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recognize this boy? (He is French)

You know, it's actually a very hard question cos i don't really know why i'm more attracted to Americans. I guess it's the vibe they put off and the language. I even think the language has a lot to do also. English turns me on, French does not.

When i was young and living in France, i would have given everything i had just to go to the US. For me it was all about the US. So maybe it's the reason why i prefer American guys.

I don't know. You got me here with your question hehe

Hey Scorpio,

I'd be curious to know what it is about American guys that is so appealing to you. Is it the manner of dress? Is it the attitude or vibe that they put off? I'd be curious to hear how you see the men in your country versus the men here. Would you indulge us in some comparisons?

Just a reminder guys. If some of you can't play nice and start insulting other members, we'll have to take actions, and you'll feel sorry when you won't get allowed to this forums. This time, we recorded IP addresses :) so you are warned.

This is a fun board! Take things lightly and don't get so serious.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T (god i feel so gay right now)

PEACE and LOVE! Or it'll be spanking time for some of you (mmm nevermind, you might like that) :)

This is a fun board! Take things lightly and don't get so serious.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T (god i feel so gay right now)


There is nothing gay about respect. Unless you were in Aretha drag when you were typing it.

(for the youngsters in the audience, Aretha Franklin had a hit song called Respect a few years back. Google it.) :biggrin:
WOW! To each and every person whom I have offended, somehow maglined, or, in any way hurt, I sincerely apologize. To those of you who ever thought that I would speak about you behind your back, not my style. In fact I used to take great pleasure in castigating those in need, in public, with an audience.

Mitch, sweetheart, Why is it some of us whine and attempt to shift the blame to others? Are we and the rest of the "old Guard" not in fact the very ones guilty of the act? Perhaps you are uncomfortable with being singled out, as if you were the only guilty party. Rest assured, the rest of us know different. Take your lumps, sir, like the rest of us, and we shall all move on.. You must admit that we have been more than somewhat rude to our friends who share this forum I leave it to each of us to apologize, learn, and perhaps, yes, we should keep our foreign language practice restricted to pvt. messaging.
And, for those of you who are just plain grumpy in the A.M., here's a clue.
Beds have two sides, If the one you're using now isn't working, Get up on the other side! Geez people its a new day, and you are alive to read this, so B E H A P P Y !!

With Deepest Love, and Affection For Each of You, I am,
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WOW! To each and every person whom I have offended, somehow maglined, or, in any way hurt, I sincerely apologize. To those of you who ever thought that I would speak about you behind your back, not my style. In fact I used to take great pleasure in castigating those in need, in public, with an audience.

Mitch, sweetheart, Why is it some of us whine and attempt to shift the blame to others? Are we and the rest of the "old Guard" not in fact the very ones guilty of the act? Perhaps you are uncomfortable with being singled out, as if you were the only guilty party. Rest assured, the rest of us know different. Take your lumps, sir, like the rest of us, and we shall all move on.. You must admit that we have been more than somewhat rude to our friends who share this forum I leave it to each of us to apologize, learn, and perhaps, yes, we should keep our foreign language practice restricted to pvt. messaging.
And, for those of you who are just plain grumpy in the A.M., here's a clue.
Beds have two sides, If the one you're using now isn't working, Get up on the other side! Geez people its a new day, and you are alive to read this, so B E H A P P Y !!

With Deepest Love, and Affection For Each of You, I am,

um Marky, if I were to get up on the other side of my bed I would break something! Hey if I flip the mattress would that work? LMFAO.

With peace and love to all.
YIPY I am now a senior member. Ok I'm slow but worth waiting for. Lots Of Love To All. :thumbup:
Shut up Slim.

(Photo taken in Downtown Columbia a few years ago. Shown on national television and published in hundreds of newspapers, maybe even the NYT! This nice man, very proud of his Southern heritage, marched in the funeral procession for U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond (R-SC)

(Maybe this will push Slim's buttons!)

A little bit higher, yeah, yeeaah, up a little more, up up...now a little tiny micromillimeter to the left THERE!! push that button, yeah harder...harder. Now down a bit, yeaaaaah, really hard. Baby you do that sooooo well.

I love that photo. Strom Thurmond was my cousin. I swear it's true. You guys cannot beLIEVE how complicated it was for me to take an active part in the civil rights movement down south when I was 20, with the fucking genes I ended up with. Cuddin Strom wrote the so called "Southern Manifesto".


Here's another cousin who might have agreed with me about stuff like integration. Cuddin Thurmond didn't sign the "Southern Manifesto" and lost his seat in Congress as a result.

Just a reminder guys. If some of you can't play nice and start insulting other members, we'll have to take actions, and you'll feel sorry when you won't get allowed to this forums. This time, we recorded IP addresses :) so you are warned.

This is a fun board! Take things lightly and don't get so serious.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T (god i feel so gay right now)

PEACE and LOVE! Or it'll be spanking time for some of you (mmm nevermind, you might like that) :)

Can Mitch and I still have our love-spats, or it that un-cool?
I want to apologize to the Forum if I have made any remarks or comments that have been unkind toward you. I try very hard not to offend anyone. Sometimes, it happens by accident. I love you all. Bless your hearts and thank you for forgiving me. :thumbup:
Why are you jumping on my. MarkyMark was the first to speak in French? Why are you not bitching at Mark, Jayman, and Slim. Why am I singled out.

I don't like you.

I like vicekid especially. But it's also true you get singled out unjustly. You probably attract a lot of hostility for your unfashionable atavistic views on unearned privilege among minorities, and that carries over, cuz you do pull some outrageous racial stuff. And then can't understand why some of these guys find the whole package tiresome.

Personally I think all European languages are cool, but we've been through this once before with Robert Swaim, and it ended in tears. I've already said I like to mix it up in public rather than Frenching each other in private, but I recognize that that's a flaw in my personality, a sort of exhibitionism maybe.
I want to apologize to the Forum if I have made any remarks or comments that have been unkind toward you. I try very hard not to offend anyone. Sometimes, it happens by accident. I love you all. Bless your hearts and thank you for forgiving me. :thumbup:

I don't want to offend anyone, but I can't resist trying to rub my friends the wrong way sometimes, like a tiresome hyperactive child. I find you need some energy in your language to ameliorate the fact of distance and the impersonality of the medium.

So I'm sorry too. But if the forum can't be a little controversial sometimes, and come a bit close to the bone, it could get bo-ring.
I like vicekid especially. But it's also true you get singled out unjustly. You probably attract a lot of hostility for your unfashionable atavistic views on unearned privilege among minorities, and that carries over, cuz you do pull some outrageous racial stuff. And then can't understand why some of these guys find the whole package tiresome.

Personally I think all European languages are cool, but we've been through this once before with Robert Swaim, and it ended in tears. I've already said I like to mix it up in public rather than Frenching each other in private, but I recognize that that's a flaw in my personality, a sort of exhibitionism maybe.

Slim and MarkyMark, I enjoy reading your posts. It is like getting a second education every time I read your postings. It is your command of both the English language and a vocabulary worthy of erudite accolades that sets you apart from many others. However; it is your skillful ability to tactfully articulate your paradigm that sets you apart from others that impresses me the most. I also respect that you always choose to go mono e mono (man to man) with any issues or concerns you may have. Trust me when I say; this reflects great credit upon you.

There are several others who posses these abilities too. They are all skillful artisans of the English language too. However; it is more how people choose to use their skills that speaks volumes to me. Bless your hearts... I know nobody meant any real harm regardless.
Just a reminder guys. If some of you can't play nice and start insulting other members, we'll have to take actions, and you'll feel sorry when you won't get allowed to this forums. This time, we recorded IP addresses :) so you are warned.

This is a fun board! Take things lightly and don't get so serious.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T (god i feel so gay right now)

PEACE and LOVE! Or it'll be spanking time for some of you (mmm nevermind, you might like that) :)

I assume that is directed at vicekid?
WOW! To each and every person whom I have offended, somehow maglined, or, in any way hurt, I sincerely apologize. To those of you who ever thought that I would speak about you behind your back, not my style. In fact I used to take great pleasure in castigating those in need, in public, with an audience.

Mitch, sweetheart, Why is it some of us whine and attempt to shift the blame to others? Are we and the rest of the "old Guard" not in fact the very ones guilty of the act? Perhaps you are uncomfortable with being singled out, as if you were the only guilty party. Rest assured, the rest of us know different. Take your lumps, sir, like the rest of us, and we shall all move on.. You must admit that we have been more than somewhat rude to our friends who share this forum I leave it to each of us to apologize, learn, and perhaps, yes, we should keep our foreign language practice restricted to pvt. messaging.
And, for those of you who are just plain grumpy in the A.M., here's a clue.
Beds have two sides, If the one you're using now isn't working, Get up on the other side! Geez people its a new day, and you are alive to read this, so B E H A P P Y !!

With Deepest Love, and Affection For Each of You, I am,

Mark, you are right. I don't like getting singled out and critisized for the the same shit other people do. Somehow it is OK for you and other guys to post in French but not me. Why the double standard I ask?
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Just a reminder guys. If some of you can't play nice and start insulting other members, we'll have to take actions, and you'll feel sorry when you won't get allowed to this forums. This time, we recorded IP addresses :) so you are warned.

This is a fun board! Take things lightly and don't get so serious.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T (god i feel so gay right now)

PEACE and LOVE! Or it'll be spanking time for some of you (mmm nevermind, you might like that) :)

Steve, I hope you are not talking to me? I never launch the first strike. I only swing when somebody takes a swing at me first. It is called self defense.

Je pense que les besoins d' « insulte » être définis. Est-cela comme dire quelqu'un sa mère est prostituée ?

(I know mine will never be as good as your's but I try!)

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For the record - Slim and I don't insult each other. We throw love taps! You know, like the old couple who have been married for 50 years and always bitch at each other about everything.

If I am insulting you, trust me, you will know it. But I never do it first.
I want to apologize to the Forum if I have made any remarks or comments that have been unkind toward you. I try very hard not to offend anyone. Sometimes, it happens by accident. I love you all. Bless your hearts and thank you for forgiving me. :thumbup:

Don't be silly. :001_rolleyes:
I don't want to offend anyone, but I can't resist trying to rub my friends the wrong way sometimes, like a tiresome hyperactive child. I find you need some energy in your language to ameliorate the fact of distance and the impersonality of the medium.

So I'm sorry too. But if the forum can't be a little controversial sometimes, and come a bit close to the bone, it could get bo-ring.

Here, here Slim!
You go right ahead and offend all you want. If anybody can't take it, tough shit. Lay it on baby!

I guess we should all sit around, join hands, and sing cum-bay-ah. Not for me, how about you Slim?

The Forum is supposed to be a place for un-inhibited debate, I don't give a damn who is "offended." Or is this a charm school for genteel young ladies?

The mushiness, the compliments ad nauseum, are not intellectually stimulating, in the least. The wishy washy and the mealy mouthed imbisils would have us reduced to shear boredom and use our breath only to extol the virtues of the popular person of the moment, like children in kindergarten (yes that is the correct spelling).

There are several hundred threads on this site. If somebody does not like this one, they can go somewhere else or start their own thread. They can label the thread "For wimps only." Slim and I will stay out so all the good little boys can make nice and pat each other on the back say sweet nice things to each other all day long, and get brain dead and bored out of their head in the process.

I will speak any launguage I want and I'll be damned if I apolgize to anyone for it. If that offends them, well they better just get over it! For those who can't speak it, well I am sorry for you, go back to school. I would never ask somebody not to speak any language in a Forum. Did it ever occur to anybody that they might learn something?

My hat is off the Mike and Slim. They have brains and balls, even if I don't agree with them. They can give as good as they get. We need more MEN like them.

And nobody should expect me to lay idle while they insult me, like ViceKid. You throw a rock at me and I will come back at you with a cannon.
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Here, here Slim!
You go right ahead and offend all you want. If anybody can't take it, tough shit. Lay it on baby!

I guess we should all sit around, join hands, and sing cum-bay-ah. Not for me, how about you Slim?

The Forum is supposed to be a place for un-inhibited debate, I don't give a damn who is "offended." Or is this a charm school for genteel young ladies?

The mushiness, the compliments ad nauseum, are not intellectually stimulating, in the least. The wishy washy and the mealy mouthed imbisils would have us reduced to shear boredom and use our breath only to extol the virtues of the popular person of the moment, like children in kindergarten (yes that is the correct spelling).

There are several hundred threads on this site. If somebody does not like this one, they can go somewhere else or start their own thread. They can label the thread "For wimps only." Slim and I will stay out so all the good little boys can make nice and pat each other on the back say sweet nice things to each other all day long, and get brain dead and bored out of their head in the process.

I will speak any launguage I want and I'll be damned if I apolgize to anyone for it. If that offends them, well they better just get over it! For those who can't speak it, well I am sorry for you, go back to school. I would never ask somebody not to speak any language in a Forum. Did it ever occur to anybody that they might learn something?

My hat is off the Mike and Slim. They have brains and balls, even if I don't agree with them. They can give as good as they get. We need more MEN like them.

And nobody should expect me to lay idle while they insult me, like ViceKid. You throw a rock at me and I will come back at you with a cannon.

I want to post on "For Wimps Only" too.