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Rex is on BFT!


BSB Addict
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
DFW, Texas
Saw Rex on BFT, love his wild orange underwear!
Sexy Rexy Strikes Again

:wtf: I just saw Rex too. I tried to figure out what the time-line was on his Broke Straight Boys episode, BFT episode, and the other one he was in when he took the really big dick with no qualms moans or groans. Can anyone hazard a guess as to what the order was?

I would assume the BFT episode was much too long (36 min.) to hold his interest as he went soft during the last 7 min. or so. Or....perhaps he would really have been happier being the bottom and getting fucked by a long hard one for the 36 min. the episode took. He certainly has the moves and the willing ass to be a good one.

Anyone want to guess where Rex will show up next? :anyone:
:wtf: I just saw Rex too. I tried to figure out what the time-line was on his Broke Straight Boys episode, BFT episode, and the other one he was in when he took the really big dick with no qualms moans or groans. Can anyone hazard a guess as to what the order was?

I would assume the BFT episode was much too long (36 min.) to hold his interest as he went soft during the last 7 min. or so. Or....perhaps he would really have been happier being the bottom and getting fucked by a long hard one for the 36 min. the episode took. He certainly has the moves and the willing ass to be a good one.

Anyone want to guess where Rex will show up next? :anyone:

Come on, let's get physical, physical!!! Many of you probably already know this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWz9VN40nCA
Forgive the ignorance but what is BFT?

Boys First Time, one of the free bonus sites on here. Rex has also been on Bait Buddies, Haze Him, and several other paysites in recent weeks.

In my opinion, as much as I love his look, he has now expired in terms of Broke Straight Boys shelf life.
Boys First Time, one of the free bonus sites on here. Rex has also been on Bait Buddies, Haze Him, and several other paysites in recent weeks.

In my opinion, as much as I love his look, he has now expired in terms of Broke Straight Boys shelf life.

I have to disagree. Again, to me, the models are playing characters, depending on which site they are filming for. Rex has a nice dick and I'm sure he needs the money...he, on Broke Straight Boys (Broke Straight Boys), works for me!:001_wub:
Forgive the ignorance but what is BFT?

Hey there, welcome to our little discussion on the best things in life: dicks! Hope you enjoy Rex's on Boysfirsttime; Anthony is there as well.
not sure of Broke Straight Boys production dates, but think they were made during the first two weeks in december.
boys first time was produced 2011 - 12 - 06.
bait buddies was produced around 2011 - 12 - 11. with ricky from Broke Straight Boys, 2011 - 10 - 17.
hazehim was produced 2011 - 12 - 12.
I have to disagree. Again, to me, the models are playing characters, depending on which site they are filming for. Rex has a nice dick and I'm sure he needs the money...he, on Broke Straight Boys (Broke Straight Boys), works for me!:001_wub:
I do not belong to any other pay sites, and what I have always liked about Broke Straight Boys from the beginning is the "reality" feel to it. Sure I understand that the opening "banter" is not always true, but my enjoyment of the sex scenes here is not just hot guys fucking like bunnies, but the storylines, and the model's progression is what turns me on, more than watching a close up of a big cock screwing away at another model's greased hole.

I loved watching Tyler's first episode at the car show, and then seeing him develop as a person and as a sexual human being. If after a few episodes here, I was informed that he was screwing away on two or three other sites, and then he came back like the innocent newbie again, I would have lost interest. The same is true of many of the vast stable of performers here.

I wish Rex a long career in porn, if that is what he wants, but I have zero interest in seeing his return here. Right now, my favorite new model here is Kodi, and I sure don't want to find out that he has been in the back seat of the bait bus, or has been initiated on frat hazing. While I intellectually understand that these young men are actors, I want to be able to believe that I am watching the progression of a straight kid into gay sex, and that what I am seeing is truly his first time doing things on camera.

I need to be able to believe the illusion of reality, to be turned on by the sex here.
I mean this straight down the line GET RID OF REX, I am sorry but he is ruining this site he on on too many others that has fan base will move around I am here to stay! But seriously some won't be because Rex will ruin illusion
I need to be able to believe the illusion of reality, to be turned on by the sex here.

I too need to believe, and the reality is that these guys are nice to look at, have great dicks, and for some, prostate stimulation is the best type of orgasm. So I will sit here, in my "red slippers" and dream it is Oz because to me, it is home!


  • dorothy's red slippers.jpg
    dorothy's red slippers.jpg
    8.3 KB · Views: 70
I like rex and his body. How can u be upset at a model for going to other websites if u go looking for him. It's not like u accidentaly stubble across him on a different website unless u are looking specifically for him. If certain people dont advertise on the forums that models are found on different websites lots of us wouldn't know and it kinda ruins it for us.
I like rex and his body. How can u be upset at a model for going to other websites if u go looking for him. It's not like u accidentaly stubble across him on a different website unless u are looking specifically for him. If certain people dont advertise on the forums that models are found on different websites lots of us wouldn't know and it kinda ruins it for us.

That's an idea I hadn't considered Young, I am sorry I posted about Rex. I do not mean to ruin it for anyone, I was thinking if you like him, then here is another site to try. Do you think I should maybe do a poll about this? Certainly, if you feel this way, others may too. Thanks, Beth
It doesn't bother me it's just some people get upset when the so called " reality " is ruined. I love the whole idea of Broke Straight Boys and what it stands for but models appearing on other sites just means that other sites are noticing talents. It's not like all models will always stay broke or straight. I personally think Rex has a lot of promise. I'm just hope we get some good scenes soon it's been a pretty generic month for scenes in my opinion.
It doesn't bother me either.......BUT, traditionally on Broke Straight Boys, because this sight is about guys trying gay sex FOR THE FIRST TIME, when they start to appear on other sites their time here is done. They show the scenes that have already been filmed with them, but do not make any new ones.

That is why I asked on past threads, about Broke Straight Boys models on different sites, that if anyone ever saw CHAD:001_wub: somewhere else..........PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not post it on the forum, do not draw attention to it, and hasten his departure from Broke Straight Boys:crying2:
It doesn't bother me either.......BUT, traditionally on Broke Straight Boys, because this sight is about guys trying gay sex FOR THE FIRST TIME, when they start to appear on other sites their time here is done. They show the scenes that have already been filmed with them, but do not make any new ones.

That is why I asked on past threads, about Broke Straight Boys models on different sites, that if anyone ever saw CHAD:001_wub: somewhere else..........PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not post it on the forum, do not draw attention to it, and hasten his departure from Broke Straight Boys:crying2:
As usual Ms. K, you make a lot of sense. You are indeed, the voice of reason on the Broke Straight Boys forum!!!:thumbup:
It doesn't bother me either.......BUT, traditionally on Broke Straight Boys, because this sight is about guys trying gay sex FOR THE FIRST TIME, when they start to appear on other sites their time here is done. They show the scenes that have already been filmed with them, but do not make any new ones.

That is why I asked on past threads, about Broke Straight Boys models on different sites, that if anyone ever saw CHAD:001_wub: somewhere else..........PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not post it on the forum, do not draw attention to it, and hasten his departure from Broke Straight Boys:crying2:

Ms. K, I think everyone loves Chad and I wouldn't be surprised if they signed him up for a contract of exclusivity. If that's the case, you won't be seeing him anywhere else at least until his contract expires!
Ms. K, I think everyone loves Chad and I wouldn't be surprised if they signed him up for a contract of exclusivity. If that's the case, you won't be seeing him anywhere else at least until his contract expires!

I hope so.:001_wub: It would be awesome if my hero, Mark, would say that publicly and eliminate my fears.............