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Spider play


BSB Addict
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Sunny Australia.
I know we are all told from an early age... not to play with spiders

But here is one you can........... so if you dont like spiders


so if you look and dont like...... dont blame me

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I know we are all told from an early age... not to play with spiders

But here is one you can........... so if you dont like spiders


so if you look and dont like...... dont blame me


I tried to get it to eat my pointer. I wouldn't. Good thing I didn't offer it my penis pointer. That spider sure looked hungry. LOL :sneaky2:
Jay you are as nuts as i am , i think

I am just very open minded. I don't believe you are nuts. I believe that you are very creative and you need an outlet to express yourself because you have so much to say. I really see a lot of artistic talent in you. Michael Angelo almost never slept either. LOL He was a true creative Genius too. The same is true of Leonardo DeVinci.:thumbup:
That was really cool!

But I'll tell you another spider story. When I was young and living at home I actually had a pet spider. I had a small tomato garden in the back yard. I had surrounded it with some loose cinder blocks. And as you know, they have holes in them.

Well one day I found a black widow had made a nest inside one of the holes. I used to fee it the "tomato" worms that I found on the plants. I would watch as the Black widow would attack the worm, first by shooting out lots of silk before going in to "bite" the worm. When the worm was dead, she would then go in and have lunch. Her body would swell up in size from all she ate.

After a while, I one day saw another very small spider within her web. It was a male. While I never saw them mate, one day there was no male. In the world of the Black Widow, after the male mates, he becomes her next meal.

Now this is going on for a few months, then one day I notice a beautiful egg sack. All this time I continue to feed her. Finally one day I went back there and saw a whole bunch of little Black Widows and they were ballooning. I actually saw them taking off. For those who don't know what ballooning is, in brief, it is when newly born spiders, go to the highest point possible, turn around and shoot out some silk for the air currents/breeze to pick them up and take them someplace else. Wherever they land is where they set up their home. I did not stay too long as I was afraid of getting one landing on me or in my hair. Does that mean these were my "grandspiders"? Meanwhile mom seemed to be getting smaller and smaller and one day she was gone. Her life's mission was done, and so was she.

Live Long and prosper,

That was really cool!

But I'll tell you another spider story. When I was young and living at home I actually had a pet spider. I had a small tomato garden in the back yard. I had surrounded it with some loose cinder blocks. And as you know, they have holes in them.

Well one day I found a black widow had made a nest inside one of the holes. I used to fee it the "tomato" worms that I found on the plants. I would watch as the Black widow would attack the worm, first by shooting out lots of silk before going in to "bite" the worm. When the worm was dead, she would then go in and have lunch. Her body would swell up in size from all she ate.

After a while, I one day saw another very small spider within her web. It was a male. While I never saw them mate, one day there was no male. In the world of the Black Widow, after the male mates, he becomes her next meal.

Now this is going on for a few months, then one day I notice a beautiful egg sack. All this time I continue to feed her. Finally one day I went back there and saw a whole bunch of little Black Widows and they were ballooning. I actually saw them taking off. For those who don't know what ballooning is, in brief, it is when newly born spiders, go to the highest point possible, turn around and shoot out some silk for the air currents/breeze to pick them up and take them someplace else. Wherever they land is where they set up their home. I did not stay too long as I was afraid of getting one landing on me or in my hair. Does that mean these were my "grandspiders"? Meanwhile mom seemed to be getting smaller and smaller and one day she was gone. Her life's mission was done, and so was she.

Live Long and prosper,


Very touching story... Thak you for sharing.