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School, work, sex, bills, Death Threats?


BSB Model
BSB Model
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
I have been trying to spice up some things in my life, everything seems to be heading for the same thing. i work to pay bills, i have bills to go to school, i go to school for education and a better future life..

But circles have been a bit boring to me my whole life.

"now talk about porn."

I really look at this opportunity with more passion and more acceptance for it being a job/lifestyle than i did when i first started.

Yeah, it took awhile to become really comfortable with what was going on, but the reward and satisfaction that i am providing and now even receiving.. "ha.ha. not talking about bottoming" lol makes everything worth it.

I know i have been having a little trouble keeping up with posting, and i really do try.

So i figured i would at least give it a shot while i was sitting here after a long day of running errands with a friend, that i could utilize the whole purpose of the forum just by posting what was on my mind.

Beth(steve), what you guys did for me, i will never forget. That was the nicest thing anyone has done, showing how much you care, instead of just lookin at me like a piece of meat. By all means, enjoy my videos to the full extent of their intended purpose. but i just wanted to say it was a breath of fresh air that people dont just see "porn" written on my face. that seems to become an accelerated problem in my home town.

Someone (where i live) has found out who i am, where i work, and the where-abouts of my location that i live.

List of things he has done so far.
1. Threatening my family and their jobs
2. calling complaints to my managers as fake people
3. Calling my phone with different numbers and getting random people involved.
4. Posting my porn pictures all over my job so people do not come.
5. harassing my work place by posting on the sites that Blake Bennet is actually (real name) and his job has no idea that they have a "sex crazed homosexual gay porn star slut" working for them.
6. police/work place have filed a lawsuit against this man who is a formal police officer who was let go on 7 accounts of child porn after prison.
7. now that this information has reached him..

Death Threats are his course of action now.

Their is now a warrant out for his arrest, and no one can find him, and he keeps calling and saying horrible things that when i leave work, i have to be watched to my car by the police sitting their.. waiting for him to come back and make the first move.
Its very serious, and i know i sorda just casually said it.. but it has been for the past two months now, and i have said nothing about it before to anyone because i thought he was just a pissed off older guy that i didnt want to sleep with.

But the death threats have come in.... Im beginning to worry about things around here. he was on the force for 20+ years...
math in my head says. insane man + 20 years police work= something really bad possible.
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That's terrible. When I went to Austin, I went there to meet you and anyone else there from the site. I see you as a person, not simply a porn star. You notice I didn't give my real name either. I believe we all have a right to privacy. Maybe you're right. Maybe he wanted you and knew you wouldn't. Who can say? I hope they catch this guy and that you can continue with your life.
Oh my God, Blake. I am so sorry. I know that doesn't even begin to cover it. That's absolutely horrible that a person could behave that way. Obviuosly he is mentally deranged. You know of course that his actions are not reflective of how your fans would ever think of treating you.

From the moment you started posting in here you became a flesh and blood human being to all of us. You never have been nor are you now a mere sex object for our entertainment. I thank Beth and Steve for treating you properly and representing the rest of us in here to the highest standards. Please know that we adore you for being the person you are. And not merely for what you do in the video work. I'm so sorry that your family has been put through this and your employer involved.

Many of us in here have genuine love for you as a fellow human being without ever having met you in person. We are here for you Blake to offer any support or help that we can. They say a problem shared is a problem halved. I hope that by sharing this with us you will feel some sense of relief that you are not alone in this, with noone to turn to or talk about it with. I will keep you and all your loved ones in my thoughts and prayers Blake. XOOOO
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Oh man. Blake, that's terrible.

Have the police put out any information on him (name, pictures, etc.) so the general public can be on the lookout? I'm certain that if anyone here saw the guy, they wouldn't hesitate to turn the scum-bucket in.
Blake, I don't think you realize how respected and loved you are by many Forumites, and although we may not be able to physically help you right now, we will always figuratively have your back by listening and letting you know we really do care about you.

I sincerely hope this dreadful man is caught and removed from your life soon.
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Oh Blake,
First, I would tell you to breathe; really breathe. Take in all the happiness and respect we send you, it is genuine.
Next, you know what you need to do; if your friends/family don't know how you choose to spend your time, you must talk to them. I'm not saying tell them you are a model,it is your call; I am simply saying open yourself to those who love you. You are stronger than you think. Also, you need to get ahead of this and alert school, work and neighbors about this guy. You are entitled to live your life the way you want and not be bullied by others. And as always, be safe; you are a valued human being.
Wow! Blake this is definitely too much for you to deal with on your own. You need to rally your friends and family to help get you through this. Without a doubt this guy is CRAZY. You have more charges against him then I can even count right now. When they catch him, he will definitely be sitting in a cell.

I am so sorry that someone would treat you this way. You have such a great heart and fun spirit, the thought that someone would try to damage that is just awful. We are spread out all over the world, but we do care about you.......and I know I will be thinking about this a lot, sending you good wishes/prayers, and keeping my fingers crossed that this is all resolved quickly. So keep us posted, because we will all be worrying.
Blake, nobody here thinks of you as just a piece of meat. True, this is a gay porn site and the reason we became members here was good gay sex by straight guys. But you have become much more to us. We have gotten to know you through your participation here on the forum and we have grown to love the Blake Bennet heart. It makes me sick that anyone would want to hurt our friend.

Apparently the authorities know who this creep is and hopefully he will be caught soon. I'm surprised that this has been going on for two months, since they have already identified who he is.

Please, dear Blake, keep yourself safe. I'm going to offer to open my home to you if you need to get away for awhile or until this monster is caught. I realize you don't know me from Adam, but enough people on this forum knows my heart and nothing will happen to you here. I have a four bedroom home; I use one and you can have the other three. This is not a sexual come-on, but this is your life that concerns me.

Blake, whatever you decide to do, be safe and keep us posted. We care and love you very much.
Be safe and keep your loved ones in the loop and close to you! Sending lots of big boobie hugs your way!
Hi Blake. Sorry to hear about your mad stalker and all the hassle that he's been causing. You're right to go to the police but as most members have already advised you, the support and security of your family is most important now. Unfortunately, the price of fame can result in such circumstances, but that doesn't make it right. Love and cuddles from across the pond. xx
Blake, I was so happy to see a lengthy new post from you early last evening, but when I read your full post, my mood totally changed, as I was sickened by what I read.

This morning I re-read your entire post and have split it into two sections to comment.
I have been trying to spice up some things in my life, everything seems to be heading for the same thing. i work to pay bills, i have bills to go to school, i go to school for education and a better future life..

But circles have been a bit boring to me my whole life.

"now talk about porn."

I really look at this opportunity with more passion and more acceptance for it being a job/lifestyle than i did when i first started.

Yeah, it took awhile to become really comfortable with what was going on, but the reward and satisfaction that i am providing and now even receiving.. "ha.ha. not talking about bottoming" lol makes everything worth it.

I know i have been having a little trouble keeping up with posting, and i really do try.

So i figured i would at least give it a shot while i was sitting here after a long day of running errands with a friend, that i could utilize the whole purpose of the forum just by posting what was on my mind.

Beth(steve), what you guys did for me, i will never forget. That was the nicest thing anyone has done, showing how much you care, instead of just lookin at me like a piece of meat. By all means, enjoy my videos to the full extent of their intended purpose. but i just wanted to say it was a breath of fresh air that people dont just see "porn" written on my face. that seems to become an accelerated problem in my home town.
Your attitude about your porn career is admirable. It is a far from mainstream approach to a part time job for a twenty year old college kid living the straight life, and the fact that you said that you are experiencing both "reward and satisfaction" makes everything worth it, is so refreshing and totally honest of you to say.

I have long felt that both you and Jason are the two most real guys on the site. I understand that Mark pays a small stipend to the models for posting, but I have NEVER felt from day one when you burst upon our message board with your thoughts on science and life in general, that you were posting for the cash bonus. Both you and Jason are so brutally honest with us, sharing your honest opinions and thoughts, that I appreciate and love reading your posts.

I am also very pleased that Beth and Steve made you feel like you weren't just a "piece of meat" and didn't just see "porn" written on your face, but please realize Blake that they are not the only one's who look at you as a sweet, honest, very real human being, whose personality is your best quality, not your porn attributes. The gay porn thing was definitely a giant step out of the box for you to undertake, but your ability to suck dick or to bottom is the least of your qualities that I appreciate. I appreciate getting to know the real person that you are, and your honest approach to this whole Broke Straight Boys experience makes me feel like you are a real friend, and almost a member of my family, and I care about you as I would for my nephew. You are totally real and honest, and your happiness and success is much more important to me than ever seeing you doing another porn shoot is. You are a very real human being and that is why the second part of your post is so upsetting and disturbing to me.

I am not even going to quote the disturbing portions of your post, but it is so upsetting to me, that a sick individual could wreak such havoc on your life, and I hope and pray that this maniac is locked up as quickly as possible, so you can try to resume your normal life, but of course once he has spread his slime around to your job, your family and friends, in your hometown, it will be difficult for things to go back to the way they were before. But I do believe that everything in life has a purpose, and that once he is incarcerated, hopefully for the rest of his life, you will become a stronger and better individual, as a result of this horrid experience.

I sincerely love you Blake and hope and pray for a quick resolution to this mess, and please be aware that you are far more than a porn actor, or a piece of meat to your fans here. You are a very real wonderful guy.

Please keep us informed as to your well being. God bless, you Blake!
Blake: I was so sorry to hear how you have been mistreated by this terrible man. I hope the police get the evidence they need to put him back in prison. He is abviously too savage of a person to be part of society any more. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as I do want the best for you and your family. You are such a kind person and deserve to be treated with kindness yourself.
Damn this crazy world sometimes! at the very least please carry some pepper spray. Prayers and hugs from Seattle my friend.
We all need personal safety in our lives...

Dearest BLAKE,

I am heartbroken to read that your life has been filled with such negativity from such a contemptible jerk. Let me assure you that there are many of us here on the forum that would welcome you in our homes for your safety from this predator and any other predator lurking around. While I find you to be a welcomed treat in your updates, this is primarily due to the fact that you "put yourself out there so freely and do so like the free spirit that you are". I have always, from the get-go, seen your inner beauty and dignity within those furry exterior walls that nature, in its infinite wisdom, has adorned your outer shell. It may have been said before, but I love and respect your personal honesty, your willingness to venture into new and unexplored areas, and finally, your integrity above all else.

Nothing could be more abhorrent to me than to have you feeling threatened 24/7 by this "Gorilla Gone Mad" sabotaging your daily existence. I am sorry for you, your family, and your friends to have this added stress to deal with in your everyday lives. School can be stressful enough on its own. While I would never want this nut to have you move from your current locale, your job, or your school in Texas, I would like to offer you a spare bedroom if need be. I live in Little Rock which is not too far from your home in Texas. Please contact me should you need o discuss my offer of genuinely hassel-free help!

Blake, I will pray for your continued safety!

Sincerely meant my offer of a room,

Oh Blake,
First, I would tell you to breathe; really breathe. Take in all the happiness and respect we send you, it is genuine.
Next, you know what you need to do; if your friends/family don't know how you choose to spend your time, you must talk to them. I'm not saying tell them you are a model,it is your call; I am simply saying open yourself to those who love you. You are stronger than you think. Also, you need to get ahead of this and alert school, work and neighbors about this guy. You are entitled to live your life the way you want and not be bullied by others. And as always, be safe; you are a valued human being.

my family is actually on board with the whole porn thing... lol cant say that i ever told them.. lol they found out. but im cool.

im in control of my life..

And trust me GUYS! im lookin out for myself, im well prepared, besides.. im sure he wont do anything, the calls are as far as hes gotten. too scared to make another move besides trying to embarrass me.

LOL hello dude! think about it! i do porn! not much can embarrass me. if only he would just think his actions through.. right? lol
Blake: I was so sorry to hear how you have been mistreated by this terrible man. I hope the police get the evidence they need to put him back in prison. He is abviously too savage of a person to be part of society any more. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as I do want the best for you and your family. You are such a kind person and deserve to be treated with kindness yourself.

Thank you so much! i have been handling things here fairly well.. just a few phone calls here and there.. Im having my Birthday party coming up on monday! bunch of friends are coming! excited!