See I told you that Patrick is always coming up with great lineups! I2 better give a first hand report on
Logan (I sure he'll use more than one hand and he can report on that too!
Patrick is a great guy. A little communication and he's off and running with some great ideas about how to make the members feel happy and special.
Since I2 has been having all "those problems" I used my insignificant influence and ask Pat to make sure he had a real good time. That's all it takes folks, a simple question. We'll see what Patrick comes up with..... I am sure that I2's head will be spinning for a week!
Note: I am not bragging, in fact I'm not sure that I should have said anything. However I know there are people out there in the forum saying to themselves, it can't happen to me. Well it can. Tell Patrick you'll be at an event.... and watch what happens. Ask a favor for a friend..... and watch what happens. This is not just a porn site..... David and Eddie, Mark and crew, Patrick and the boys all are part of a family and they have invited us all in. I sometimes think, wait a minute I am a perv on a porn site, but then the comraderie, affection and respect of the forum and all the parties to putting this on the web comes crashing down on my head and I realize that this place is like no other and I want to be a part of it.
OK, enough said. I am tired as I took Mikey to the ER and he was admitted for a largish kidney stone trapped in a ureter. Poor baby hurt some much he's getting Morphine every two hours.
Be well my friends,