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Spell check won't help a giggling ass


Well-known Member
Mar 1, 2009
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Sometimes the copy writers come up with funnier stuff than I can.

Over on College Boy Physicals Nurse Ajay and Nickie, December 25th, 2008:

"Next, the Nurse asked me to take off my pants for them to check my gentiles."

I am sure there is some circumcision/Jewish joke in there somewhere.

Back on Broke Straight Boys, the Feb 4 update with Shane:

"For fun, I had him slap his ass a couple of times, to show us his ass giggling as if someone were pounding it."

Um Dave, if his ass is giggling, maybe he needs an antacid or something. If you can't get into the medicine cabinet to get him one, try jiggling the handle.

And just how many typos am I allowed to point out before I get banned? :scared: (I have been home sick the last two days. Cabin fever is creeping in.)
Sometimes the copy writers come up with funnier stuff than I can.

Over on College Boy Physicals Nurse Ajay and Nickie, December 25th, 2008:

"Next, the Nurse asked me to take off my pants for them to check my gentiles."

I am sure there is some circumcision/Jewish joke in there somewhere.

Back on Broke Straight Boys, the Feb 4 update with Shane:

"For fun, I had him slap his ass a couple of times, to show us his ass giggling as if someone were pounding it."

Um Dave, if his ass is giggling, maybe he needs an antacid or something. If you can't get into the medicine cabinet to get him one, try jiggling the handle.

And just how many typos am I allowed to point out before I get banned? :scared: (I have been home sick the last two days. Cabin fever is creeping in.)

LOL! GL!! Not to worry. This subject has been beaten to death! LOL! I love the "gentiles", and the giggling ass is LOL funny!

Get well soon!
Sometimes the copy writers come up with funnier stuff than I can.

Over on College Boy Physicals Nurse Ajay and Nickie, December 25th, 2008:

"Next, the Nurse asked me to take off my pants for them to check my gentiles."

I am sure there is some circumcision/Jewish joke in there somewhere.

Back on Broke Straight Boys, the Feb 4 update with Shane:

"For fun, I had him slap his ass a couple of times, to show us his ass giggling as if someone were pounding it."

Um Dave, if his ass is giggling, maybe he needs an antacid or something. If you can't get into the medicine cabinet to get him one, try jiggling the handle.

And just how many typos am I allowed to point out before I get banned? :scared: (I have been home sick the last two days. Cabin fever is creeping in.)

I laugh when I find I have made typos in here. I run IE spell check too. Sometimes, I actually do everything in MS word and try to catch everything. I am lysdexic or at least that is how I see the word with the "e" and "d" reversed. The same thing happens for me with the letters "a", "b", "c", "h", "g", "f", "p", "q", and "z." Nobody discovered that until I was in 8th grade. Until then the idiot/lazy school teachers I had assumed I had a learning disability or I was playing games. There solution was sound it out and look it up in the dictionary. Have you ever tried to look up a word in the dictionary and not have a clue what letter it started with? Then you do manage to find it and they have that strange annunciation guide with all of the letters reversed and backwards. Why do they do that? Is it to annoy dyslexic people? LOL Oh, well like my reading teacher told me, I need to learned to adapt to the system that has been universally accepted. OK, I got it. Then I came to find out that dyslexic people even think differently. So, now I needed to learn to adapt my cognitive thought processes to fit in. After you go through all of that shit; the concept of being an alien among humans seems very likely... LOL Needless to say most of the damage was done by 8th grade. So, the rest of my life has been spent reprogramming my brain.

I actually do go back and fix typos in here when I catch them... However; because I am here for fun and entertainment I usually don't go overboard making sure everything is right. I have a different system with my papers for my graduate work. I have three very good friends that edit for me.

  • One is a Special Ed Teacher, my best friend since first grade. He is straight.
  • Another friend who is a journalist for a local news paper. I have never really wanted to know his story. He is a mess. He is so full of lies and deciet I usually avoid him unless I need a special favor.
  • Another friend who teaches English in High School. He tells me at least I write on a college level. LOL Is that good or bad. :001_unsure: He is gay and we have been friends for a long time.

Do I take it personal that people poke fun at typos? No, I just want to be clear where I stand on the issue. I think that we are all spiritual beings experiencing a human condition. Sometimes part of being human is being foulable. I do think it is important to laugh with the person in understanding of their mistakes not at them. Most GLBT people I know tend to be anal retentive in different ways for some it is grammar, for others it is cleanliness, for others it may be how they prepare a meal, etc... Why is this? I don't know. Some scientists theorize it is over compensation for the way that society shames us. Who knows for sure??? I am me, and that is the best I can be. Hey, joke them if they can't take a fuck... :thumbup:
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Rimmerman makes house calls too...:thumbup:
Sometimes the copy writers come up with funnier stuff than I can.

Over on College Boy Physicals Nurse Ajay and Nickie, December 25th, 2008:

"Next, the Nurse asked me to take off my pants for them to check my gentiles."

I am sure there is some circumcision/Jewish joke in there somewhere.

Back on Broke Straight Boys, the Feb 4 update with Shane:

"For fun, I had him slap his ass a couple of times, to show us his ass giggling as if someone were pounding it."

Um Dave, if his ass is giggling, maybe he needs an antacid or something. If you can't get into the medicine cabinet to get him one, try jiggling the handle.

And just how many typos am I allowed to point out before I get banned? :scared: (I have been home sick the last two days. Cabin fever is creeping in.)

OMG, ILMAO. that was good. I hope you feel better soon! :thumbup:
Sometimes the copy writers come up with funnier stuff than I can.

Over on College Boy Physicals Nurse Ajay and Nickie, December 25th, 2008:

"Next, the Nurse asked me to take off my pants for them to check my gentiles."

I am sure there is some circumcision/Jewish joke in there somewhere.

Back on Broke Straight Boys, the Feb 4 update with Shane:

"For fun, I had him slap his ass a couple of times, to show us his ass giggling as if someone were pounding it."

Um Dave, if his ass is giggling, maybe he needs an antacid or something. If you can't get into the medicine cabinet to get him one, try jiggling the handle.

And just how many typos am I allowed to point out before I get banned? :scared: (I have been home sick the last two days. Cabin fever is creeping in.)

All right, so I guess what I really want to know is , Why didn't Nicky's pants know where the "Gentiles" were? And Shane DID jiggle the handle, and caused an overflow, which probably necessitated a call to those European Plumbers we saw back in January! It all gets so involved!

With Love, I am,
Originally Posted by GreatLakes2

(I have been home sick the last two days. Cabin fever is creeping in.)

Boy do I know THAT feeling. Tell your SO I said you should try some chicken (soup works too!) Hope you're feeling better real soon!

With Love, I am,
All right, so I guess what I really want to know is , Why didn't Nicky's pants know where the "Gentiles" were? And Shane DID jiggle the handle, and caused an overflow, which probably necessitated a call to those European Plumbers we saw back in January! It all gets so involved!

With Love, I am,

And so too are the Days of the Forum. LOL
I have three very good friends that edit for me.

  • One is a Special Ed Teacher, my best friend since first grade. He is straight.
  • Another friend who is a journalist for a local news paper.
  • Another friend who teaches English in High School. He tells me at least I write on a college level. LOL Is that good or bad. :001_unsure: He is gay, but we have been friends for a long time.

First off, you are blessed to have such good friends. Especially the first one; he spends all that time with that Ed guy and still finds time for you. Or maybe since he is straight and finds Ed so special, it might be Edwina.

But the last line makes me proud of you. "He is gay, but we have been friends for a long time." I am glad you are able to finally get over your homophobia. :lol:

I enjoy and admire your writing, but it just struck me funny that you mentioned their sexuality at all.

But back on topic: Lest anyone think that I am the grammar police, I almost never correct spelling/grammar mistakes in informal chat like this or in IM. When something is put up by a company for its customers, I have more fun with it and/or have higher expectations. In this case, I am just having fun.

Speaking of fun, does anyone here read David Sedaris? He is one of my favorite authors. Between the typos on Broke Straight Boys and the French language debacle in another thread, I was reminded of him.
He has one older book called "Me Talk Pretty One Day" in which he spends couple of chapters outlining the trials and tribulations of his moving to France and learning French. He describes his attempts at broken French in by translating into broken English. At one point he talks about his French class describing Easter to a Muslim woman who had never heard of it using only a shaky grasp on the French language. "The Jesus, he good. He die and lives with his dad in the sky." And so on.(Not an exact quote, but I am too lazy to run upstairs and find the exact words.)
Tell ya what, if you go out and buy a David Sedaris book and hate it, I will refund your money. How's that for an endorsement?
I laugh when I find I have made typos in here. I run IE spell check too. Sometimes, I actually do everything in MS word and try to catch everything. I am lysdexic or at least that is how I see the word with the "e" and "d" reversed. The same thing happens for me with the letters "a", "b", "c", "h", "g", "f", "p", "q", and "z." Nobody discovered that until I was in 8th grade. Until then the idiot/lazy school teachers I had assumed I had a learning disability or I was playing games. There solution was sound it out and look it up in the dictionary. Have you ever tried to look up a word in the dictionary and not have a clue what letter it started with? Then you do manage to find it and they have that strange annunciation guide with all of the letters reversed and backwards. Why do they do that? Is it to annoy dyslexic people? LOL Oh, well like my reading teacher told me, I need to learned to adapt to the system that has been universally accepted. OK, I got it. Then I came to find out that dyslexic people even think differently. So, now I needed to learn to adapt my cognitive thought processes to fit in. After you go through all of that shit; the concept of being an alien among humans seems very likely... LOL Needless to say most of the damage was done by 8th grade. So, the rest of my life has been spent reprogramming my brain.

I actually do go back and fix typos in here when I catch them... However; because I am here for fun and entertainment I usually don't go overboard making sure everything is right. I have a different system with my papers for my graduate work. I have three very good friends that edit for me.

  • One is a Special Ed Teacher, my best friend since first grade. He is straight.
  • Another friend who is a journalist for a local news paper.
  • Another friend who teaches English in High School. He tells me at least I write on a college level. LOL Is that good or bad. :001_unsure: He is gay, but we have been friends for a long time.

Do I take it personal that people poke fun at typos? No, I just want to be clear where I stand on the issue. I think that we are all spiritual beings experiencing a human condition. Sometimes part of being human is being foulable. I do think it is important to laugh with the person in understanding of their mistakes not at them. Most GLBT people I know tend to be anal retentive in different ways for some it is grammar, for others it is cleanliness, for others it may be how they prepare a meal, etc... Why is this? I don't know. Some scientists theorize it is over compensation for the way that society shames us. Who knows for sure??? I am me, and that is the best I can be. Hey, joke them if they can't take a fuck... :thumbup:

Jayman, I don't care about typos at all! I make them all the time. As long as I know what the poster means, I'm good. I've known you are dyslexic, and don't you ever worry about your spelling! I edit my posts sometime due to spelling/typos, but a lot of times I just say fuck it! I laugh at the typos on Broke Straight Boys at times just because they are funny! You have to admit, the ones that GreatLakes pointed out are hilarious! I'm not poking fun at the writer, but I AM LOL at the typo!! You have to admit, "gentiles" and "giggling ass" is just plain funny!
Jayman, I don't care about typos at all! I make them all the time. As long as I know what the poster means, I'm good. I've known you are dyslexic, and don't you ever worry about your spelling! I edit my posts sometime due to spelling/typos, but a lot of times I just say fuck it! I laugh at the typos on Broke Straight Boys at times just because they are funny! You have to admit, the ones that GreatLakes pointed out are hilarious! I'm not poking fun at the writer, but I AM LOL at the typo!! You have to admit, "gentiles" and "giggling ass" is just plain funny!

I was rolling on the floor laughing. Being dyslexic is fun too. One day I was walking to the store I read the bumpersticker of a parked car. It read "Watch out for the Catholic." I thouhg how rude. On my way back I saw the same car again and the same bumper sticker. This time I took my time to read it. LOL It actually read, "Watch out for that Child" I kept laughing all day thinking now how on earth did I transpose the word Child into Catholic the first time. LOL :thumbup:
I was rolling on the floor laughing. Being dyslexic is fun too. One day I was walking to the store I read the bumpersticker of a parked car. It read "Watch out for the Catholic." I thouhg how rude. On my way back I saw the same car again and the same bumper sticker. This time I took my time to read it. LOL It actually read, "Watch out for that Child" I kept laughing all day thinking now how on earth did I transpose the word Child into Catholic the first time. LOL :thumbup:

LOL, Jayman!! Boy, you could really get in trouble at times, couldn't you?! LOL!! I'm a personalized license plate reader. Sometimes, I am surprised at some of them that get through. Or maybe it is just my pervy mind, and the driver didn't mean what I thought at all! :lol:
I was rolling on the floor laughing. Being dyslexic is fun too. One day I was walking to the store I read the bumpersticker of a parked car. It read "Watch out for the Catholic." I thouhg how rude. On my way back I saw the same car again and the same bumper sticker. This time I took my time to read it. LOL It actually read, "Watch out for that Child" I kept laughing all day thinking now how on earth did I transpose the word Child into Catholic the first time. LOL :thumbup:

I walked by the same sign on a sidewalk for years thinking it said "Watch out for exciting vehicles" which never made sense until I realized it said 'exiting.'
I walked by the same sign on a sidewalk for years thinking it said "Watch out for exciting vehicles" which never made sense until I realized it said 'exiting.'

That could be important, you think...???:thumbup:
Sometimes the copy writers come up with funnier stuff than I can.

Over on College Boy Physicals Nurse Ajay and Nickie, December 25th, 2008:

"Next, the Nurse asked me to take off my pants for them to check my gentiles."

I am sure there is some circumcision/Jewish joke in there somewhere.

Back on Broke Straight Boys, the Feb 4 update with Shane:

"For fun, I had him slap his ass a couple of times, to show us his ass giggling as if someone were pounding it."

Um Dave, if his ass is giggling, maybe he needs an antacid or something. If you can't get into the medicine cabinet to get him one, try jiggling the handle.

And just how many typos am I allowed to point out before I get banned? :scared: (I have been home sick the last two days. Cabin fever is creeping in.)

Slim offered to proofread those things before they are posted but I don't think anything ever came of it.
And just how many typos am I allowed to point out before I get banned? :scared: (I have been home sick the last two days. Cabin fever is creeping in.)

LOL That's fine. Point them out as much as you want :)
We only ban people who insult others :)