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Scott and Leon, new behind the scenes flick

Denny Bear

Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux City, IA
New behind the scenes video up of Scott and Leon. Scott looks like he could be related to Tyler and Leon is really out spoken and comical. I cant wait to see them on the futon.
Yeah he does have that Tyler look about him. Except a taller version maybe. I am anxiously awaiting the day when we see out Tyler back on the set being his cute adorable self.:drool: :thumbup:
Scott--yes not bad at all..could be in jordan/ashton/ryan's league :)

Leon-ick..this kind of guy makes my vag dry up!
Scott--yes not bad at all..could be in jordan/ashton/ryan's league :)

Leon-ick..this kind of guy makes my vag dry up!
I see that you are very forthright in giving your opinion's of the models. I kind of enjoy that, but in the past some of the more sensitive members have objected to posting negative reviews of the models.

I wish I could tell you if I agree with your assement of Scott and Leon, but I've been unable to play more than a few seconds of the clip. I am hoping I will be able to see it at some point. But I like direct people, Querty. You can kind of be the "Simon Cowell" of Broke Straight Boys"S. :thumbup:
I cannot view the entire interview

I tried to view this interview again today, and now I get through about half of it before the video stops. I really like these guys, particularly Scott. You can see photos of them both from the Parliament House event on the World Tour portion of the forum, under "Past Broke Straight Boys Gatherings". They are both shirtless and look yummy. :thumbup:

Is there a problem with the interview being played out, or is it my computer? I'm able to view all the new HD scenes, but it's frustrating, as I'm real curious what hot young straight boy Scott has to say, and even more curious to see his scenes several months from now on the site, but I promise I will experience patience and not "bug" David and Mark to hurry up and show me the newbies in their "birthday suits". :drool:

But for now, to be able to view the behind the scenes footage would be a good start. Thanks.
At risk of sounding like a suck-up I was very impressed with Sha. He speaks very well and his personality seems to be that of someone who is very approachable and relatable. Whereas some BTS scenes seemed to meander and not introduce the guys to newbies or longtime members, Sha went out of his way to explain what was going on and who these new models were. I think he did a very good job on camera of introducing them to us.
At risk of sounding like a suck-up I was very impressed with Sha. He speaks very well and his personality seems to be that of someone who is very approachable and relatable. Whereas some BTS scenes seemed to meander and not introduce the guys to newbies or longtime members, Sha went out of his way to explain what was going on and who these new models were. I think he did a very good job on camera of introducing them to us.

He also let them talk, and stimulated them to continue doing so if they flagged. I love David, with genuine internet affection, and want to meet him because I think he's awesome, but in his desire to make his verbal interface with the boys count in corporate terms, he often tries to drive the interviews past such scenic attractions as "Model Loyalty" or "Continuing Adhesion to the Hetero Lifestyle" or "How Are You Going to Spend...", recently starting the very same question to Diesal in 4 different ways and stopping just after the verb to try to answer it himself before going on to the next attempt. Maybe I'd hate his banter if he just said, "without going into anything you want to keep confidential, tell us a bit about your personal evolution since applying to be a model here and how it's affected your outlook. Do you equate curiosity with sexual preference?", and then dared to turn the model loose to reply. I bet we'd all be surprised at some of the great answers he'd get. Anyone outgoing enough to find himself in underpants with a camera pointed at him and a bunch of porn operatives standing in a tight circle around him probably isn't at a loss for words if given the right impetus. Those guys can surely say more than Yes or No.
Hey Slim...I know many would like to hear more of an interview...on the futon, but I'm here to film sex...LOL. I just get to the point and want the models to sum up there lives without going into too much details. Shannon has the opportunity to take the time and ask them questions more in detail and take his time. Which will be seen in the BTS of the site.

I'm filming them having sex and when we film, we can film 2-3 scenes in one day so time is of most importance so interviewing them for a longer time period and getting more details is something I don't have the luxury of doing...besides...who wants to here my voice...don't you rather see the boys have sex :)

I know back when, some of the members didn't like hearing my banter...so because of that, I'm a bit cautions to what I will say and get to the point and have the models start doing what they got to do. I don't want to piss off more members.

How the members are Slim..I can see it already..I will do a more in depth interview with a model and perhaps you will love it but then we will get banter from our members on this forum and in private emails that I talk to much and that our members have to fast forward to the action to see the sex part, then the bashing of management will happen again and I will be accused of talking to much for the models.

You see slim...no matter what I do, there is always a few members on this board that will bash me and management and tell me otherwise...so I'm dam if I do and dam if I don't...I sometimes feel like a ping-pong ball between members and then when I give out my opinions, I'm told "this is how you treat your members?" and then I get bashed and I look like the bad guy.

So here is what...I'm going to listen to the members...and I will do my best to do what I can...I can't promise...but if your seeking a in-depth interview and you really want to get to know the models...I suggest to watch the BTS footage to really get to know them better...the models are not under pressure to have sex...there is no lights, camera ACTION!!! Its the best time to get them to speak because they are relaxed and we all get to know the models on a more personal level. Shannon does a great job filming and talking to the boys and they love going to the events and having a great time.

I think the BTS footage is the best for that type of footage...and who knows what can happen...??? at the BTS section of the website???
David, amen to absolutely everything you say in your very kind post. I guess what I was trying to say is that "less is more". Admittedly you sometimes hit on the right question or comment, something really short and perceptive and appropriate, and get a terrific response from the straightie. Sometimes the straightie gets going and does a short riff on his own, and that's always a great moment too. I only meant that if you're fishing for an answer you want, or if you're cueing the kid to say what you guys agreed on before cam time, it mostly isn't all that interesting.

If there's a before-hand agenda, it shows. If it's really ad lib it's excellent. And it certainly doesn't have to be in depth. Nor does it have to take time. Just use the fewest number of words you can, to get them to say the maximum that there's time for, and you've got a winning formula.

Since meeting Jayce, and actually giving a flesh and blood forumite a hug in person, and having the chance to marvel at his wit and wisdom and charm, I can actually contemplate as a future reality meeting more guys from here, you being high on the wish list. I like you so much as the dear person and pornster par excellence that you are. You're so good at a bunch of stuff, it's just that sometimes you lose your way when you set out to "interview" a straightie.

On the other hand the members who only want the get to the money shot, and ff the banter, are missing a lot of the fun.
To tell you the truth...we don't practice nor rehearse the the Q&A at the beginning. I kind of know there story just from there first interview on the phone and when I meet them at the airport and have them in my home...that is when I hear there whole story of life.

When the camera is rolling...I just ad-lib the whole thing..that is why you will hear me stubble at times...or use the words..okay...ummm or at times I forget there age...I hate to admit this...but my mind at the time isn't really functioning 100% because I've been filming continually...either for Broke Straight Boys, College Boy Physicals and planning Boy Gusher and the new project we are working on...or just business in general.

Sometimes there is drama off camera where the models don't get along with there is some sort of drama with a model and his girlfriend fighting....or something to that effect so I have to deal with that off camera...so when I start filming...god only knows what has happen before that moment so I just ad-lib everything I ask and there responses are what you see...some its like pulling teeth..others..have charisma and charm and personality...it all depends on the actual models themselves.

But its not scripted or planned out...what you see is what you get....LOL.
I still can't view this scene

While I'm able to view all the new HD stuff just great, I tried again to watch the interview with these guys and this time it stopped at the 3:03 mark. It is frustrating, as I am real curious to hear what these new guys have to say.

Are there any options to view this in a different media? I see no choice buttons. Please let me know Mark or Scorpio, as I'm able to access all of the other content, just fine, but not this particular interview.

Scott looks very hot I can't wait to see him get into it. Leon in the interview looks and sounded different from his solo. Don't matter, both are great to watch. As I said once before, we get to know these guys as if we were there hangin out with them for years. That's the greatness of the site.