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Rick Santorum on Internet Porn (like BSB)


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
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Brooklyn New York
I suppose if we elect "President Santorum" to office this coming Novemeber, this site will be closed down under his admnistration.

This article from CBS News details what Rick said yesterday at a campaign event in Illonois.

Updated 11:09 PM ET

(CBS News) ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. - Campaigning in this Chicago suburb on Friday, Rick Santorum accused President Obama of failing to enforce an anti-Internet pornography law he worked to pass in the Senate and said that as president, he would do more to protect children from inappropriate online content.

The issue came up when Santorum was questioned by reporters about a Daily Caller article that quoted his website decrying the evils of pornography in American society and accusing the president of favoring pornographers over children.

"The Obama administration has turned a blind eye to those who wish to preserve our culture from the scourge of pornography and has refused to enforce obscenity laws. While the Obama Department of Justice seems to favor pornographers over children and families, that will change under a Santorum administration," the statement on Santorum's campaign website says.

Santorum said the criticism of Obama was posted on the site about three weeks ago. "We'll enforce the law. I don't know what the hubbub about that is. We have a president who is not enforcing the law, and we will."

His website also says, "A wealth of research is now available demonstrating that pornography causes profound brain changes in both children and adults, resulting in widespread negative consequences. Addiction to pornography is now common for adults and even for some children. The average age of first exposure to hard-core, Internet pornography is now 11. Pornography is toxic to marriages and relationships. It contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking."
Oh, would someone just PLEASE tape this man's mouth permanently SHUT? Keep it up RS and by George everything you are trying to prevent from happening will happen and you and the rest of your party will be shit out of luck (as if they weren't already!!!) END OF RANT!
Jay Leno last night: If Rick Santorum wants my porn, he will have to rip it from my cold, dead other hand!
I suppose if we elect "President Santorum" to office this coming Novemeber, this site will be closed down under his admnistration.

This article from CBS News details what Rick said yesterday at a campaign event in Illonois

Updated 11:09 PM ET

(CBS News) ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. - Campaigning in this Chicago suburb on Friday, Rick Santorum accused President Obama of failing to enforce an anti-Internet pornography law he worked to pass in the Senate and said that as president, he would do more to protect children from inappropriate online content.

Mike, just a thought. Children should already be protected from viewing the contents of this site since you have to be a paying member to be here. I'm sure management has a way to tell whether they are dealing with a child or adult when accepting new members. But now that I think about it, I think you just have to click a box stating you are over 21.

I"m not going to worry about it since I don't think 95% of these promises will come to life. Santorum is playing catch-up and will say almost anything. I'm also betting that there is a HUGE amount of voters that enjoy watching their porn via internet. They may make owners of the sites more responsible for keeping children out. And I would support that.
For Rick Santorum, the buck stops here!

As a fellow Roman Catholic, I despise the very earth Rick Santorum walks or slithers on. He has become very skilled at latching onto "hot-button issues only for political expediency" just like GW. At least he has a better vocabulary than GW. I saw a report on his Italian relatives and, basically, they consider him to be some kind of "anomaly" and an "odd-ball" within his own Italian family. They so much as implied there is no accounting for his taste in politics.

He may be of Italian descent, but so was another infamous second-rate dictator during WWII. Just like Benito Mussolini, he has convinced himself he knows what is good for the masses without being human enough to check with them first. He has that trickle-down autocratic technique down pat.

His uncompromising Catholic views is not representative of the majority of married Catholics at large on what is moral. Don't even ask about gay Catholics! Probably he mostly appeals to the "Good-old-boy network of American Bishops and Cardinals" that are too self-absorbed, filled with their own importance and bloated egos to recognize and deal directly with the tremendous suffering caused by allowing abusive priests to continue harming defenseless kids! Rather they need a two fold strategy that includes

  • encouraging being proactive enough to actually turn the child abuser in for breaking civil law to the proper authorities, and at the same time,
  • beginning to take care of the "victim's dire spiritual and emotional needs before having them feel they have been discarded is the only reasonable, moral, and humane way to effectively deal with the victims of abuse, and lastly,
  • attempt to save the abusers mortal soul now that he can no longer hurt other children.

Perhaps Rick's hypocritical leanings will some day be caught red-handed kissing someone's hairy ass from the "Super pacs" that promote his kind of "superior morality" while having contempt in general for the human condition. You know it well as "POLARIZATION"! As a dedicated narcissist don't expect him to be nominated any time soon for a Nobel Peace Prize. He sure ain't Mother Teresa!:angel:


Mike, just a thought. Children should already be protected from viewing the contents of this site since you have to be a paying member to be here. I'm sure management has a way to tell whether they are dealing with a child or adult when accepting new members. But now that I think about it, I think you just have to click a box stating you are over 21.

I"m not going to worry about it since I don't think 95% of these promises will come to life. Santorum is playing catch-up and will say almost anything. I'm also betting that there is a HUGE amount of voters that enjoy watching their porn via internet. They may make owners of the sites more responsible for keeping children out. And I would support that.
Of course you are right Robb, that children are not able to view pay sites, unless their parents are careless enough to not hide their passwords to enter through, and that Republicans like their porn as much as Democrats. Sex is bipartisan. :001_rolleyes:

But this is another example of why we need to fear the "religious right", who have an agenda that goes way beyond what a political party should represent.

I find Rick Santorum scary. :mellow:
As a fellow Roman Catholic, I despise the very earth Rick Santorum walks or slithers on. He has become very skilled at latching onto "hot-button issues only for political expediency" just like GW. At least he has a better vocabulary than GW.
Dear Stimpy,

While you and I occasionally differ on which model's on this site induce "stiffies" for us, we sure DO AGREE on politics, and particularly regarding this lunatic. :001_rolleyes::frown:

Keep up the good fight, my friend. :thumbup1:
I am pleased to see that the adult film industry has responded to Mr. Santorum's comments,
“America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography. It contributes to misogyny and violence against women. It is a contributing factor to prostitution and sex trafficking,”

I read that yesterday, Steven Hirsch, founder and co-chairman of Los Angeles-based Vivid Entertainment responded to him by saying,

“I find it ironic that Republicans (like Santorum) are out there wanting less government and government intruding into our lives, but when it comes to moral issues they want government to legislate morality," says Hirsch. "It doesn’t work. It will never work.”

And Hustler founder and publisher Larry Flynt notes, as reported by MBNBC, that a 1969 commission set up by President Lyndon Johnson spent millions of dollars studying the impact of porn and concluded there was no evidence such materials were harmful.
“You have guys like Santorum come along and they bring out the bogeyman every chance they get,” Flynt said. "You will be hard-pressed to find anyone that can point out to you a study that shows harm is caused to anyone exposed to porn materials."
Hmmmmmmm, this is all a very interesting subject. As a parent of a young child, my views may differ a little bit.

Yes, children can access porn on the internet very easily........You may have to be 18 and have a credit card to join a porn site, but to take the "tour" and watch clips of the videos, you only have to click on a button saying that you are 18. Any 7 seven or 8 year old can read and lie....... So here lies the dilemma when regulating morality, do you go after the porn site for not having a way to prove someone is 18.......or do you go after the lying children? You can't regulate morality, so give it up.

Here is where I think the regulation of the internet/email can do a better job. When we go to my "family" email account, that my child can use, and the spam folder is filled with some of the most outrageous crap, and some of that crap doesn't even filter out:tmi:...........

Try keeping a straight face when your eight year old asks you if he needs you to buy him medicine for erectile dysfunction.:scared:
Hmmmmmmm, this is all a very interesting subject. As a parent of a young child, my views may differ a little bit.

Yes, children can access porn on the internet very easily........You may have to be 18 and have a credit card to join a porn site, but to take the "tour" and watch clips of the videos, you only have to click on a button saying that you are 18. Any 7 seven or 8 year old can read and lie....... So here lies the dilemma when regulating morality, do you go after the porn site for not having a way to prove someone is 18.......or do you go after the lying children? You can't regulate morality, so give it up.

Here is where I think the regulation of the internet/email can do a better job. When we go to my "family" email account, that my child can use, and the spam folder is filled with some of the most outrageous crap, and some of that crap doesn't even filter out:tmi:...........

Try keeping a straight face when your eight year old asks you if he needs you to buy him medicine for erectile dysfunction.:scared:
Of course, measures must be taken from making Internet porn easily accessible to children.

But I recall as a child growing up in the late 50's, and 60's when there was no internet, finding my father's porn stash in his draw next to his bed, and my friend David found his father's 8 mm films and projector, and when they went out on a Saturday night, we enjoyed watching the naked folks fucking on film, so this is not truly a brand new situation.

And is anyone who is a member of Broke Straight Boys actually in favor out outlawing internet porn?
As a fellow Roman Catholic, I despise the very earth Rick Santorum walks or slithers on. He has become very skilled at latching onto "hot-button issues only for political expediency" just like GW. At least he has a better vocabulary than GW. I saw a report on his Italian relatives and, basically, they consider him to be some kind of "anomaly" and an "odd-ball" within his own Italian family. They so much as implied there is no accounting for his taste in politics.

He may be of Italian descent, but so was another infamous second-rate dictator during WWII. Just like Benito Mussolini, he has convinced himself he knows what is good for the masses without being human enough to check with them first. He has that trickle-down autocratic technique down pat.

His uncompromising Catholic views is not representative of the majority of married Catholics at large on what is moral. Don't even ask about gay Catholics! Probably he mostly appeals to the "Good-old-boy network of American Bishops and Cardinals" that are too self-absorbed, filled with their own importance and bloated egos to recognize and deal directly with the tremendous suffering caused by allowing abusive priests to continue harming defenseless kids! Rather they need a two fold strategy that includes[/SIZE]
  • encouraging being proactive enough to actually turn the child abuser in for breaking civil law to the proper authorities, and at the same time,
  • beginning to take care of the "victim's dire spiritual and emotional needs before having them feel they have been discarded is the only reasonable, moral, and humane way to effectively deal with the victims of abuse, and lastly,
  • attempt to save the abusers mortal soul now that he can no longer hurt other children.

Perhaps Rick's hypocritical leanings will some day be caught red-handed kissing someone's hairy ass from the "Super pacs" that promote his kind of "superior morality" while having contempt in general for the human condition. You know it well as "POLARIZATION"! As a dedicated narcissist don't expect him to be nominated any time soon for a Nobel Peace Prize. He sure ain't Mother Teresa!:angel:



Give 'em hell Stimpy!! LOL
I feel "POSITIVELY SINFUL"! :bury1:

Dear Tampa and Mikeyank,

When making my earlier comments, I made a concerted effort to use a RED as close to "Cardinal Red" as possible to call this disapproving comment to our Cardinal's attention when they login to read the Catholic member's comments on the forum. I hope these comments serve as a much needed and overdue "reality rubbin" not typically associated with the "religious higher-ups" living their sheltered existence.

