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Richard the Third - revisited.

Isn't that interesting? I happened to read an article in the American press on that very subject just before I logged into the forum tonight. :)
They're thinking: "The very idea! *haughty sniff* I wouldn't be caught dead under a car park." :gost:
There is a time and a place for everything, including Richard III

Just maybe, Richard III wasn't as crazy as people thought afterall! Seems he was really ahead of his times and into cars of all types! His burial place was by national decree to be turned into a car park once they became available a few years later. All he wanted was to have a Mini that resembled his shrinking body!

Gosh, what a very interesting article! How exciting modern science is!
Gosh, what a very interesting article! How exciting modern science is!

Indeed and when you think of the time of the Battle of Bosworth where Richard was killed, what was happening in the USA or Australia at that time ? Was there anybody there !