So it has been a bit since I’ve last posted. I figured an update was about due. I spoke with the surgeon three days ago. He has cleared me to resume full activity. To be honest I already had and I don’t think he would have minded. He was surprised about the lack of pain and explained that it’s usually a lot more painful for younger people to have this surgery because the muscle is still growing and fresh so to speak. Even he was amazed by the scar … or the lack thereof. Although you can certainly see it, it is nothing near what I expected. I haven’t put any ointments or topicals on it. I kept it covered for only the first few days of recovery. It’s going away on its own. I have resumed working out my upper body but still holding out for a couple weeks on the abdominals. I would love to say its all for rest and recovery but there’s a part lazy mixed in there somewhere. So I feel confident to say that as of now the hernia and all its complications are both a thing of the past.
In other news, I hope to see you all in Long Beach in May. Today I received the official word that I will be attending this year. I believe the dates are May 18 – 20 give or take a day on either end. I’m really excited about the opportunity and hope to get out and meet as many of you as possible!
In other news, I hope to see you all in Long Beach in May. Today I received the official word that I will be attending this year. I believe the dates are May 18 – 20 give or take a day on either end. I’m really excited about the opportunity and hope to get out and meet as many of you as possible!