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Rob Ryder's Performance


BSB Addict
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
DFW, Texas
I liked Rob's job, it did it for me!:thumbup: The toys were fun, but I think Colin would be a better toy for Rob. Nice cum shot too, loads of fun! I hope Rob will be back, as I said in another thread, I really think he's here to "bromance" Jimmy; "Jimmy, where are you?...cum here I've got something for you...!"
Over the top... too much eye fucking with the camera... I know he was trying his hardest to be sexy but no thanks.
I do have to say that he does look better with a few days growth on his chin, that for me, was an improvement.
A big thank you to Mark for lending Rob's talent to us on Broke Straight Boys He's very popular on College Dudes and could make it to similar status with the Broke Straight Boys members. It would have been nice to have been let in on the reasoning for his appearance on this site, but, to be honest, just having him here is a great way to kick off the New Year. Welcome Rob.
NO thanks. Solo scenes are not particularly stimulating, even less so with toys. I could show these boys a few things about the use of toys. Just sayin.

Rob is certainly a very hot young man, and he is terribly sweet. I really like him, wish I knew him personally. But, I have absolutely no desire to see porn stars on Broke Straight Boys, period!
I agree JLipps not really impressed with solos and this one did not change my mind either. Rob's a nice guy but I'm not sure he's straight or that broke either, just my opinion no proof.
Bad Timing

If the producers of Broke Straight Boys want to bring in models from their other sites they are entitled to do so. But why would the first post of the new year feature one of these veteran performers, and in a solo performance? Not an auspicious start to 2012 IMO. (At least they abstained from including the description of RR as a "newbie," which he is most assuredly not.)
Lost my interest in Toys'r'us many years ago. A solo with toys is not for me.
I will say that Rob looked great. I agree with TJ that the stubble looks good on him.

BUT, as far as the solo, it was actually even more boring than usual. There was virtually no banter, and getting to know our "newbie." In solos, we find out why they are here, get information about their lives, their relationships, this solo had nothing but a very docile Rob and some toys he didn't even seem interested in using.

Once he was using the toys, I didn't get the impression that it was an enjoyable experience. This was a weird way to bring in the new year.
The "unnewbie" cums forth massively!

I liked Rob's job, it did it for me! The toys were fun, but I think Colin would be a better toy for Rob. Nice cum shot too, loads of fun! I hope Rob will be back, as I said in another thread, I really think he's here to "bromance" Jimmy; "Jimmy, where are you?...cum here I've got something for you...!"

A big thank you to Mark for lending Rob's talent to us on Broke Straight Boys He's very popular on College Dudes and could make it to similar status with the Broke Straight Boys members. It would have been nice to have been let in on the reasoning for his appearance on this site, but, to be honest, just having him here is a great way to kick off the New Year. Welcome Rob.

Dear Beth & Chase,

Thanks for having an open mind. I found Rob intensely sexual in his solo performance and his relating to the camera in this "dog and pony show". Rob's cumshot can only be described as luxuriously "thick-n-creamy" clinging onto his fingers for dear life as the molten lava flow finally gave in to the forces of gravity--in other words "perfection, at it's finger-licking best". All those swimmers he gave birth to were hanging on as best they could to his soothing "magic fingers" that coaxed them for their short-lived once-in-a-lifetime shot at the "big time" outside to play in the light of day.

Rob is simply beautiful and has an equally beautiful cock just itching for a little "quality-time" in the lime light. His cock was accompanied by two hard working olympic-quality balls always on full-alert duty for anything that cums their way prompting immediate "coating-action". I am sure when called upon, there is more of that thick lava-flow where it cums from on reserve-status for multiple orgasms.

While others with comparable experience as Rob have skipped the solo all-together, I guess the moniker of "newbie" is appropriate for Rob in that we have never had a solo scene that was so pristine in execution and, yet, revealing Rob fully exposed while sharing personal intimacy to such detail for Broke Straight Boys member's enjoyment. This was far from boring or generic, as most solos generally are. Or another way to look at it, it was the most completely intimate display of what exactly makes this hot boy actually tick and the camera angles were never closer up to the center of attention. Clay is to be commended here.

A special mention of outstanding camera work must be awarded to Clay for hanging "up-close and personal" in those salty bushes and Rob's delicious "slightly hairy taint"(who'd ever suspected this from Rob) getting the up-close play-by-play without the possibly of missed details. I feel as if I saw this episode in a regular theater with me sitting in the center on the front row. I even appreciated sharing a few of Rob's :wink::wink: as comfirmation that he was indeed in his own space.

I want to welcome you Rob to Broke Straight Boys for that outstanding performance really meant to give us all a little insight into the real Rob_Ryder after modestly checking your professional credentials at the door for thus totally honest and jaded-free performance. You skillfully handled those tools as if they were mere lollipops and your grand finish was the embodiment of all that I cum for on this sight! Personally, when scoring this adventure I regret to find that there is no HR (home run option for me to choose from, so I had to give you only a "5". Obviously, you always do your deadlevel best in all of your scenes and you succeeded here one more time. Rob, you are nothing less than an "artist" in your chosen line of work! To your detractors all I can say is this was as real as it gets, Folks! The real deal!

Really sincere,:welcome9::999:

Stimpy, Rob_Ryder fan
I have always liked Rob, but found this solo boring.

It is hard to believe that, after he has had so many cocks up his -- supposedly -- straight hole, it was really so difficult for him to take these dildos. Perhaps he was vying for an Oscar.

If Rob is going to be a regular on Broke Straight Boys, let's see what happens when he is paired with a guy like Chad or Bobby, for instance. Maybe a hot threesome.

BUT, as far as the solo, it was actually even more boring than usual. There was virtually no banter, and getting to know our "newbie." In solos, we find out why they are here, get information about their lives, their relationships, this solo had nothing but a very docile Rob and some toys he didn't even seem interested in using.

Once he was using the toys, I didn't get the impression that it was an enjoyable experience. This was a weird way to bring in the new year.

I have always liked Rob, but found this solo boring.

I don't find Rob the least bit physically attractive, he's just not at all my type physically and I hate watching guys stick sex toys up their ass so I didn't watch. But I do hope this is the last we've seen of him on Broke Straight Boys..however I somehow suspect he'll be back for more since he's been hinting for months how much he wants to. But, different strokes for different folks, I know there are many who love him...although he can be seen all over the internet for free and of course all over College Dudes for those who are members there.
I must really be off base. I like Rob Ryder especially in the behind the scenes segments and I have seen one or two of his videos and he is a good porn actor. But this shoot really sucked, I never would have put it on the site. Rob was not himself, not interested and his body language demonstrated such. If I was the director I would have said “dude, you’re having a bad day – go home”. Rob can do much better. He deserves 5 stars for giving it his best; his cum shot was awesome, yummy, yummy. I still want to know if this boymance is for real.
This is not the last of Rob......Master Jimmie will be paying a call in the near future I fear and yes I am using my words wisely.
Rob knows that I like him alot. Most everyone else in here knows I think the world of him. He was told to do a solo scene here and he did it. I just don't think that Rob's first scene in here (once it was decided that he would be brought in) should have been a solo. Since he's already a well known porn star/model Broke Straight Boys and Clay should have allowed him to make a big entrance with some kind of Splash! Like a bottoming scene where he could really show a newbie straight model how it's done. Instead he was given a very anti-climactic entrance. (Pun intended)

Rob is already well known (and mostly very well liked) inside the forum. Most of us already know what he looks like naked. So there was little mystery there to look forward to in a solo. As Ms.K alluded to there was so little banter and introduction done in this solo that we learned nothing new about him. That's what solos are supposed to be for. Getting introduced to models we know little to nothing about and so on. Things like: Are you straight? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have any hobbies? Did some financial crisis bring you here? Like a broken down car or a house fire?

For Broke Straight Boys members who don't participate in the forum there was nothing in this solo that gave them an introduction to who Rob is as a person. So it was a lost opportunity to introduce him to all the non-forum membership. For those of us who already have a somewhat decent introduction to him as a person, there was no tidbit of new info about Rob the man.

It was just not a good choice for his world premier grand entrance to Broke Straight Boys And given how this particular video turned out...it should not have been put in rotation to be the psychologically important first video of the new year. Another video more worthy of the honor should have been given that slot. In marketing the site you want to show members that you are starting the year off with a bang. And that if things are starting off this well, then things are only going to keep getting better from here. Instead we kind of started the new year with a yawn.
This is not the last of Rob......Master Jimmie will be paying a call in the near future I fear and yes I am using my words wisely.

I agree, I think that's why Jimmy talks about a "bromance" with Rob and that's why Rob is on Broke Straight Boys To be really honest, Jimmy is going to need an extreme power bottom to get anything out of the interaction. I hope it happens and I hope Jimmy sees how fun a guy can be...just sayin'
Wrong format

I agree with the other members who thought a solo was not the best way of introducing Rob to Broke Straight Boys i would have preferred him with someone like Rex or Chad. He could have showed them a thing or two!:smiley-sex011: