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Active Member
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Not the most exciting solo but definitely a lot of potential. Hope to see Scott back soon!
I liked Scott. Great body, nice smile and...left handed! Don't ask me why, but that really turns me on and did you see the way his dick would just flop over to the right, on his arm or his leg?...oh fuck! This guy needs a nice blow job...anyone, anyone?
Still not a fan of solos, but Scott is pretty hot, I hope he comes back for more.

Clay, how about you pair him up with CHAD.:001_wub:
I agree, Ms. K, I'm not a big fan of solos either. There have been exceptions, e.g. our Chad, Kurt to name two I can readily remember. Unless they are playing porn on the ceiling, then Scott had to use his fantasy to reach orgasm and it was obvious he was having a bit of a problem with that. At one point, I was afaraid he'd bust a blood vessel. But he has a great body, the kind of dick I like, and a masculine demeanor. I hope he comes back because I think interacting with others will make him shine. I gave it a four because of all the above and he tried very hard to cum and rewarded himself and us with a nice cumshot.

Scots solo too long

Handsome face, a smile that will win hearts. Scot has the body of a swimmer and says that he jerks off a lot...

The minute he undresses you get to see a huge 8,5" cock - with pubes - and a matching pair of big balls.
Everything looks so promising at first, where could it go wrong? Scot jerks standing up: his eyes rolling up and staring horny. Now and then he twists his face, looks as if in pain. Sitting down: I wonder if Scots gonna pull it off at all. Feel sorry for him and would like to help out. Go Scot, go! Listen to the smick and smack sounds the lube makes. Laying down more comfy, Scot finally manages to shoot his nice load. A lot of potential indeed.
Scott seems to have an advantage in the meat market!

I think Scott is a very sweet and down-to-earth kinda guy with a very nice body and all the accoutrements that go along perfectly with his laid-back personality. I would like to extend a sincere :welcome: to Scott as a Broke Straight Boys newbie with potential. He seems like a very easy going guy and with future plans for college some day, I would like for us to give Scott a "helping hand in more ways than one". Perhaps, we could even see him through a Graduate degree at least.

He sure has a beautifully chisseled chest he graces our site with. Additionally, his dick is most impressive with those gorgeous balls he dangles in front of us. I feel he is definitely a "keeper with room to grow". He is bound to improve with age like some imported cheese or fine wine. Great first attempt demonstrates he is the complete package with equally great accompaning firepower, too! What-a-find!

Sincerely impressed,:001_wub:

Handsome face, a smile that will win hearts. Scot has the body of a swimmer and says that he jerks off a lot...

The minute he undresses you get to see a huge 8,5" cock - with pubes - and a matching pair of big balls.
Everything looks so promising at first, where could it go wrong? Scot jerks standing up: his eyes rolling up and staring horny. Now and then he twists his face, looks as if in pain. Sitting down: I wonder if Scots gonna pull it off at all. Feel sorry for him and would like to help out. Go Scot, go! Listen to the smick and smack sounds the lube makes. Laying down more comfy, Scot finally manages to shoot his nice load. A lot of potential indeed.

Were you the "presence" in the room I felt? I could hear a soft "go Scott, go!" I was thinking he needs a nice blow job; don't think his old girlfriend was very good to him if he has to jerk off so much. Alas, I hope Broke Straight Boys will be kind to Scott's needs. And if Broke Straight Boys needs any help with Scott, Rob you ready to lend a hand?!:blush:
Where's your daughter?

Dear Beth,

Stowe, you and I, we definitely wanted to help Scot out. My arm won't stretch all the way.

Scott is straight. He prefers your daughter. Keep her away from Broke Straight Boys!
Dear Beth,

Stowe, you and I, we definitely wanted to help Scot out. My arm won't stretch all the way.

Scott is straight. He prefers your daughter. Keep her away from Broke Straight Boys!

Ah, well, too late there. My daughter has always been...independent; she started taking college courses at 12. As far as her sex life, since I taught at her school from the time she was 3 until she was 14, I've known most of the guys she hangs out with. So my sex talk with her kinds went like "fucking is fun and you should do it as often as possible"...with a few more tips (I was actually the health teacher at her school). So one day she comes to me and in her own loving way (we are a lot alike) says that "her fucking vagina is none of my fucking business" God I love her...so fierce! Oh yea, porn; she showed me my first site...I was 45, she was 16.:wtf: Why the face?!
Three 18 year olds in a row. The DOM in me is alive and well. As always, I would have liked to have seen the camera show his whole body. Does he even have an ass? I'll ass-ume so. Certainly worth a second look. I gave it a 4, but Clay gets a 2 for lack of imagination.
Three 18 year olds in a row. The DOM in me is alive and well. As always, I would have liked to have seen the camera show his whole body. Does he even have an ass? I'll ass-ume so. Certainly worth a second look. I gave it a 4, but Clay gets a 2 for lack of imagination.

Between you and me I think Clay's imagination was probably working quite hard during that solo.:001_wub: But of late, I think Clay is holding back on asking them to try anything "weird," in fear they will not return.
yes this was a great Solo even though I am not a fan of Solo's this was a great one Scott has allot of potential and hope to see more of him in the near future. Welcome to the Broke Straight Boys Scott
I'll wait and see what develops with this youngster. I saw what he got but he does nothing to entice me to do anything with him. Maybe he just too new to porn to know how to please or attract viewers to himself. If you know that you got the "goods" then you should be able and willing to show it off in such a way to draw people or your audience to come and share in your display. Come on, let me play with you.
Great scott!

Great Scott! :newhere: Yes, Scott is pretty great! Great face, great smile, great body, GREAT dick! If you see the photos, Larkster, you'll see he has a great ass, as well -- a real bubble butt! I, also, hope he'll come back soon to do more! As Beth says, he's YUMMY!:tongue:
Great Scott! :newhere: Yes, Scott is pretty great! Great face, great smile, great body, GREAT dick! If you see the photos, Larkster, you'll see he has a great ass, as well -- a real bubble butt! I, also, hope he'll come back soon to do more! As Beth says, he's YUMMY!:tongue:
I totally agree Tequila that "Great Scott" is an apt nickname for this kid. He has an incredible body. I loved watching him sitting stroking his beautiful cock, where I could see his lean, smooth, ripped body, with just a hint of a treasure trail running from his naval down towards his pubes. I also loved his thick natural black pubic bush, contrasting his otherwise natural smooth body.

His moans of pleasure as he strokes his cock make me only imagine the sounds that come from his mouth when another person has his cock in their mouth. This kid has a totally suckable cock, with a body that "deserves" worship.

Unfortunately I didn't have time this morning to view his entire scene, but I will definitely view the rest, culminating in his cum shot, this evening when I return home.

And from the reviews I read, the fact that he does not show his asshole, as some newbies do in their solo is a huge plus for me, for I am a member here to see straight guys have gay sex. And when they scrunch down on the couch and spread their ass and show a gaping hole, it is hard for me to get into my "straight boy" fantasy.

Scott is way HOT, and I am now in great anticipation of seeing both he and Kodi back to do a lot more. Both of these new models, give me great hope that 2012 can be a spectacular year for Broke Straight Boys

Thanks to Clay and Scott for starting my morning off very nicely, and I can't wait to see the "fireworks" later tonight.
Scott definitely got may attention standing at attention :) I am so glad to see pubes on the models again. He seems totally sweet, kind and respectful which makes him all the more sexy. I look forward to his next appearance showing a his ass. (Sorry Mike I'm kind of into them). Great job Scott.