Sweet Jesus, I am 64 and have 2 years to go. I have one suggestion. Do not make this decision on your own. Please do not think I am being egotistical I am not but I have a bookeeper; a stockbroker; a person who manages my pension at work; and a person who prepares me to retire on time by working with all these people so everything comes together at the same time. Frankly, these people have been with me a minimum of twenty to a max of thirty five years and they do this for a living. I trust them because they are each cross checked by the other. That is what I needed to do. Now retirement was an indicator of death until I took off about three weeks (somehow got thrown off
Broke Straight Boys because I changed a credit card and Mark God Bless him got me back on so that will be the last tomato thrown at him by moi`) anyway the important thing was I was busier doing stuff and making a bucket list and now I cannot wait to move on from that job. It now longer became a career some time ago and I never realized it. So when all of the above come together and call and say "go home" they won't have to say it twice. Sorry I rambled but on this I know of what I speak. Hope it gets Bobbys attention (lol).