all the hot boys. I too will have some pictures to post from the event. If anyone has followed any of the post on the "Pride in St Louis" thread there was a suprise for the boys and even the suprise Sha thought he knew what it was...and he was ALMOST 100% correct. I will post some pics of the treat they got.....Anyway time get get off here and get ready to head back across the river to St Louis for the parade and continuation of the events. P.S Jenn is a hoot to hang out with....this girl goes like the energizer bunny....you go girl see you at the booth and parade.

Steve & Rodney

Thank you both for such an amazing gift and all of the help that you gave us at the booth. You, Rodney and Jenn made STL Pride extra special and we couldn't be more appreciative. It was awesome to have a great crew at the booth this weekend but even better to have our members right by our sides promoting the site and letting everyone that came to the booth just how great Broke Straight Boys is. Thanks again guys for an amazing weekend. Sha
*might as well put this on here*
I am going to try this one more time : ) I was trying to write this on my phone on the way home but didn’t seem to work so I am now doing it on the lap top.

I first want to say thank you to the amazing people who I got the chance to hang out with this weekend. I was able to be myself and be totally accepted. I want to let you all know , we took lots of pictures of the boys and great people working the event. Justme62025 (Steve) and I will be making a photo album for the pictures we have been able to capture over the last wonderful couple of days. I had a blast getting to interact with the people who really are the connection from us the members to those in charge of the futon. : ) I was able to sit and talk with almost everyone at the booth at one point or another this weekend and was even surprised when treated with other porn royalty! It was rewarding to see these guys are just like a average Joe’s * well I can’t say that I think they might have higher sex drives :) They treated me with respect and looked out for me as if I was a part of their traveling family.

One thing I did want to share with you, the members that I think really made my experience different than any other was this morning I was able to hang out with Shannon at the booth while we waited for the boys to be done with the parade. We were able to chit chat between people milling around waiting for the rest of the masses to come into the park. We first had maybe 3 or 4 people stopping by the tent then it seemed like it went from a few to 100 people coming all at once. Shannon got into his mode of getting things done and I jumped right in and helped. I went from epically failing at putting on temporary tattoos to handing out bags to masses coming by. It was a rush for me. I have always been good at sale so when I figured out that we needed to get as many t-shirts off the tables and into satisfied customer’s hands, I went into sales girl mode.

While I was talking with people passing by I was able to meet a lot of members from the site, each one I would ask if they were on the forum and if they were did they post? Most were fans either Austin or Diesal fans but all seemed to have an opinion on who was gay and who was really straight? I thought was even funnier when those who had never seen the site tried to figure out who was a top and who was a bottom.

So as my weekend has come to a close and I go back into the real world I hold on to the great moments and little curves life kept throwing at me this weekend dear and hope that the next time I get to see this amazing group of people that I will feel as much happiness and giddiness and I did when first meeting the boys : P but this time I won’t run away !