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Rate the last film(s) you've watched but(Please don't spoil!!!)


Well-known Member
Oct 7, 2012
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland

Hiya Guys/Girls,

Hope everyone is having a lovely day,
Anyways, its an old idea I've seen in other forums, and i liked.
Its basically:
Adding a film(s) post(pic) you've seen last(recently) and rating it out of 10 i.e. 7/10
Its a lovely idea, we can see members opinion on recent or old films.
But please don't spoil, or u can write events in a film in an invisible colour(Black or whatever).

For instance, the latest film I've seen was:


6.5/10 the trailer was a big spoiler.

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I saw "42". It gets a 10/10. Can't spoil it because everyone knows or should know the story.

As an aside, I would go to no movie featuring Paul Walker, a rabid homophobe. That's just my way and am in no way casting aspersions on anyone who does so.
Fast and Furious 6 8/10
After Earth 5/10 this movie could have bbeen better than it was
Great idea, James. Thanks for adding the non-spoilers rule as I tend to get behind on movies and wouldn't want to stumble on spoilers even from "old" movies.

Last movie, I saw was "The Host" and I give it a 5/10 because it was an average movie but with good actors.
It won't take long before the no spoilers rule get's broken I'm afraid. I mean, look at the Liberace film ok, we've already had a thread about it but it doesn't get released to the rest of the world for weeks.
It won't take long before the no spoilers rule get's broken I'm afraid. I mean, look at the Liberace film ok, we've already had a thread about it but it doesn't get released to the rest of the world for weeks.
I don't think that any of us in America had any idea that it was to be shown at a later date in Europe
and elsewhere. :angel:

It's stuff like this that gives us a bad reputation.


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It won't take long before the no spoilers rule get's broken I'm afraid. I mean, look at the Liberace film ok, we've already had a thread about it but it doesn't get released to the rest of the world for weeks.
If you hadn't made such a big fuss when we wanted our freedom, maybe you would have already seen it by now. lol
I just saw Behind the Candelabra the other evening and I give an 8/10. The story was good but the acting was superb in my opinion.
I just watched Magic Mike last night and didn't think it was as bad as most people say it is. My score: 6/10
joninliverton: Well i hope nobody spoils it, if anyone wants to discuss a film he can use black colour or any invisible colour,
Milla79 : Aww ta mates
If you hadn't made such a big fuss when we wanted our freedom, maybe you would have already seen it by now. lol

For once I am speechless lol. All American made films are premiered a few months ahead of their UK premier. It's so we get time to add English subtitles ha ha
Can anyone give me a review or opinion on the latest Star Trek film? (Without major spoilers of course)
Star Trek Into Darkness

Can anyone give me a review or opinion on the latest Star Trek film? (Without major spoilers of course)

I rather liked the film (saw it at an IMAX in 3D).

The Director, J.J. Abrams, is well known for delivering a good action adventure with booms and bangs. He does not fail to do so here.

There is a great cast with Chris Pine (Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), along with the rest of the crew of the Enterprise from the first film of the rebooted Star Trek franchise. The villain is played by the always watchable Benedict Cumberbatch. There is also a very special cameo appearance by Leonard Nimoy.

Abrams feels free to beg, borrow and steal good stuff from the earlier Star Trek versions; but, if this does not bother you, then you will enjoy it.

I was glad I saw it.

Should not be an spoilers there.
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