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Shameful stories that are not so shameful


Well-known Member
Jun 14, 2009
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OK! I had an idea for a thread...

Tell a story of an even in your life that others would view as shameful (and you may now consider it shameful looking back) that wasn't so shameful at the time! I'll post mine when I get a bit more time!
OK! I had an idea for a thread...

Tell a story of an even in your life that others would view as shameful (and you may now consider it shameful looking back) that wasn't so shameful at the time! I'll post mine when I get a bit more time!

Kick those antibiotics into touch hun. :001_tt2:
At university I got involved in dramatics and was given the part of Napoleon in a play about the French Revolution. The reviews were amazing and I actually had fans, one of whom was in the production and came home with me after one of the 4 performances. She was totally invested in the initial making out and even the divesting of quite a high percentage of our wearing apparel, but balked at having the actual dick go where it had been planning to go all evening. Napoleon was disappointed and his testicles were in ache mode, so I said that I just wanted to put it in for a second, only as proof that in principle she wasn't against doing it with me. After some more of this opportunistic, slightly coercive blandishment, she was like oh all right. But Napoleon couldn't help moving it around once he got inside and ended up completing the operation. We dated several times more but I was aware that she thought less of me for breaking my word at our first encounter.

Years later I read about the phenomenon of "date rape", and had the feeling that the description might square with my behavior that night. I'm still really ashamed of it to, as they say, this day.
I was a TA in a Organic Chem 1 and 2 Lab. I was young, 22 to be exact. This student took Org1 with me my first semester and he hit on me so often that it was almost distracting. I found him incredibly sexy to the point where I would have to hide behind things in fear of pointing out the obvious tent work. At the end of the semester, he didn't show up for his check out. I called him up, he said he was running late and could I wait for him. I sounded pissed off, pretended I was mad... haha. Everyone had finished and he showed up looking so incredible that it wasn't even funny. He flirted, checked out his drawer and asked me if I wanted to have something to eat. We went to Nathan's and we got dinner and he asked me to go back to his room. I said I couldn't, he was a student still. He said he understood, asked if I was teaching Org2 Lab again. I was and he said he would see me next semester.

Fast forward to Org2, he came back from winter break looking sexier than I remember. The flirting continued, it escalated into touching and getting close. Org2 ended, he was late for checkout again, asked to go eat lunch, asked to go back to his room and this time, since I wouldn't be teaching him again, I accepted. We go back to his room, we're on his bed and we're making out. He starts taking my pants off when I begin having second thoughts. I stop him, start kissing him again when I decide ... fuck it, let's go! His roommate was a partier, never came back to the room. I stayed all night with him and did the walk of shame down the hallway of my students. I didn't know they grouped the dorms past Freshmen year by major... Apparently, he had a bet going that I'd sleep with him before he graduated and he won. He looked like Damien...
I was a TA in a Organic Chem 1 and 2 Lab. I was young, 22 to be exact. This student took Org1 with me my first semester and he hit on me so often that it was almost distracting. I found him incredibly sexy to the point where I would have to hide behind things in fear of pointing out the obvious tent work. At the end of the semester, he didn't show up for his check out. I called him up, he said he was running late and could I wait for him. I sounded pissed off, pretended I was mad... haha. Everyone had finished and he showed up looking so incredible that it wasn't even funny. He flirted, checked out his drawer and asked me if I wanted to have something to eat. We went to Nathan's and we got dinner and he asked me to go back to his room. I said I couldn't, he was a student still. He said he understood, asked if I was teaching Org2 Lab again. I was and he said he would see me next semester.

Fast forward to Org2, he came back from winter break looking sexier than I remember. The flirting continued, it escalated into touching and getting close. Org2 ended, he was late for checkout again, asked to go eat lunch, asked to go back to his room and this time, since I wouldn't be teaching him again, I accepted. We go back to his room, we're on his bed and we're making out. He starts taking my pants off when I begin having second thoughts. I stop him, start kissing him again when I decide ... fuck it, let's go! His roommate was a partier, never came back to the room. I stayed all night with him and did the walk of shame down the hallway of my students. I didn't know they grouped the dorms past Freshmen year by major... Apparently, he had a bet going that I'd sleep with him before he graduated and he won. He looked like Damien...

You forgot to mention his age, or is that incriminating evidence. :biggrin:
I was going to post this on the Graveyard thread on the other side but had a re think so here goes. During my apprenticeship I had to spend some months working in a 24/7 Telecoms Operations centre. The Ops centre was separated into different sections and was not open plan and I was seconded to a particular room to work with my mentor, also named John, but with the H.

John is twelve years older than myself but very good looking and in excellent physical condition. John's marital status was single but he had a long term girlfriend but this was on and off. J knew that I was gay and at that time I was with a guy in a LTR, we never discussed my relationship but often J would chat about his, saying he was not sure where it was going etc etc, I thought he was after my sympathy, which being a nice person, he got. Anyway one night shift (graveyard shifts to you guys), at about 4am J called me over to his desk to show me something on the PC, I went reluctantly went over because at that time it was morning woody time and as I was wearing jogging bottoms, it was quite revealing. Anyway I got off my butt and wandered across to J's PC and stood behind him looking over his shoulder. Suddenly I got a whiff of something really sexy and I said to him what's that smell. He said he didnt know what I meant so I said Oh I think it maybe the shampoo and I put my nose in his hair to test and it was, and he didn't budge. So with my chin on his head he continued to show me what was on his PC and after a while began to move his head in such a way that it was turning me on big style. I then put my hand on his shoulders and began massaging them, stopped suddenly a bit embarrassed but the said please go on.

I love giving massages and I've been told I'm pretty good at it too, so here I was massaging my mentors shoulders whilst rubbing my face in his hair, then I started kissing his head and he turned around, smiled and we kissed full on. We continued kissing for about 5 mins and at the same time he was rubbing my cock through my joggers but then, common sense took over the testosterone and we both stopped, realising that at any moment, someone could have walked into the room.

We agreed never to do such a thing at work again as it was very risky, but we did agree to go out for a drink and after a few times he finally asked me to go back to his hotel. We had the greatest and most intense sex ever and didn't get a minutes sleep all night - in fact in the morning we looked as if we'd come off the graveyard shift lol. He texted me later on that day saying he enjoyed it and was fun but he felt bad and tbh I did too as we both cheated on our g/f and b/f.

I still see J now and again at work, he is married to that girl and has a little son, but he still smiles when we meet and we chat a lot. I always smile back but knowing it will never happen again - or will it ?
Here's hoping for a happier conclusion

I was going to post this on the Graveyard thread on the other side but had a re think so here goes. During my apprenticeship I had to spend some months working in a 24/7 Telecoms Operations centre. The Ops centre was separated into different sections and was not open plan and I was seconded to a particular room to work with my mentor, also named John, but with the H.

John is twelve years older than myself but very good looking and in excellent physical condition. John's marital status was single but he had a long term girlfriend but this was on and off. J knew that I was gay and at that time I was with a guy in a LTR, we never discussed my relationship but often J would chat about his, saying he was not sure where it was going etc etc, I thought he was after my sympathy, which being a nice person, he got. Anyway one night shift (graveyard shifts to you guys), at about 4am J called me over to his desk to show me something on the PC, I went reluctantly went over because at that time it was morning woody time and as I was wearing jogging bottoms, it was quite revealing. Anyway I got off my butt and wandered across to J's PC and stood behind him looking over his shoulder. Suddenly I got a whiff of something really sexy and I said to him what's that smell. He said he didnt know what I meant so I said Oh I think it maybe the shampoo and I put my nose in his hair to test and it was, and he didn't budge. So with my chin on his head he continued to show me what was on his PC and after a while began to move his head in such a way that it was turning me on big style. I then put my hand on his shoulders and began massaging them, stopped suddenly a bit embarrassed but the said please go on.

I love giving massages and I've been told I'm pretty good at it too, so here I was massaging my mentors shoulders whilst rubbing my face in his hair, then I started kissing his head and he turned around, smiled and we kissed full on. We continued kissing for about 5 mins and at the same time he was rubbing my cock through my joggers but then, common sense took over the testosterone and we both stopped, realising that at any moment, someone could have walked into the room.

We agreed never to do such a thing at work again as it was very risky, but we did agree to go out for a drink and after a few times he finally asked me to go back to his hotel. We had the greatest and most intense sex ever and didn't get a minutes sleep all night - in fact in the morning we looked as if we'd come off the graveyard shift lol. He texted me later on that day saying he enjoyed it and was fun but he felt bad and tbh I did too as we both cheated on our g/f and b/f.

I still see J now and again at work, he is married to that girl and has a little son, but he still smiles when we meet and we chat a lot. I always smile back but knowing it will never happen again - or will it ?

Dear Jon,

This is a lovely and touching post. I want to thank you for sharing this with us. I believe in being ever hopeful and this loving moment deserves further consideration from you. I wish you the best of luck as this seems more than a passing fancy. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
During this ice-breaker...

I was a TA in a Organic Chem 1 and 2 Lab. I was young, 22 to be exact. This student took Org1 with me my first semester and he hit on me so often that it was almost distracting. I found him incredibly sexy to the point where I would have to hide behind things in fear of pointing out the obvious tent work. At the end of the semester, he didn't show up for his check out. I called him up, he said he was running late and could I wait for him. I sounded pissed off, pretended I was mad... haha. Everyone had finished and he showed up looking so incredible that it wasn't even funny. He flirted, checked out his drawer and asked me if I wanted to have something to eat. We went to Nathan's and we got dinner and he asked me to go back to his room. I said I couldn't, he was a student still. He said he understood, asked if I was teaching Org2 Lab again. I was and he said he would see me next semester.

Fast forward to Org2, he came back from winter break looking sexier than I remember. The flirting continued, it escalated into touching and getting close. Org2 ended, he was late for checkout again, asked to go eat lunch, asked to go back to his room and this time, since I wouldn't be teaching him again, I accepted. We go back to his room, we're on his bed and we're making out. He starts taking my pants off when I begin having second thoughts. I stop him, start kissing him again when I decide ... fuck it, let's go! His roommate was a partier, never came back to the room. I stayed all night with him and did the walk of shame down the hallway of my students. I didn't know they grouped the dorms past Freshmen year by major... Apparently, he had a bet going that I'd sleep with him before he graduated and he won. He looked like Damien...

Dear Zyl84,

I sincerely hope his motivations went far beyond "the bet". Since I find Damien mystifying, I share in your being drawn to his charm. As an educator of 36 years, I fully understand your need initial reluctance for his advances and for the need for discretion.

I too had a relationship with a beautiful black student two years following his graduation from my institution. Out of the blue, he called me at my home one evening and stated he understood I was Gay and he wanted to sleep with me. I had always had fond feelings for him, but never anything sexual. I took a personal interest in him and personally drove him for his "Band Scholarship Audition" three years prior and was pleased he was successful. He came from a dysfunctional home environment and strove to rise above it all. I always admired him for his well-placed ambition. Now, I was dealing head on with a conflict in my role as an educator and mentor and, now, he wanted to know me intimately? This would never had developed to this state had he been a current student.

All the way in my 70 mile drive, I repeatedly told myself that I was merely going to help him in a non-sexual way. I proceeded to his dorm room and, once inside, I was immediately in the spell of a full-size near nude poster of "Prince" at his sexiest on the back of his door. In fact, I asked him if this sexy poster was the root of many of his masturbatory man-on-man fantasies. Surprisingly, he answered no. It surely would have been put to better use by me, I thought to myself.

Anyway, the transition from educator to lover was difficult enough. I never had considered his beautifully developed body and his bigger than life cock at any time during our earlier relationship. Actually, I had never fantasized about him at any time prior to this chance encounter. Getting in bed with a former student 15 years younger than myself for the first time was awkward enough and I emphasized to him he could at any time pull the plug, if he so desired. Frankly, I had never at that time or even sense dealt with such a large, but amazingly beautiful dick. Sometimes, things are simply more than you can handle and we put a halt to the festivities followed by heartfelt hugging and kissing and no more that night. During this ice-breaker, we had done just enough to warrant further investigations at a later time without rushing into something unprepared for the emotional consequences.


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
Wow Zyl. That had to be quite embarrassing doing the walk of shame in a hall where everyone was of the same major, and either knew of you or was taking classes with you. Or they were soon to be taking classes with you. lol It is rather humorous and scary all at the same time.

But what a great memory to have. And he was no longer a student. So you covered your bases. :001_smile:
Hey Jon,

Thanks for sharing such a great story with us. I am not surprised at all that he found you irresistible. Even though he was straight. haha I'm not sure who was luckiest to have sex with whom. But thanks for sharing that with us. xxx :wink:
Hey Jon,

Thanks for sharing such a great story with us. I am not surprised at all that he found you irresistible. Even though he was straight. haha I'm not sure who was luckiest to have sex with whom. But thanks for sharing that with us. xxx :wink:

What I didn't say was that when we were out drinking he told me that he had been abused by his Australian uncle when he was a kid. He said that in the end he quite liked being fucked. I guess this is similar to Mike's young friend who was fucked in prison.

And yes, to those who think I'm a bottom, well I am normally but on occasions I do flip over, so to speak.
what is shameful is that i actually used to listen to britney spears.....now look at what shes become:

I was on a train in Garrison, NY, when I spotted a very handsome young man sitting in a crowd of communters in the back of the train. I suddenly just had this tremendous urge to go and speak with this young man but I just could bear the embrassament of pushing myself amid all this people to reach him. And even if I did get to him, what am to say?
There was something in the back of my mind that said that I may never get to see this person again so go and just do it! Screw the embarassment. So I did. I literally wiggled myself to the back of the train amid all the communters and touched the man on his shoulder and just began to talk. After five brief minutes my stop came up and I had to go. I don't think what I said to the young man made any sense but I left feeling that I did something I wouldn't regret for the rest of my life in spite of the embarassment.
what is shameful is that i actually used to listen to britney spears.....now look at what shes become:


Christ Joe, she almost looks like she's in the process of growing a dick...I don't wonder at your remorse.
I was on a train in Garrison, NY, when I spotted a very handsome young man sitting in a crowd of communters in the back of the train. I suddenly just had this tremendous urge to go and speak with this young man but I just could bear the embrassament of pushing myself amid all this people to reach him. And even if I did get to him, what am to say?
There was something in the back of my mind that said that I may never get to see this person again so go and just do it! Screw the embarassment. So I did. I literally wiggled myself to the back of the train amid all the communters and touched the man on his shoulder and just began to talk. After five brief minutes my stop came up and I had to go. I don't think what I said to the young man made any sense but I left feeling that I did something I wouldn't regret for the rest of my life in spite of the embarassment.

I think that many of us can identify with your story Angelone. With time I have shed alot of inhibitions that would have held me back from engaging cute guys in conversation in public. (And all other people too.) Making conversation with a cute guy in public doesn't mean that I will get anything for my time. But it is a nice feeling to chat with a cute guy in line somewhere. Where you both want to pass the time doing something more interesting than staring off into space. If you get to learn his name, maybe shake his hand...it's just nice to meet more people along the journey.
Was in A Midsummers Night Dream when I was in high school, playing the part of Bottom ( No pun intended) and one night forgot a few of my larger speeches. Instead of sucking it up and letting them slip into oblivion, I made them up as I went. Now, as hard as it is to wing Shakespeare, it is even more difficult to wing old Victorian speech. I passed it off weakly. Found out after the run of the show a week later that TWO Royal Shakespeare alums had been in attendance the night I ad-libbed.

Oddly enough three years later I was once again in A Midsummers Night Dream, this time playing Snout the Tinker, and the director was one of the RSC fellows that had seen me that night. It got better when he asked me to deliver one of my famous speeches from the last time I performed in the play. I had to admit I ad-libbed Shakespeare in front of the entire company.

Flubbed a line or two, you say?

Was in A Midsummers Night Dream when I was in high school, playing the part of Bottom ( No pun intended) and one night forgot a few of my larger speeches. Instead of sucking it up and letting them slip into oblivion, I made them up as I went. Now, as hard as it is to wing Shakespeare, it is even more difficult to wing old Victorian speech. I passed it off weakly. Found out after the run of the show a week later that TWO Royal Shakespeare alums had been in attendance the night I ad-libbed.

Oddly enough three years later I was once again in A Midsummers Night Dream, this time playing Snout the Tinker, and the director was one of the RSC fellows that had seen me that night. It got better when he asked me to deliver one of my famous speeches from the last time I performed in the play. I had to admit I ad-libbed Shakespeare in front of the entire company.


My Dearest Panzer,

I know of what you speak, though I can't measure up to your theatrical experiences exactly. I have had moments on stage in front of the entire student body, when I was totally blindsided by what a student asked of me. As I had no reference of what was expected of me accepting this "spirit stick" from a cheerleader captain and I was totally clueless of my next response or if I was to insert it in my ass or what? Fortunately, I chose not to insert it in my ass and stumbled ackwardly through the next remaining moments on stage wishing my spontaneity would show itself. However, it seems it was on vacation far, far away.

Then there was the time I was singing in a show with two other guys and we were momentarily referred to as the "Three Tenors". I remember I was singing a song entitled "Try to Remember".


As i am not accustomed to singing solo in front of a paying audience, I flubbed a verse of this song from the musical comedy "The Fantasticks". It came off seemlessly except for those in the audience who actually knew the words to that verse. Well, life goes on and I try my best not to sweat the small stuff, although I frequently fall back into my "negative self-talk" mode.

I grew up placing high standards on me to begin with and reconcilling anything less than 100% perfection was extremely difficult for me to deal with. These expectations were even higher when addressing an audience on stage.


Cumrag27, aka Stimpy
Name your poison...

what is shameful is that i actually used to listen to britney spears.....now look at what shes become:


Dear jwglass,

When they say "pretty in pink", well I think this takes it to another level all together. It makes me think of the plump deva from the "Muppets" known as Ms. Piggy. At least Ms. Piggy came with a corkskrew tail where as Britney needed a big hairy cork to skrew that overexposed "tail".

Compare Britney with Molly Ringwald in "Pretty in Pink". Now wouldn't you rather see Molly any day over Britney. I realize there has been a 24 year time lapse since "PiP" came out. Even so, give me Molly!


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