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Should a historically Catholic & Protestant Europe accept Islamic migrants?


Well-known Member
Jul 1, 2015
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Taking in large amounts of Muslims is NOT what the US should do. Now Europe has a historical moral obligation given that it was ESPECIALLY MOSTLY England and France that especially profited from the carving up of Southwest Asia/Middle East into inchoate nations that make very little cultural sense but were mainly useful for these two nations desire to control oil and other natural resources and trade routes.
England and France controlled most of the colonies in East Asia and Southwest Asia and in Africa. Spain and Portugal the next most in Africa and the Netherlands held Indonesia. Germany and Italy controlled portions of Africa. Belgium raped the Congo for almost a century.
With that being said, these European nations exploited the natural resources through divide and conquer politics that placed one ethnic/cultural/language group above another. This new order was then made manifest by the weapons that were supplied by each of these European nations to the side it wished to have win.
The wars occurring in Asia and Africa are the outcomes of European colonization which stated that Whites were superior in every way from culture to consumption to art and literature and especially technology/science. These colonial nations copied their exploiters and now are on consumption binges of their own. The displaced people are Europe's orphans.
Now the large Muslim influx will destabilize these traditionally Catholic and Protestant strongholds unless they force the refugees to assimilate and convert. The key is not to allow stupid cultural openness to be coupled with an idiotic tolerance then married to democracy to permit these actually pluralistic democracies to be destroyed with chants of false racism and a false Islamophobia. Democracy should not be allowed to be used to destroy democracy and multi-culturalism does not mean that traditional Catholicism and Protestantism should be made subordinate to an Islam that threatens the freedom and equality of women. The other problem is that most of Islam except for the Sufis are highly homophobic as in put to death while Catholicism and Protestantism are hemmed in, thankfully, by constitutional law and human rights concerns that lessen their homophobic impact.
Taking in large amounts of Muslims is NOT what the US should do. Now Europe has a historical moral obligation given that it was ESPECIALLY MOSTLY England and France that especially profited from the carving up of Southwest Asia/Middle East into inchoate nations that make very little cultural sense but were mainly useful for these two nations desire to control oil and other natural resources and trade routes..

Caribou - I agree completely with what you wrote. I especially like your bold statement about NOT offering refugee status to them here in the U.S.

I hail from MN (now in FL year round except for 6 weeks back with kids and grandkids during the spectacular summers on the lake). As a result of U.S. involvement in Viet Nan, Loas, and Cambodia that state ended up with the 2nd most Hmong population in the world. They assimilated (after our legal system forced change on arranged marriages that took place when the bride was 13! and a few other cultural wars that needed to be remedied). They, as a group, have become full American and serve at all levels of society - from teachers to preachers; from cops to judges; from voters to politicians.

The latest bright move of the two charitable organizations which brought the Hmong brought us the Somalians. I'm not going to go into specifics but if you've heard the national news gang warfare in states and ISIS recruiting - MN is at the top of the list and the "watch list" for "questionable" persons of interest. Like those who went to France, they continue their culture without regard to that of the U.S. And public entitlements are through the roof! I don't want to stereotype all of those refugees and their now US born citizen off-spring but it is a very serious issue.

The Crusades have begun anew. We don't need any more of their potential soldiers to be fostered here in this country. Their war has to be a Civil War fought among their own people to a natural outcome that might settle things down. Boy I despise Wolfowitz and Cheney!! The English and the French aren't responsible for this new shake up as much as America's Imperialism of this century is!

Me Quiet Now.
Louis at the bottom it says Quick Navigation then general chat(not membership related) so it is in the right section

As for taking in more Islamic migrants that's a tough decision. We can not let the refuges suffer but who knows how many terrorists will come in with the groups. Also many of these people want to defeat us. They hate us and want us killed.
Louis at the bottom it says Quick Navigation then general chat(not membership related) so it is in the right section

Mark or Chuck will always come in on KRU's posts and either delete them if they're in the wrong section...or they will move them over to the correct one. So it's possible you and Louis are both right. lol It depends on what time you're seeing the post.