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Questions for eveyone


Aug 25, 2009
Reaction score
Summer in MN Winter NC
Are u gay or bi gay here
Where are u from???
I live spend my summers in Duluth,mn and winters in charlotte,nc but 90% is over the road as I'm a full time truck driver

Have u met any of the models yet???
Nope not me bummer

How long u been with this site
on and off for about 5 months

Where do u see yourself in five years
Out here on the road working makeing sure u have food in your fridge

Are u happy with our current presdent
Yes I think he's doing a good job

What are your hobbies
MMA,Auto Racing,Hockey,Football,MLB

Welcome to the forum Dirtnut!

I'm gay.
I'm from Ohio.
Haven't met any models yet. :banghead:
I've been on the site for about a year.
In 5 years or less, hopefully I'm in the relationship of my dreams.
I think the president is doing a good job under the circumstances.
Hobbies include the Broke Straight Boys forum LOL, going to the beach, MLB, reading, and travelling. I'm also a bit of a CNN junkie. Trying to cut back. LOL

Dirtnut, you didn't say if you were gay, bi, or try. :001_smile:
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I'm From Texas
I haven't met any models yet
I've been on this site since it's creation lol
Sorry I can't see myself that far
I'm getting tired of him already
Hobbies are: Hmmm, you got me on that one
hey there Dirtnut, welcome to the forum.

Well I am gay

I am from Auckland, New Zealand. It is called the City of Sails.

Living all the way down here I haven't met any of the models, though I am planning a trip to the Us next year....so here's hoping.:booty:

I think I have been with the site since April this year...well it is there or there abouts.

In 5 years I see myself as the same happy and positive guy I am now, with a little more wisdom and a few more battle scars.
Remember that yesterday is the tomorrow you worried about the day before yesterday. There are far too many tomorrows in the next 5 years, not gonna think too far ahead just live life to the full where ever it leads me.

Well our Prime Minister is John Key and I don't rate him in the same way I did Helen Clark.....but he is only new into the position so we will give him a chance. I do like what I have seen of Obama so far though.

My hobbies are playing Rugby, I shoot some hoops now and again, Archery, Pool, taking to the snow at this time of year on Mount Ruapehu (one of NZ's many volcanoes). Of course hanging with my mates and enjoying the fact that you are never more than 40 miles from a beach in New Zealand.
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Haha just checked my join date and it is January ....lol...didn't realise it had been that long. Doesn't time fly when you are having fun:w00t:
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Where are u from???
Born and still live in Brooklyn, New York. Except for four years at college in upstate New York, I have always lived here.

Have u met any of the models yet???
No, but I would like to meet Logan and Tyler, and Shane too.

How long u been with this site
I just checked my profile page. It says I joined October 24, 2008.

Where do u see yourself in five years
Not too sure, possibly approaching retirement, but I kind of let every day take care of itself, and not plan too far in advance.

Are u happy with our current president
Absolutely. I find it interesting how the ultra right wing is trying so hard to "demonize' the man. They would rather see him fail, and fuck the US, all for their party.

What are your hobbies
Following sports, Yankees baseball, Giants football, Duke Blue Devils college basketball, classic rock music, (from "my time"), listening to Howard Stern on Sirius/XM satellite radio. I also like porn, lately Broke Straight Boys, but also reading stories on Nifty.org. I enjoy seeing visual images too, but my favorite way to "get off" is reading stories, hopefully true, or good fiction about young straight guys usually getting head from gay men, or another straight guy. That is why this site is so cool to me, as it taps right into my fetish scene.
I am that I am. I just consider myself a sexual being. I guess I am more trysexual than anything. I will try just about anything with humans, angels, or aliens(only if they are cute) once if I like it I am likely to try again. However, I guess the term bisexual fits best.

I am from Pennsylavnia.

I have met two models in person.

I have been amember of this site for about a year and a half on Broke Straight Boys and about eleven months on the Forum give or take a day or two.

I see myself in business for myself helping others help themselves.

I do not necessarily agreee with all of the things the President has done to date. However; overall I am quite pleased with the President. He inheritted quite a mess to pull us out of. It took about 20 years of bad decision making to get us where we are today. I think he is doing a great job of taking the bull by the horns and meeting the everyday challengeds head on... LOL No, pun was intended...

I love the martial arts, I love studying metaphysical theology and sociology, Reiki and other forms of energy medicine, and I love oriental medicine and auupuncture, action and scifi movies, camping/gardening (spending time in nature.) I like hockey and olimpic/international wresteling, I love to discover new things.:thumbup:
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I couldn't be gayer if my name were Gay McGaygay
Hull, Massachusetts, originally but now I'm trapped in Phoenix, AZ...
Never met any of the pornsters either...
Three and a half years with one short hiatus...
God no...
Internet, reading, writing, making soap operas with a bunch of Bratz Boyz dollz and a digital camera...

Summerland, MS

no models yet, but hope to fix that over decadence

3-4 months on here

in 5 years i hope my new business is doing well and that i am a household name in Performance automotive shops

No to the president

and my hobbies are building and racing drag race and high performance street cars. most any sports, and have a few cows and horses to keep fed

Summerland, MS

no models yet, but hope to fix that over decadence

3-4 months on here

in 5 years i hope my new business is doing well and that i am a household name in Performance automotive shops

No to the president

and my hobbies are building and racing drag race and high performance street cars. most any sports, and have a few cows and horses to keep fed

What about circle track racing I love anything on dirt it always a goodtime
Where are u from???
Born and still live in Brooklyn, New York. Except for four years at college in upstate New York, I have always lived here.

Have u met any of the models yet???
No, but I would like to meet Logan and Tyler, and Shane too.

How long u been with this site
I just checked my profile page. It says I joined October 24, 2008.

Where do u see yourself in five years
Not too sure, possibly approaching retirement, but I kind of let every day take care of itself, and not plan too far in advance.

Are u happy with our current president
Absolutely. I find it interesting how the ultra right wing is trying so hard to "demonize' the man. They would rather see him fail, and fuck the US, all for their party.

What are your hobbies
Following sports, Yankees baseball, Giants football, Duke Blue Devils college basketball, classic rock music, (from "my time"), listening to Howard Stern on Sirius/XM satellite radio. I also like porn, lately Broke Straight Boys, but also reading stories on Nifty.org. I enjoy seeing visual images too, but my favorite way to "get off" is reading stories, hopefully true, or good fiction about young straight guys usually getting head from gay men, or another straight guy. That is why this site is so cool to me, as it taps right into my fetish scene.

Big fan of stern but I feel like he's got on foot out the door already, feels like he dont care about us product anymore but also injoy bubba and O and A

Yankees's suck lol go Twins
I am that I am. I just consider myself a sexual being. I guess I am more trysexual than anything. I will try just about anything with humans, angels, or aliens(only if they are cute) once if I like it I am likely to try again. However, I guess the term bisexual fits best.

I am from Pennsylavnia.

I have met two models in person.

I have been amember of this site for about a year and a half on Broke Straight Boys and about eleven months on the Forum give or take a day or two.

I see myself in business for myself helping others help themselves.

I do not necessarily agreee with all of the things the President has done to date. However; overall I am quite pleased with the President. He inheritted quite a mess to pull us out of. It took about 20 years of bad decision making to get us where we are today. I think he is doing a great job of taking the bull by the horns and meeting the everyday challengeds head on... LOL No, pun was intended...

I love the martial arts, I love studying metaphysical theology and sociology, Reiki and other forms of energy medicine, and I love oriental medicine and auupuncture, action and scifi movies, camping/gardening (spending time in nature.) I like hockey and olimpic/international wresteling, I love to discover new things.:thumbup:


U fan of the UFC??? and tell us about your experince with meeting the boys???

U fan of the UFC??? and tell us about your experince with meeting the boys???

I like the UFC although I am not a huge fan...

Derek, and I talked the most. I think I already shared about them. I saw Johnny in passing he was busy flirting most of the night. Derek shared that modeling was kind of more or less his father's idea. He even told me his family did not have much of an issue wioth him doing the shoots.

The other guy I met was JR. He was really enjoying the attention. He said that johnny and Derek all went to the same high school so they all kind of knew each other. JR was pretty flirtacious.

All of the models seemed pretty open and warm personality wise. Glenda the drag queen really worked their nerves. I was invited back stage with the guys by Patrick but to kind of keep peace I kept to a neutral location... My bust I know. Truthfully it was the first time I had been in the bar since it opened. I had known the owners for years. They were very willing to host the event but they were quite upset with me that I did not patronize the bar more frequently. Although they are aware I have bad allergies to cigarette smoke. They even made a no smoking area in the bar a few weeks before the event. They are back to being a full time smoking bar.

Unfortunately I had to work until 8pm the day they came in and at at 6:30am the next day so I did not get to go and visit the guys at their rooms later or the next day. I really wanted to have more time to meet the guys kind of like Jayce and Markymark did. :blushing:
Are u gay or bi
Where are u from???
-northern VA, just outside Washington DC

Have u met any of the models yet???

How long u been with this site
-a very long time

Where do u see yourself in five years
-i don't know where i see myself tomorrow

Are u happy with our current presdent
-for the most part

What are your hobbies
-MUSIC, writing, reading books and comics, MUSIC
I guess I would say I'm bi.

Born in NJ, was there a year, then to Atlanta for about 5 years, Miami Beach for 12 and have been in Raleigh since '84

No meet and greets yet...something to look forward to....

Been on the forum since November and the site maybe a month or so sooner.

Hopefully an early retirement and traveling.

Was terrified at first and now am angry. I would love to go to a town hall meeting to talk with my congressman and be part of the 'angry mob'. There was a letter by Janet Contreras read on Glenn Beck on 6/17 which is 100% how I feel. If you have 10-12 minutes, please take a look/listen. Here's the links (it's in two parts):

Tae Kwon Do when my body permits, gardening and cooking
I guess I would say I'm bi.

Born in NJ, was there a year, then to Atlanta for about 5 years, Miami Beach for 12 and have been in Raleigh since '84

No meet and greets yet...something to look forward to....

Been on the forum since November and the site maybe a month or so sooner.

Hopefully an early retirement and traveling.

Was terrified at first and now am angry. I would love to go to a town hall meeting to talk with my congressman and be part of the 'angry mob'. There was a letter by Janet Contreras read on Glenn Beck on 6/17 which is 100% how I feel. If you have 10-12 minutes, please take a look/listen. Here's the links (it's in two parts):

Tae Kwon Do when my body permits, gardening and cooking

Wow, if that speech doesn't get your knickers in an uproar what will? I agree with 90% of that and it scares me too. Gov't is getting too big. We should never have bailed out the banks and mortgage companies nor the big three automotive companies. They have seen this coming for too long. Banks made the bad debt knowingly. If we had not financed the bailouts they would have been forced to refinance foreclosures at more affordable rates instead of throwing out families. It would have been a win for both sides. We don't care what the impact on the global economy or the immediate stock holders would have been. Gov't bail outs do not work. During the Clinton administration we had finally paid down the national debt. We were close to saving social security. Then GWB steps in and says look at this cash surplus. Lets give it all back we don't need it. So, then there is nothing left over for a rainy day. Then we go to war. Suddenly, we could have used that cash surplus. Oh, well...LOL :)

The big three automotive companies could have closed there doors restructured and emerged as one company stronger and more innovative than before... Another opportunity missed by a bail out. Sure the economy would suffer. We are so used to living on credit many of people struggle to live within their means. We need to stop borrowing and start collecting. Several countries owe America for lending them money to build infra structures and supporting their banking. Now about the only legal way to make large sums of money is to win the lottery or take a seat on the Broke Straight Boys futon... LOL.
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Wow, if that speech doesn't get your knickers in an uproar what will? I agree with 90% of that and it scares me too. Gov't is getting too big. We should never have bailed out the banks and mortgage companies nor the big three automotive companies. They have seen this coming for too long. Banks made the bad debt knowingly. If we had not financed the bailouts they would have been forced to refinance foreclosures at more affordable rates instead of throwing out families. It would have been a win for both sides. We don't care what the impact on the global economy or the immediate stock holders would have been. Gov't bail outs do not work. During the Clinton administration we had finally paid down the national debt. We were close to saving social security. Then GWB steps in and says look at this cash surplus. Lets give it all back we don't need it. So, then there is nothing left over for a rainy day. Then we go to war. Suddenly, we could have used that cash surplus. Oh, well...LOL :)

The big three automotive companies could have closed there doors restructured and emerged as one company stronger and more innovative than before... Another opportunity missed by a bail out. Sure the economy would suffer. We are so used to living on credit many of people struggle to live within their means. We need to stop borrowing and start collecting. Several countries owe America for lending them money to build infra structures and supporting their banking. Now about the only legal way to make large sums of money is to win the lottery or take a seat on the Broke Straight Boys futon... LOL.

Jayman -
Regarding the bailouts, that's one of the reasons I loved the video....something like: ...'tear it off like a bandaid, quick and painful'. I thought we lived in a free market?!? The one thing that scares me is the czars...being able to fire the CEO of a company (not the elected Board or the owners (shareholders)! Then replacing the CEO and over 1/2 the Board (to Union folk...got to give some payback!). Then the primary holders of debt, the bond holders, are passed over to ensure the unions are okay (some more payback).

The things I see on Glenn Beck gets my blood up at times. And yes, I also listen to a lot of talk radio...I'm one of those kind of people. My favorite is Neal Boortz, a libertarian out of Atlanta. You can listen to him online from 9a - 1p. He co-wrote 'The Fair Tax' book. Love the idea, but it doesn't have a chance. The government is too big and will not give up the power.
Jayman -
Regarding the bailouts, that's one of the reasons I loved the video....something like: ...'tear it off like a bandaid, quick and painful'. I thought we lived in a free market?!? The one thing that scares me is the czars...being able to fire the CEO of a company (not the elected Board or the owners (shareholders)! Then replacing the CEO and over 1/2 the Board (to Union folk...got to give some payback!). Then the primary holders of debt, the bond holders, are passed over to ensure the unions are okay (some more payback).

The things I see on Glenn Beck gets my blood up at times. And yes, I also listen to a lot of talk radio...I'm one of those kind of people. My favorite is Neal Boortz, a libertarian out of Atlanta. You can listen to him online from 9a - 1p. He co-wrote 'The Fair Tax' book. Love the idea, but it doesn't have a chance. The government is too big and will not give up the power.
I hear you...