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See Ya later


Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
marble falls, tx
Just a note to bid you all a fond adieu. I never have been able to view all of the content. Up until now I have been able to justify maintaining my membership in consideration of what I could access, It seems that recently the model pool is drying up fpr Broke Straight Boys and College Boy Physicals. In addition two of the sites that are offered thru HSBoys are having similar difficulties and have started re-releaseing stuff that is months old and calling it new. In addition, If I was interested in lame scenarios like with the militery scenes in Boy's first time. Some of the content on the sites that operate out of Canada have some good stuff. For my part I want to see guys who talk like, look like and act like the boy (or young man) next door.

I have been a member off and on for the past few years. Maybe good web sites like so many other good things in life willl pass.

Got to agree with this one. Been a member for quite a while but never posted, but this thread got me off the couch. I've enjoyed the site, but things have really changed. This used to be the place that a bicurious dude could go for "straight" guys and now it's just a bunch of gay models. :cursing: The same goes for "Straight" Boys Jerk Off. I joined the site because I WASN'T looking for another gay site. Sorry for the gripes, guys, but you can't deny that the straight dudes are few and far between these days. :thumbdown:
Any suggestions?

Only that straight guys wouldn't get a stiffy sitting on a couch with another straight guy. They both might want the money, but it would take pills or injections to produce anything that would involve their dicks. They could get nude and play poker, or kiss each other, but stiffies only result from some kind of sexual stimulation.

They have to be at least what's called "curious" which is more or less a load of bullshit since if you're curious it means you've looked at guys as sexual objects of desire lol, and that's the first step to gay marriage.

What you two are lamenting is the paucity of CJs and Dustins, dudes who looked straight because they were too kind of everyday ordinary to be drawn to guys and viceversa, regular guys, right? Dustin seems to have considered himself pretty much gay just before he died, he had a boy friend and they had a dog. In a recent video Austin, in reply to the concept that there's a progression among the models, beginning with curious and going on through the stages to coming out and setting up housekeeping, remarked, "yeah, look at CJ for instance" or words to that effect.

I think what you're asking David is for him to do a better job fooling you.
Got to agree with this one. Been a member for quite a while but never posted, but this thread got me off the couch. I've enjoyed the site, but things have really changed. This used to be the place that a bicurious dude could go for "straight" guys and now it's just a bunch of gay models. :cursing: The same goes for "Straight" Boys Jerk Off. I joined the site because I WASN'T looking for another gay site. Sorry for the gripes, guys, but you can't deny that the straight dudes are few and far between these days. :thumbdown:
While I have no intention of leaving Broke Straight Boys's, I do understand where philh55 and Troublemaker123 are coming from. As I've long surmised, the majority of the members of Broke Straight Boys joined this site, because we are attracted to young good looking straight guys. While the majority of posters to the forum may not have the same taste in men, "straight" is the key word in the name of this site, and that is what draws the new members in, and apparently what keeps the current members returning from month to month, paying our fee.

I've been somewhat disappointed myself, over the past few week's with the new videos. I do understand that both David and Mark have expressed to us that they have a lot of old shoots "in the can" that were recorded in the old studio using the old camera's, and apparently using some of the "old model's". But they have promised us that once the old stuff is shown, that we will be seeing new models in the new studio filmed in high definition, and I have loved so much of what I've seen here over the last few years, that I'm certainly willing to wait for the new and improved Broke Straight Boys

But David and Mark should definitely pay attention to what people are saying, and not be influenced by repetitive posts by the few who keep championing the appearances by the more effeminate gay boys who've been appearing with more regularity lately. An occasional "gay boy" can definitely be useful in bringing out the most in a "straight boy", but I would hope that BluMedia stays true to it's core audience's desire and keep the site filled with fresh, new, handsome, but masculine guys who've always identified themselves as being straight, but are willing to experiment, with the lure of financial compensation, being their reason or perhaps their excuse to "dip their toes in the water" of male to male sex.

This is a wonderful, marvelous site, with this great forum, where we are free to praise and criticize the site, as we see fit, and I would like to see this site keep getting better and better.
Only that straight guys wouldn't get a stiffy sitting on a couch with another straight guy. They both might want the money, but it would take pills or injections to produce anything that would involve their dicks. They could get nude and play poker, or kiss each other, but stiffies only result from some kind of sexual stimulation..............I think what you're asking David is for him to do a better job fooling you.
Slim, you know that I do love you, and respect you for your knowledge and wisdom that you have shared with us, since the onset of this forum. However, I think that you are only telling part of the story, with your post on this subject.

Do you remember our discussion, last month about the Kinsey Scale? I copied this version from Wikipedia:

Rating Description
0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual; bisexual.
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual
X Asexual, Non-Sexual

While your presumptions of a straightie not getting a stiffie, sitting on the couch next to another straightie is correct, I believe that you are taking the word straight to apply to a 0. The same goes for me, as a 6, I could not get a stiffie sitting next to a beautiful naked woman either.

However the world has many 1's who identify themselves as straight, but are open to incidental homosexuality, given the right time and circumstances. In my lifetime, I've given head to dozens of guys who would identify themselves as being straight, but due to circumstances and on occasion alcohol or other mind altering aids, have felt comfortable enough to let another guy suck their cock, and they have usually enjoyed it immensely.

In fact I'm still friends with someone who I sucked off when he was 19, and he's now 48, and happily married with two children. When we get together and are alone, we still make an occasional reference to that night way back when. He has told me that he doesn't regret what happened between us, but that he has never repeated the experience with anyone else, nor does he intend to.

Besides my personal experiences, I've also read tons of stories and accounts of true experiences, on line of "straight guys", (probably "one's" on the Kinsey Scale), who have participated in gay sex on rare occasions in their life, and they all got proper hardon's and usually explosive orgasms as well. I've also viewed many video tapes, going back to the AMG Studio and Old Reliable Studio tapes released in the 1970's of young, nervous guys who identified as being straight, and getting naked either alone or with another "straightie" doing the things that goes on in David's Fort Lauderdale studio.

I do sincerely believe that there will always be a percentage of the male population, that falls into this category who can and will perform for David, and for us, so that David does not have to do a better job of "fooling us" to offer exciting performances.

And while I'm addressing Slimvintage, and any other forum member's reading my post, I do want to pose a question. Why do certain forum posters, (primarily one, who has recently resorted to telling me to fuck off and crawl back into my hole, etc) get so bent out of shape, when I state that my personal preference is watching straight guys to watching gay guys on this site? I try to be respectful in expressing my preferences, but my words are often twisted and I'm accused of homophobia and gay bashing. After all the stated premise of this site is:

"These boys are very hot and very straight but most of all they are broke. Rather then lose their apartment, girlfriend, etc. they do sexual acts with other guys for some quick cash."

All I request is that the site keep up to it's stated mission. I'm sorry if I've "high jacked" the thread to go off on a tangent, but I do feel that it is all related. And I certainly hope that my honest feelings are not interrupted in any way as being hateful or homophobic. After all, I'm as queer as anyone on this planet, and I'm talking about my sexual preference, and that's all.
Whilst only a minority of Broke Straight Boys members post on the forum, one cannot get away from the fact that on the main page those films that are in the top members favs involve at least one gay or bisexual guy in them. The votes are cast by ALL the members on the film bio page where the film download options are. This is fact and you can't get away from it.
I've just watched the Austin, Mike and Mikey film that was released today. During the early chatting part I think David asks many interesting questions and gets some good answers. Worth a viewing if you havn't already.
Slim, you know that I do love you, and respect you for your knowledge and wisdom that you have shared with us, since the onset of this forum. However, I think that you are only telling part of the story, with your post on this subject.

Do you remember our discussion, last month about the Kinsey Scale? I copied this version from Wikipedia:

Rating Description
0 Exclusively heterosexual
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual; bisexual.
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual
X Asexual, Non-Sexual

While your presumptions of a straightie not getting a stiffie, sitting on the couch next to another straightie is correct, I believe that you are taking the word straight to apply to a 0. The same goes for me, as a 6, I could not get a stiffie sitting next to a beautiful naked woman either.

However the world has many 1's who identify themselves as straight, but are open to incidental homosexuality, given the right time and circumstances. In my lifetime, I've given head to dozens of guys who would identify themselves as being straight, but due to circumstances and on occasion alcohol or other mind altering aids, have felt comfortable enough to let another guy suck their cock, and they have usually enjoyed it immensely.

In fact I'm still friends with someone who I sucked off when he was 19, and he's now 48, and happily married with two children. When we get together and are alone, we still make an occasional reference to that night way back when. He has told me that he doesn't regret what happened between us, but that he has never repeated the experience with anyone else, nor does he intend to.

Besides my personal experiences, I've also read tons of stories and accounts of true experiences, on line of "straight guys", (probably "one's" on the Kinsey Scale), who have participated in gay sex on rare occasions in their life, and they all got proper hardon's and usually explosive orgasms as well. I've also viewed many video tapes, going back to the AMG Studio and Old Reliable Studio tapes released in the 1970's of young, nervous guys who identified as being straight, and getting naked either alone or with another "straightie" doing the things that goes on in David's Fort Lauderdale studio.

I do sincerely believe that there will always be a percentage of the male population, that falls into this category who can and will perform for David, and for us, so that David does not have to do a better job of "fooling us" to offer exciting performances.

And while I'm addressing Slimvintage, and any other forum member's reading my post, I do want to pose a question. Why do certain forum posters, (primarily one, who has recently resorted to telling me to fuck off and crawl back into my hole, etc) get so bent out of shape, when I state that my personal preference is watching straight guys to watching gay guys on this site? I try to be respectful in expressing my preferences, but my words are often twisted and I'm accused of homophobia and gay bashing. After all the stated premise of this site is:

"These boys are very hot and very straight but most of all they are broke. Rather then lose their apartment, girlfriend, etc. they do sexual acts with other guys for some quick cash."

All I request is that the site keep up to it's stated mission. I'm sorry if I've "high jacked" the thread to go off on a tangent, but I do feel that it is all related. And I certainly hope that my honest feelings are not interrupted in any way as being hateful or homophobic. After all, I'm as queer as anyone on this planet, and I'm talking about my sexual preference, and that's all.

Oh I agree with you on absolutely all counts. Even on how wise and knowledgeable I am. And I truly love you too as you certainly know.

Here's where I was when I posted: some of my friends were fed up with the site because the boys they were getting weren't 0's. Some of them, on another thread, were even using slurs to describe the 4's, 5's and 6's they were getting too many of instead.

I happen to like the site exactly as it is. Remember Jack Nicholson in "As Good as it Gets"? He had to have everything just the way it always was, even down to the same server at the café where he had lunch. I'm all for technological improvements, but the creak of the futon springs when those 2's and 3's lift their scrawny asses up off the couch and pull it into bed mode, their gay curious stiffies swinging and bobbing as they morph up their fucking surface, makes my stiffie swing and bob right along with theirs. And the mix of sexualities, and the mix of ethnic origens, and the mix of social strata, and the mix of IQ levels, are what I like about this place.

I used to deride mercilessly, if affectionately, the boys whom I thought didn't fit into a paradigm that was more or less based on Tyler, with whom I was harmlessly obsessed. But I'm a lot more big-tentish after a couple of years here, and have cottoned onto some truths about this place, all having to do with the advantages and limitations that David and Eddie bring as personal baggage to the identity of their production company. Dave used to make me cringe and writhe with his mangled, stumbling and tortured English, spoken and written. Until, that is, I started to get it. In the first place his lack of fluency and articulation puts the nervous straighties sitting on the couch in a good light. In contrast to David they come off as clever. That's brilliant. And you can be 120% sure that Adamson knows it. Moreover he turns out, despite all of the above, to have a very subtle and totally malign sense of humor, a sign of high intelligence. He's full of contradictions, but has grown tremendously in the year or so the forum has been in dialogue with him. I don't know if you've noticed how different he is now from the defensive and suspicious person who scolded his customers for their criticism of the site in the forum 15 months ago? That's good change.

All this to say that I think that either through pure dumb luck or some kind of intuitive savvy, he's got the recipe about right. You can see the trajectory that he wants to take the site on from his posts. He and his partners are "improving" some aspects of it, but they know better than to fuck around with the stuff that's working.

Those guys were lamenting the recent scarcity of 0's. You're doing a "nownowboys, you don't mean 0's, even though that's what you think you were getting, you mean "curious" straighties", and you've just defined the 1's and 2's, the most the nelly haters can hope for on Broke Straight Boys In my post I wanted them to face up to that. That, and the fact that the site has been from its inception a venue where guys from every single one of Kinsey's categories have interfaced with each other and us. And I would be really sad if David bent to the impossible demands of the anti-camp camp for the futon to be populated uniquely with desperate and frightened straight guys doing fag shit they hate in order to make a bit of cash. It's never been that way no matter what the mission statement says, and I love it the way it is.
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The question still remains.

Why would str8 guys subscribe to what David himself stats is a predominately gay site,run by gay people for gay people.

The question is all about popularity and, as I said earlier, the members prefer vids with gay guys in them, it's a fact.

If people do not like this, then there are zillions of sites out there that can accomplish their needs.
There have been many mediocre shoots, but the ones that are good, are very, very good. I, too, would prefer more "straight" or "straight types," especially tough guys. I am definitely tired of some of the regulars who appear much too often. I hope the site owners do listen to the critical comments.
I have left Broke Straight Boys before because I wanted to find greener pastures but I found that Broke Straight Boys is still the best site for straight men and for the amount of money that it charges. I have returned and don't think I will ever leave again. I pan for gold in them California rivers and streams. I usually have to move a ton of sand for a flake of gold and sometimes get lucky and move less sand and get more gold flakes. Broke Straight Boys is something like gold panning. You've to watch a whole lot of scenes before you hit one that gets your cum all over the monitor. And when that happens, well you get what I mean.
I have left Broke Straight Boys before because I wanted to find greener pastures but I found that Broke Straight Boys is still the best site for straight men and for the amount of money that it charges. I have returned and don't think I will ever leave again. I pan for gold in them California rivers and streams. I usually have to move a ton of sand for a flake of gold and sometimes get lucky and move less sand and get more gold flakes. Broke Straight Boys is something like gold panning. You've to watch a whole lot of scenes before you hit one that gets your cum all over the monitor. And when that happens, well you get what I mean.

Very well put Angelone. x
Slim, Mike, Jon, Angel, et al First, let me say I am glad to see all of you are still here, and each apparently getting enough out of David's labor to remain, but, forgive me for being old and possessing a weak memory, it seems we had this discussion at least a year ago, when we agreed, or at least discussed what we called David's setup, his opening dialogue? The offer of girls at a later date for accepting jobs with other boys now? I remember discussing the "reticence" of some of the boys seeming to be greater than others, so maybe they were "straighter", but we agreed that what really mattered was that WE believed (or not) in their "straightness" What's really changed here, are we more jaded? Are the boys more non-chalant in their attitudes? Have we lost the ability to suspend our belief for a half hour? I wonder.
Slim, Mike, Jon, Angel, et al First, let me say I am glad to see all of you are still here, and each apparently getting enough out of David's labor to remain, but, forgive me for being old and possessing a weak memory, it seems we had this discussion at least a year ago, when we agreed, or at least discussed what we called David's setup, his opening dialogue? The offer of girls at a later date for accepting jobs with other boys now? I remember discussing the "reticence" of some of the boys seeming to be greater than others, so maybe they were "straighter", but we agreed that what really mattered was that WE believed (or not) in their "straightness" What's really changed here, are we more jaded? Are the boys more non-chalant in their attitudes? Have we lost the ability to suspend our belief for a half hour? I wonder.

First of all welcome back Mark xx I refer to your very last sentence and you've hit the nail on the head. Yes maybe we should suspend our belief for the 20 or 30 odd minutes and let fantasia cloud our minds. I am guilty of getting too emotionally involved with certain issues and probably should take a step back. Maybe I will but some badass comments on and off camera do upset me.....
Hang in there guys. We are moving to HD in March so what you are seeing is what was left of the non HD shoots. We have lots of new models coming and hotter guys. We have a ton of straight guys applying so we shouldn't have to use gay guys. If they are gay we will state that in the shoot. We also have some amazing behind the scenes footage that should be up before the end of this month from New Orleans. I also have another surprise that hasn't been announced yet.

Hang in there guys. We are moving to HD in March so what you are seeing is what was left of the non HD shoots. We have lots of new models coming and hotter guys. We have a ton of straight guys applying so we shouldn't have to use gay guys. If they are gay we will state that in the shoot.
Thank you Mark. March is right around the corner and your fan base can't wait for the new HD shoots and the new straight guys coming.......or is it cumming? :001_tt2: