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Racism in the Porn Industry?


Active Member
May 25, 2015
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Hello Gang!

Yesterday, I was reminiscing about a couple of my favorite models Damien Kyle and Paul Canon. I knew some time ago after Broke Straight Boys, they got together. But I was researching to see what they were up to now (kind of thing). And I saw some time of petition to band them from the gay porn industry because of some derogatory racial statements they have made on there social media. and apparently, people are signing it. And they made some real bad comments concerning Kaden Alexander on Broke Straight Boys I hope its not true. We have enough discrimination in society.

I understand that everyone have their personal preference, when it comes to sexual and physical attractions. I'm an African American guy who's attracted more to white and latino but if I met a real nice guy of another race, I would consider a date. :)

But I do think people can be civil and respectful when declining someone because they aren't attracted to them and do a character assassination on them.

What are you thought my Broke Straight Boys friends. I'm a pretty open guy when it comes to this subject.

I do want to thank the Broke Straight Boys staff for having variety and diversity on this site. It does make it interesting. :)
Hello Gang!

Yesterday, I was reminiscing about a couple of my favorite models Damien Kyle and Paul Canon. I knew some time ago after Broke Straight Boys, they got together. But I was researching to see what they were up to now (kind of thing). And I saw some time of petition to band them from the gay porn industry because of some derogatory racial statements they have made on there social media. and apparently, people are signing it. And they made some real bad comments concerning Kaden Alexander on Broke Straight Boys I hope its not true. We have enough discrimination in society.

I understand that everyone have their personal preference, when it comes to sexual and physical attractions. I'm an African American guy who's attracted more to white and latino but if I met a real nice guy of another race, I would consider a date. :)

But I do think people can be civil and respectful when declining someone because they aren't attracted to them and do a character assassination on them.

What are you thought my Broke Straight Boys friends. I'm a pretty open guy when it comes to this subject.

I do want to thank the Broke Straight Boys staff for having variety and diversity on this site. It does make it interesting. :)

I know for a fact that most of that shit written about them is just that "shit". I've actually been friends with Damien Kyle for a couple of years and he doesn't nor Paul have a prejudice bone in their bodies. Now they may have a preference in what type of guys they sleep with but so do I and everyone else right? Paul and Kaden Alexander are really friends so that rumor is bullshit.
I know for a fact that most of that shit written about them is just that "shit". I've actually been friends with Damien Kyle for a couple of years and he doesn't nor Paul have a prejudice bone in their bodies. Now they may have a preference in what type of guys they sleep with but so do I and everyone else right? Paul and Kaden Alexander are really friends so that rumor is bullshit.
Thank You Peter. That was thrown so out of proportion. I follow both boy's on Facebook and Twitter. And that is so much shit.
They might have said who and what they prefer.Well don't we all prefer different things? Nobody writes about it.
We like what we like. Paul who seems to be working a lot. Latest scene on Men.com He is fucked by a very Beautiful Black guy.
He has turned into a Great actor OR looked like he was enjoying himself too me.
yes there is racism in porn. it is explained in terms of personal preference. however, most sites explain this in terms of viewer preference. Sometimes taking the lead is the role of media and not sticking to the biases of the public.
I am of the opinion that exclusion based upon race is racist.
This topic comes up every few months here and I so disagree with the premise, especially today in regard to what is going on in the news in Charlotte and in Tulsa and in so many places in our country. Those are real cases of racism and profiling and prejudice. This is a porn site where different folks get boners watching different types of guys. Spencer and Conner were both very popular models here but I was never aroused by either, as I am not turned on by red heads. Does this make me prejudiced against people with red hair? I don't think so. It's just that guys with red hair and freckles, or very hairy guys, or older guys, or fat guys are not my type sexually. I seriously think that folks are confusing two separate issues.
Originally, I wasn't going to weigh in on this particular thread discussion but, I do want to offer my perspective, opinion and point of view:blush: First of all, I totally respect the position other's have taken in their comments. When I look at my own sexual preferences regarding people according to "race" I realized that, while I'm not sexually attracted to men of my race.....back in my younger and sexually ambiguous days, I slept with just as many White woman as I did Black woman and never gave thought to the fact that they were black or white? They were merely woman with whom I had a relationship with which ended in sex! I think up to the point where I was able to understand and appreciate sexual attraction for men that I preferred, who seemed to have features I found attractive, black men, dark skinned men in general were not among them! So, if this means I'm a racist.....then I guess I'll have to live with that distinction.
If I were a younger man seeking a career in the porn industry, I might see things from a different perspective. Like any job market, there is a lot of competition as well as racial and gender barriers no doubt! But from a consumer of pornographic adult entertainment, I choose the sites with the content that pleases me the best based solely on my sexual desires. Again, if that constitutes a racist inclination, then I will live with that:porn:
If I were a younger man seeking a career in the porn industry, I might see things from a different perspective. Like any job market, there is a lot of competition as well as racial and gender barriers no doubt!
Being that sexual taste is so compartmentalized, I would think that a young man applying for a job in porn would check out the various sites and find one that seems to feature men of his type, be that a twink site, or a bear site or one that specializes in Asians or Caucasians or African Americans, and apply to work on a site where his type is most popular. That would seem to be the easiest path to getting hired and being the most successful in the industry, in my opinion.
Color, race, religion, culture, socio-economic status, dick size, age, height (and weight proportional - as a negotiable preference) makes no difference to me. It is eyes first. Then ability to have a conversation a very close second. After that, chemistry is the only factor. Sometimes one just has to admit "There just ain't no cheese in the tunnel" so don't go there.

I recall a day (from old Grindr days) when a guy with whom I had great communications with on the site showed up and while he was beautiful, he was so shy his nut was not to be cracked. Actual conversation was difficult - for probably most grindr adventurers it is not a consideration cuz a "wham, bam, thank you, man" attitude is generally the expectation. Not so for me - and I make no apologies for that. If I can't discover any expectations from the person whom I am considering for a sexual encounter, I politely pass. So, the eyes drew me in, the body pulled at my desire but if the guy cannot reveal anything about himself, it is sayonara.

As Johnny already stated, Paul still has scenes coming out of Men and in a 3-some scene, he readily gives up his ass to a beautiful man who just happens to be black - and he gave Paul some real, apparent pleasure. Didn't catch any sort of signal that it was nothing but pure mutual pleasure.
Breaking my own cardinal rule here, but I am going to weigh in on this subject. Briefly...

My feeling is that this subject, in the context of porn and the models who get paid to fuck, should be completely separated from the subject of personal taste in real life.

In real life whom I fuck and the reasons for or against attraction are personal and subjective. I'm not attracted to women, does that make me a homophobe? I've never been with a black man, am I a racist because the opportunity has never presented itself? I'd say no to both, others might not.

Were I a porn model, male or female, to a large extent personal taste should play no role in whom one gets paid to fuck. Whether that taste is race, hair length, eye color, etc. When a porn model refuses on the basis of race it is racism, pure and simple. They aren't paid to 'be attracted' to one another, every day on Twitter one can find reasons a model didn't enjoy a scene partner; hairy, too big, not their type. But they do their scene, make it look incredible and go home.

"I'm not attracted to black men/women" simply isn't valid on a porn set, it's passive racism.

On the subject of Paul Canon and Damien Kyle, I think what you actually see is one boyfriend getting caught up in the other's issues, making some stupid statements in an effort to protect and help his partner. In doing so I think Paul got painted far more harshly than the Damian. I think you might find that Paul is a far different person without Damien Kyle in his life

As always this is all just a mash=up of my opinions.