The longer you will be here Bartirah, the more you will discover the great disparity in taste among forumites and how whatever any one of us may think is wonderful and hot, there will always be another to totally disagree. And so, please do not let someone else's negativity toward a model you love dissuade you from singing the praises of who you do love.
I have very specific taste which many have always disagreed with here. One of my early "loves" on Broke Straight Boys was Mike Robbins and so many on the forum at that time were negative about his lack of interest in providing affection toward his partners or sexual reciprocity, although he did become a pretty good dick sucker but he remained adamant about not getting fucked, as did another of my all time favorites, the one nicknamed "Tank" Shane, and then the ultimate "selfish" top, Jimmy Johnson who was literally hated by so many as I became one of his most vocal defenders during that turbulent year when he had his exclusive contract and even I felt he was "overused" as his 27 sex scenes on Broke Straight Boys were crammed into basically one single year. But I digress.
My point here is that even on what appears to be a narrow cast site appealing to lovers of "straight" boys, the models vary, our tastes vary and so it is pretty much impossible to get universal agreement on who is great to see and who is not. I still get somewhat frustrated when people do not see what I see in who I consider a really hot guy but it's just part of life.