I'm sorry Liam. But this was not one of my favorite scenes with you. For those of us who really don't like tattoos, the sleevework is very distracting when trying to focus on just the performance. I'm happy for the viewers who LOVE tattoos, because this scene really showed them off. I hope there are some future scenes though where you might be seated to the right so that your left arm is the one most exposed.
I agree with others that your hair was a little wild here. I don't suggest a crew cut or a shaved head, but maybe a good solid trim. You did a very good job in a one-sided scene. Having two models cum at the same time is a real rarity on the site. I can only think of maybe one or two other scenes in the history of the site where that's happened. Well done!![]()
Welll thank you fr the future suggestions! I think i will invest ina haircut